The following projects are based on dams. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using dams.
During rainy season,floods are very natural to occur. But if they occur heavily then problem will arise. Through this project you are going to build an automatic protection system for dams and reservoirs through IoT based water monitoring technique.
ADAMS is a software whose purpose is mechanical modeling in different areas. It is provided with typical car components and simulation situations. Each ADAMS program can be combined with useful modules and is used to analyze them much like physical prototypes and apply changes in them without creating them
ADAMS is a multi-body dynamics simulation software used by industries to test their product before manufacturing it. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to perform a simulation of Pick and Place robot in MSC ADAMS.
Robots created a revolution in the industry field by automating the manufacturing process and making the output fast. Pick and Place robot is one such robot which is used in industries like automobile, aerospace, embedded system, etc. to speed up the manufacturing process in the assembly line.
The Pick and Place robot have to withstand various loads on its joints and components while functioning. After manufacturing then testing the components will increase the production cost. So with the help of ADAMS multibody simulation software, we are going to simulate the model to find the loads acting on its joints.
ADAMS is a simulation software widely used by OEMs to test their product by performing various multi-body dynamic simulation to identify the errors and defects. This helps the manufactures to reduce the cost of production. In this tutorial, we will perform a simulation for IC Engine valve mechanism using MSC ADAMS software.
IC engine or Internal combustion engines are the prime movers of the automobile. It converts the heat into work thus the IC engine is also called heat engine. In order to increase the efficiency of the engine, the inlet and exhaust valves should open and close properly. Due to the rapid combustion process, the force exerted over the valve will be more. The actual force exerted over the valve will be difficult to calculate so ADAMS software is used to detect the force exerted on the valves.
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