National Aeromodelling Competition 2024-25 - Zonal Round Problem Statement.
Through the screening of Abstract of Design, its explanation, and pictures (given in subsequent paragraphs).
The zonal events will be conducted in 4 IITs, namely:
Participants can register the team to participate only in the zones based on the location of their college. See in subsequent paragraphs.
The Participants will bring their aircraft and all necessary equipment to participate.
Top 3 teams from each zonal round will be invited to the national finals at RVCE, Bengaluru.
Team (composition defined later) is responsible for designing and operating a radio-controlled aircraft (more details on the aircraft specification in the Design Constraints Section).
The goal of the aircraft is to carry as much payload as possible compared to its own weight and deliver it in a specified zone.
The payload will be golf balls: Weight of 45g; Diameter of 43 mm
Payload will be supplied by the organizers during the competition.
The arena will be an open ground.
There will be two rounds in the zonal competition.
A. Qualifier Round - to select the top 30 teams for the Main Round
B. Main Round - to select the top 3 teams to participate in Finals to be held at RVCE Bengaluru
The qualifier round’s objective is to select those 30 teams who:
The aircraft should carry the payload for a minimum of 30 seconds.
The payload should be carried inside the aircraft and not exposed externally.
Judges will examine the aircraft and allow the take-off only when satisfied with the payload mounting mechanism.
A maximum time of 3 minutes will be given between the takeoff and the landing, and the aircraft should complete the round within the time limit.
Score = Weight of Payload Carried * 100 / Weight of Aircraft without Payload
Team with Aircraft that cannot fly for 30 seconds with the payload will get a 0 score.
Only aircraft that demonstrate safe flying with payload in the Qualifier Round will be allowed to participate in the main round.
Each team will get 2 attempts, and the best of the two will be the team's final score.
From the Qualifier Round, based on the score, the top 30 teams will qualify for the Main Round.
Reimbursement: Along with qualification to the next round, qualifying teams will get a reimbursement of INR 5000 per team towards material costs for their models. The qualifying team must share the bank account details that belong to one of the team members.
The aircraft should carry payload of independent golf balls and drop them in a circular drop zone of 20m diameter.
The drop should be performed after a minimum flight time of 30 seconds after take-off.
All the payloads in/on the aircraft should be released in a single drop.
The payloads should fall as independent objects and should not be joined together as one bigger payload (sticking them together or dropping a box with multiple payloads in it etc. is not allowed).
The entire payload should be released using only one channel in the transmitter.
The drop zone is at 40m from the take-off and landing zone.
Score = Weight of Payload Dropped in the zone * 100 / Weight of Aircraft without Payload
Each team gets 2 attempts in the main round. The best score of the two will be considered as the Main round Score.
A maximum time of 3 minutes will be given between the takeoff and the landing in each attempt. The aircraft should complete the drop and land within the time limit.
Final Score = (0.25 x Score in Qualifier Round) + (0.75 x Score in Main Round)
Top 3 teams with the highest final score will be declared as winners of the Zonal.
If there is a tie, the winner will be decided by a separate round framed by the Judges on the spot. Judges' decisions would be considered final in all cases.
Winning Top 3 teams will be invited to RVCE Bengaluru for the finals.
The problem statement for the final round will be launched in Feb 2025.
Your team can participate only in the zones based on the location of your college/school as defined below:
Any revisions to the Scope of the Competition would be intimated to all the participants via registered email, and the same would be updated on the websites of the respective technical festivals.