Machine Learning Online Courses

Learn Machine Learning in a hands-on manner by building projects. Use tools and techniques popular in Machine Learning to develop skills through online tutorials developed by experts. Join students from 67 countries who are learning Machine Learning in this exciting way! You also get 1-1 doubt clarification sessions from experts to help you during your course. Free Demo available for all Machine Learning Online Courses. Select a topic below to start.

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Machine Learning (Career Building Course)

Machine Learning (Career Building Course)


Learn & develop the skills needed for an exciting career in Machine Learning

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Fraud Detection using Machine Learning

Fraud Detection using Machine Learning


Develop a machine learning project to detect credit card fraudulent transactions

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Machine Learning using Python

Machine Learning using Python


Develop a machine learning project on house price prediction using Python

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Movie Recommendation using ML

Movie Recommendation using ML


Develop an ML model to recommend movie titles based on the user's viewing history

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Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML

Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML


Use deep learning & neural network to predict the handwritten digits using MNIST dataset

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Brain Tumor Detection using Deep Learning

Brain Tumor Detection using Deep Learning


Use deep learning & neural networks to predict the brain tumor with Tensorflow and Keras

starts from
Machine Learning Training & Internship

Machine Learning Training & Internship


Start from zero, develop skills & end with an internship in Machine Learning

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FAQs on Machine Learning Online Course:

    Who can take up this course?

    Candidates who want to become Data Scientists or Big Data Analysts can take up this course. Fresh graduates who want to pursue a career in machine learning and artificial intelligence can also take up this course. Even though our courses come with a few prescribed categories, anyone can take up this course.

    Once I’m done with the course, will I still be able to access the tutorials and videos?

    Yes, you can. These videos and tutorials are accessible for a lifetime. You can also use these videos as future references too.

    What kind of certification will I be awarded after the completion of the course?

    You will be awarded a Smart Certificate upon successful completion of your course. This Certificate can be verified by anyone and anywhere in the world.

    What is Machine Learning(ML) Course?

    Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that uses topics such as Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning. This also includes the development of software and algorithm that processes past data inputs to deliver precise outputs. This imitates problem-solving and decision-making methods like that of a human. Machine Learning Course subjects typically include Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Natural Language Processing, and Deep Learning to name a few.

    How can I teach myself Machine Learning?

    The internet is flooded with many free online programs and courses that teach you everything you need to know in machine learning. These courses cover everything from basics to advances that will help you learn and implement ML algorithms by yourself. You can start by learning a computer language preferably Python. Machine learning does require some amount of coding. You could also read books related to machine learning and also refer to online tutorials. You can also enroll in a machine learning course for beginners online too.

    Is Machine Learning Hard?

    It is not. Machine learning may look impossible in the beginning but it's not. Even though most of the advanced machine learning tools seem hard to use and require software engineering, and sophisticated knowledge of advanced mathematics, and statistics, as a beginner if you master the basics of the tools you’re good to go.

    How fast can I learn Machine Learning?

    Typically it takes anywhere from 4 to 6 months to complete a machine learning course. But to master the skilled post a course it would take you 3 months to 6 years max. This is also heavily dependent on your education and exposure to programming languages, mathematics, statistics, and other concepts related to AI.

    Is Machine Learning a good career?

    It most definitely is. Machine learning has found its way into most industries. From fashion and apparel to the healthcare industry, machine learning is now becoming a tool that helps experts gather and process information from the past through datasets, feature loops, software, and algorithms to predict the future. All of these industries are constantly looking out for skilled personnel to gather this prediction for them. This directly translates into numerous job opportunities for many. This is a field that is growing exponentially and comes with several promising career and job opportunities. This advantageous market is said to grow from 21.17 billion dollars in 2022 to 209.91 billion dollars by 2029. Machine Learning jobs have seen a 75% rise in the last four years. The funding in this field for research and development has also increased at a rapid rate. This simply means that the industry is looking for experts who can deliver better insights, datasets, and results efficiently.

    Does Machine Learning Require Coding?

    It does. If you plan on developing a successful career in Artificial Intelligence, then yes. You will need proper knowledge of software development and programming too.

    Do Computer Vision Courses with online classes help?

    Yes, it does. While applying for a machine learning intro course online, make sure that you get access to software and tools too or at least the course includes the softwares and tools required for Machine Learning. There are many programs and courses offline too. But that will require you to spend a huge amount of money and sit in a class where you’re not going to have to learn along with others. The best way, given the present scenario, is to learn through online courses and classes with the help of tools, techniques, and softwares that are handed over to you directly through the course.

    How do I clear my doubts?

    Once you've enrolled in our course our experts will help you out with your doubts and queries by simply scheduling a chat with us. Further on we will assign one of our experts to have a live one-on-one session where you can clear your doubts in real-time.

    What do I get in these fees?

    This Fee will give you:

    • Open-source software access and guidance.
    • Course manual and content material.
    • Charges for support and shipping.

    Why should I take up this course at Skyfi labs?

    There are plenty of free online courses on the internet that give you basic information about the course. Here at Skyfi Labs we help a student not just build a successful portfolio but also get them job-ready with the best curriculum. Our Computer Vision courses include project-based learning modules along with Software that is industrial grade. All our courses at Skyfi Labs come with a hands-on approach to learning skills. This is a venture by an IIT Kanpur Alumni. We have successfully trained 2,50000+ students from across 30 countries around the world. Most of them have come out with success stories and have forged tremendous career paths with our learning.

    How do I get in touch with you?

    We love emails! Do get in touch with us via mail at or call us on our Toll-free: 18001237177 (10 AM -9 P.M.; Mon-Sat).

About Machine-Learning Classes at Skyfi Labs

Machine Learning is an integral branch of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. This is an interesting branch that is focused on gathering data and implementing algorithms that almost imitate problem-solving and decision-making capabilities like that of the human mind. Machine Learning heavily relies on the use of many self-learning algorithms that process data and predict outcomes from the derived knowledge.

Machine Learning is widely used in the field of Data Analytics. This helps experts derive exact predictions based on the insights and trends that are gathered. One notable example of Machine Learning is the data that is collected from Self-Driving Cars that further on help in improving road and vehicle safety and the prevention of accidents.

Watching these forecasts, Skyfi Labs has put together several courses that include industry-oriented projects and curriculum. These Machine Learning online courses involves several practical concepts like using past banking data to track and understand fraudulent credit card activity, movie recommendations using Python, deciphering hand-written data with deep learning, neural networks, and TensorFlow and Keras library. The health and medical industry has also seen an increased application of Machine Learning. For this, we have a specialized medical project-based course on the Detection of Brain Tumor.

Here’s what you get with the online Machine Learning Training courses:

  • You have complete access to industrial-grade software that comes along with the course. These sets of software along with the recorded tutorials are designed and intended to give you a first-hand experience in Machine Learning and what it's like in the field.
  • Career Building courses. Along with software and project-oriented courses, you can also opt for career-oriented courses that skill you in important areas of Machine Learning.
  • 100% online. The courses come with complete online classes that let you learn everything you need to in the comfort of your home. These courses are also self-paced which means you can learn and skill yourself at your own pace. The online ML course is filled with engaging multimedia content too.
  • Smart Certificates: Now you need not go running around to get your certificates or to attest them either. Upon the competition of the course, you will be awarded Smart Certificates. These Smart Certificates can be verified by anyone anywhere around the world.
Often the terms ‘Deep Learning’ and ‘Machine Learning are used interchangeably. Although the two may have similar functions; Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning. Deep learning eliminates the need for human intervention and the feature extraction piece here is mostly automated. It is considered ‘scalable machine learning. Whereas Machine Learning or the ‘Non-Deep’ Learning is one where human intervention is involved to an extent. This part of Artificial Intelligence is one where vast amounts of structured data are required. Experts then decide the difference between data inputs.

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