The following projects are based on mechanical. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using mechanical.
One of the most important factor, when you build anything is the material. Another important factor in civil engineering is cost. So, that the material should be economical. Soil or Earth is one of the cheaper material available nowadays.
A flock of birds can easily bring down a billion-dollar aircraft. You might have read some news like aircraft is halted or crash happened because of a bird strike. In the US alone there were 142,000 bird strikes happened between 1990 and 2013 which killed 24 people and destroyed 64 civilian aeroplanes.
Birds are not only affecting the aviation industry but also other fields like Agriculture, Marine docks, Football grounds, etc.
In this drone project, we will try to figure out a solution to the above-mentioned problems caused by birds. Nowadays drones gained huge popularity because of the following features such as manoeuvrability, easy to control, low manufacturing cost, etc.
Here we are going to implement drones to scare/control the birds by producing ultrasonic sounds (Bird repellant) without making any harm to the birds as well as the environment.
Sheet metal is one of the most common raw material used by manufacturing industries to make various components. It is a type of metal which is shaped into various components by cutting, punching, stamping and bending. Sheet metal is known for its durability and easy handling. Using sheet metal you can make low volume prototype and can execute the fabrication more effective for high volume production runs.
In this CAD project, you will use Autodesk Inventor to create a contour flange using sheet metal design concepts with the help of tools such as line, spline, arc, etc.
Solidworks is a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) software used to perform solid modelling. In this article, you will be introduced to various concepts such as part design, mechanism design, sheet metal and surface modelling.
Crowd control and monitoring is a difficult task for the police forces if the strength of the crowd is huge. Usually, the police will use tear gases to disperse the crowds in uncontrolled situations but during this process, the police might be injured to avoid such situations we can use the drone to control the crowds.
With the advancement in technologies, the usage of drones increased a lot. In this drone project, we will propose a solution to this problem.
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The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) in both military and commercial sectors have expanded greatly in recent years. The advancement in technologies paved a way for developing a single vehicle which is capable of working on both Air and underwater environment.
In this drone project, you are going to develop a fixed-wing drone that can able to fly like an aircraft and swim like a fish.
Drones are becoming more popular than ever due to their unimaginable applications and fascinating modifications. Along with their applications, the manufacturing cost of the drones also will increase. To overcome the above problem in this project idea, we are going to propose a solution. The best way to reduce the cost is by reducing the components used.
Modular drones are aerial vehicles which can be modified on the go. A single drone can be modified and used for various purposes. For example, you want the drone to capture high-quality videos - use an HD camera mod or you want to use the drone to convey information - fix the speaker mod or you want the drone to display something - attach the screen mod.
As we are advancing in technology it is necessary to find a newer method of energy generation with minimal damage to the environment. The wind is renewable source energy which will not pollute the environment. The energy generated from the wind almost fulfils the energy requirement of most of the households. But wind turbines have drawbacks like high implementation cost and difficulty in the transportation of components.
Airborne wind energy generation is the only solution to solve the problem. Here the turbine is placed airborne and the power generated is transmitted to the ground with the help of power cables. This saves a lot of cost in the implementation and transportation compared to the conventional wind turbine system.
In this aeronautical project, we are going to develop an airborne wind energy system using lighter than air aircraft.
ADAMS is a multi-body dynamics simulation software used by industries to test their product before manufacturing it. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to perform a simulation of Pick and Place robot in MSC ADAMS.
Robots created a revolution in the industry field by automating the manufacturing process and making the output fast. Pick and Place robot is one such robot which is used in industries like automobile, aerospace, embedded system, etc. to speed up the manufacturing process in the assembly line.
The Pick and Place robot have to withstand various loads on its joints and components while functioning. After manufacturing then testing the components will increase the production cost. So with the help of ADAMS multibody simulation software, we are going to simulate the model to find the loads acting on its joints.
Generating power from winds is the purest form of energy generation method when compared to other energy generation methods like thermal powerplant, nuclear power plant, etc. It also doesn’t affect the atmosphere by releasing harmful gases like Carbon dioxide or Carbon monoxide. But for generating electricity from the wind needs a huge setup such as blades, pillars, generators, etc. It also requires a lot of maintenance after the implementation. The cost of setting up the wind turbine is also very high.
In this aeronautical project idea, we will propose an innovative solution to generate electricity from the wind. We are going to develop an Airborne wind energy system to replace the traditional windmills.
Drones are the major innovation of this century which is widely used for various applications. They already proved their ability in various fields. Here we are going to use tethered drones to generate power from the wind. Here the drones are launched in the air and positioned at an altitude of 600-1000 feet. At this altitude, the turbulence of the wind will be less compared to the altitude where the conventional wind turbine is positioned.
Bluetooth is a wireless communication device used to transfer data from one device to another. It is the simplest way to transfer data using port addresses of the devices. Nowadays, Bluetooth is installed in every device and anyone uses it simply. Bluetooth with MATLAB is the new way of communicating efficiently between devices. We will use MATLAB on one side and Arduino on the other side.
In this MATLAB project, we will establish a secure connection between the different devices using these two tactics. Well, there are many ways to make the connection but we will see the simplest one.
Drones or Unmanned Aerial vehicles are used widely to do various things in fields like logistics, rescue, surveillance, inspection, and many more. More innovations are happening in the structure of the aerial vehicles to reduce the size of the aerial robot to make it more agile. Multirotors are more stable than fixed-wing but the size of the drone and the rotor positioning make it inaccessible in small areas.
In this drone project, we will try to implement biomimicry design in aerial robots to solve the structural issue in accessing small areas. Aerial transformation is one way to solve the problem. Here we are going to implement a biomimicry design similar to snake with the help of multi-link structure. This provides the ability of multi-degree of freedom aerial transformation.
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You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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