Tricopters very nearly achieve the mechanical complexity seen in present day helicopters. A Tricopter uses unique servomechanism to maneuver with only three odd rotors. It enjoys immense craze among aviation enthusiasts, because of its exceptional efficiency and emerging applicability!
Starting from the very basics, the Tricopter workshop provides students with hands-on experience in aeromodelling a radio-controlled Tricopter. The instructions given in the workshop are projected to encourage innovative working knowledge of modern aviation systems – the best engineering lesson yet!
A radio-controlled electric rotary-wing tricopter configured with all major components required to design a working drone or unmanned aerial vehicle
All the above components would be provided during the program to participants in groups of 5 but would be taken back at the end. This is being done to reduce the cost of the program and make it affordable for students who do not want to buy the take-away kit.
Take-away kit consists of all the above items excluding the items marked with *. Take-away kit can be purchased at the venue by paying an additional fee of ₹ 16,000
Participants have access to an exclusive online portal to:
Anybody interested in rotary-wing aircraft can attend this workshop.