
10 Simple Robot Operating System(ROS) Projects for Beginners

ROS (Robotics Operating System) is a framework that is used by techies and various companies across the world in the field of Automation and Robotics. ROS acts as an easy entry point for beginners in the robotics programming field. As you can see ROS plays a major role in the robotics and automation industry, getting hands-on experience on ROS will help you to secure a better career. 

So, How to develop knowledge of ROS? 

It is proven that project-based learning helps students to learn practically by connecting the theoretical concepts with real-world situations. Thus developing innovative projects on ROS during your academics will help you to understand the concepts more deeply. 

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Before diving in, let’s understand some basics

What is a Robot?

A Robot is any system that perceives data or information from the surrounding environment using sensors and makes decisions by processing the gathered data with the help of algorithms and computations and finally execute the commands using actuators. 

But the problem here is, the actuators and sensors used are not ideal and create great uncertainty in the system. To solve this problem we need a bridge between actuators and sensors. It is something a decision process or a set of instructions that the system must follow to achieve the desired result. If everyone was recreating the same algorithms will lead to the needless wastage of time and effort. Thus there is a need for a system that can eliminate these issues. 

ROS is one such system framework that offers a standard way to organize things to collaborate on a big scale to have some uniformity in things. 

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Advantages of ROS

Below are some of the advantage of ROS:

  1. In ROS you can work with multiple programming languages and can easily communicate between Python and C++ code. 
  1. ROS comes with great simulation tools (Gazebo and Rviz) where you can simulate the robots before getting your robot to run for real. 
  1. ROS can even run on a device with minimal features. It can also run on companion computers from Nvidia, Intel, Raspberry Pi, and Qualcomm.
  1. ROS is open-source and it is backed up by a huge community of contributors where they actively solve the problems arising in the software.
  1. ROS has packages for everything from controlling a robot using a joystick to map a drone out of a room.

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10 Simple ROS Projects for Beginners

1. Line Following Robot using ROS with Raspberry Pi

Line following robots is used in warehouses and industries to carry components from one place to another. The movement of Line following robots completely depends on the track or line drawn on the floor. In this ROS project, you will learn to develop a Line following robot using Raspberry Pi Lidar positioned in front of the robot to detect the path. To communicate with the ROS installed in the Raspberry pi you will use MATLAB’s Robotics Operating System Software package.

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2. Obstacle Avoidance robot

Collision avoidance or obstacle avoidance systems play an important role in robots to avoid accidents and damages by detecting the obstacles in their way. This ROS project helps you to develop one such system with the help of 360-degree lidar to map the obstacles in the environment. You will learn to create the program to reach the desired destination by avoiding the obstacle.

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3. SLAM robot using Raspberry Pi and ROS

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) is a commonly used method to help robots to create a map of the environment by scanning the area with Lidar. This ROS project helps you to develop one such robot with the SLAM Algorithm. You will use components like Arduino, Raspberry pi, HC-05 Bluetooth module, etc. to develop this project. You will establish the communication with ROS in Raspberry pi using ROS Network configurations.

4. Path Planning robot using Raspberry and ROS

You will use Raspberry pi installed with ROS to develop this project and MATLAB to plan the path. Lidar and compass are used by the robot to plan the path. The objective of this ROS project is to develop a fully autonomous robot that is capable of planning and navigating through obstacles on its own. 

5. Development of Self-driving car using ROS and MATLAB

In this ROS project, you will develop a self-driving car with sensor fusion. A Camera is used to track vehicles and pedestrians, Lidar is used to detect the obstacles. As part of this project, You will also learn to develop a lane detection algorithm to detect lanes.

6. Robotic Arm simulation using ROS

Robotic Arms play a major role in the automation and manufacturing industries. In this ROS project, you will create a robotic arm model and perform simulation in Gazebo. You will give various commands to make the robotic arm to perform various tasks. 

7. Drone simulation using Gazebo and ROS

The usage of drones is increasing day by day and it is used for various purposes such as drone delivery, surveillance, mapping, and so on. To avoid unnecessary accidents you can make use of Gazebo and ROS to simulate the created code and later you can deploy in real-time. As part of this ROS project, you will learn to plan an autonomous mission with the help of ROS and Gazebo.

8. Quadruped Robot

In this ROS project, you will create a Quadruped robot model in the Gazebo environment and simulate it in the rugged environment. You will also make the robot perform various acrobatic activities. 

9. Autonomous mobile robot

As part of this ROS robotics project, you will develop an autonomous robot that can be controlled using a mobile. You will use a DTMF module, Arduino board, and actuators to control the robot.

10. Gesture controlled robot using ROS

Gesture controlled robots can be controlled easily with just the hand movements. In this ROS robotics project, you will develop a gesture-controlled robot using Arduino, Accelerometer sensor, and actuators.

These are some simple ROS projects for beginners that you can develop to get started with ROS. If you are really interested to learn ROS you can enroll in Skyfi Labs ROS online course where you will get to learn directly from experts in live online classes. 

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10 Simple Robot Operating System(ROS) Projects for Beginners
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-07

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