Latest Projects Based on Electrical

The following projects are based on electrical. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using electrical.

1. Water Jet Cutting Tool

Water Jet Cutting Tool

Water jet cutting method is one of the material removal type of rapid prototyping technique (RPT) which is been widely used in the automotive and aerospace industry to produce the complex and precise shape on a metal with minimum time and least effort being used.

2. Generating Electricity From Sound Waves

Generating Electricity From Sound Waves

In today's world, we are facing scarcity of Electricity. Generally, in lots of places in INDIA and SOUTH AFRICA, some villages are not getting electricity. In that way, you might be thinking about the hydropower or wind or solar but there is something crazy about generating electricity through industrial machine sounds or sound produced by the crowd in stadium or vehicle traffic noise. Sounds cool right!

3. Vortex Type Bladeless Windmill

Vortex Type Bladeless Windmill

As you are well aware of the fact the natural energy is the need of future considering a small initiative by Government of India to supply electric current to every home in the country and supply it for 24 Hours, alternatives to hydropower, which credits natural energy its own importance in the market.

4. Perpendicular Wind Turbines

Perpendicular Wind Turbines

About the project

Perpendicular Wind Turbines. Rising sea levels and escalating pollution levels has generated worldwide interest and has given rise to new wind turbines designs.(Check out EWICON, Bladeless windmill)

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Latest Projects based on electrical
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2023-11-16

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