Hey there guys! Hope you all are doing well! As we all know that, Engineering is one of the most popular streams opted by students and there is no doubt that there is a huge demand for jobs in engineering as it is required almost everywhere in our day to day activities. So, as an engineering student, it is expected from you to look at the world from a slightly different perspective than other people. Like, for example, let us take a car. In general, people look at the appearance of the car in general, the comfort when they sit in it, etc. but as an engineer, he is expected to look into some things like Mileage and some people on the inside keep thinking about things like the functioning of gears, the combined effort of Electric circuits present in the car which enables many features in the car like AC, Headlights, Indicator, etc.
So, generalizing our discussion above, an engineer is always expected to know the working mechanism behind several things and for knowing these things you will definitely need to do projects during your course of 4 years of BTECH and gain as much knowledge as you can!
So, one such topic which is quite popular in engineering, especially among Electrical students is that of designing electronic circuits! Many final year students might have done Mini Projects on various types of electronic circuits or might have done as a result of their personal interest! So, in today’s article, we will be dealing with circuit designs! First, we will discuss what exactly is a circuit design and then we will talk about the steps involved in circuit design, and finally, we will talk about 20 best electronic circuit design projects for engineering students for all difficulty levels and some valuable sources from where you can get them!
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What is meant by Circuit Design?
Firstly, let us know what a circuit is.
A circuit is something that is composed of electronic components like resistors, transistors, capacitors, diodes, etc. which are connected by a means of conducting electric wires or traces through which electricity is passed! So, circuit design is basically designing such electric circuits based on our requirements by following certain steps. Let us know more about what it takes to design a circuit.
- Generally, the first step involved in designing a circuit is knowing what to design and the function we need it to perform for us. So, it is always important to know the specifications of a circuit you want to design to get a clear idea of what you are designing.
- In some cases, while designing a very important circuit, a technical proposal is also made to meet the requirements of the customer specifications.
- The next step involves synthesizing the schematic circuit diagram on a paper which means we implement the design in terms of logic gates by using a tool called synthesis tool.
- Next, we perform calculations to obtain the value of the components like resistors, capacitors, etc. to perform the specified operation under the specified conditions.
- Then comes the most interesting step, wherein we build a rough Prototype of our circuit too for any problems and deal with them.
- Then we can decide upon the type of materials to be used for our circuit.
- We then also decide the method of designing and construction of the circuit.
- And then finally, depending on the type of circuit, you can coordinate with your group (if a group is required) and then design the circuit.
- And also, before the circuit goes to the market, tests are conducted on many prototypes to ensure that it is performing the required function!
- And your designing and manufacturing of a circuit are done!
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20 Best electronics circuit projects for engineering students
Now, let us take a look at some of the best electronic circuit projects for engineering students. Skyfi Labs is a reliable source in terms of giving good project topics to help us improve our knowledge. Here are some good projects on electrical circuits which can be useful for everybody, especially for the final year students.
- Obstacle detector: In this electronics project, you will design a circuit for your robot, so that it can detect obstacles in its path and act accordingly. In other words, you will be giving “senses” to the robot. Click here for knowing more!
- Automatic opening and closing of the railway gate: In this electronics mini-project, you will be preparing a railway gate which can sense the train and open the gate when required and close once the train is gone. You will be taking the help of embedded systems to do so.
- Robotic Arm: In this electronics circuit project, you will be building a Robotic arm by designing a circuit which can mimic our hand moments. Click Here to know more!
- Automatic solar tracker: In this electronics project, you will be building a device which can detect the sun’s position at any given time and orient itself to the sun to get the maximum sunlight!
Explore more about this project
- Circuit designing using Proteus: In this electronics mini-project, you will be learning about the basics of circuit design and designing circuits using a very popular tool called Proteus.
Click here to know more about Proteus!
- Car Parking alarm: In this electronics mini-project, you will be building a circuit system for a device to detect any kinds of obstacles while parking a car or while reversing the car and sounding an alarm if at all we are too close to the obstacle! Sounds amazing right!
- Cell Phones Tracker: In this electronic circuit project, we build a device that is very useful to detectives and CBI to track a mobile signal and get to know the last location of the mobile. We do this by building a simple circuit that can detect the presence of frequencies.
- Automatic Fan: In this electronics project, you build a circuit in such a way, so that the fan gets turned on when the temperature around it is greater than a certain value! This is a very important device used in CPU’s.
- Motion detecting Bulb: This is a very complicated yet useful circuit to design, wherein a bulb gets switched on when it detects motion.
- Mobile signals Jammer: In this electronics project, you will be learning about things like RF Amplification and Voltage-controlled Oscillator with the help of which you can build a circuit to jam signals for a certain distance range.
- Smart controlled Geyser: As we all make this common mistake of forgetting to turn off the Geyser, the components inside it may fail and hence this electronic circuit helps us to prevent that by switching off the geyser automatically once the water is hot.
- Inverter circuit: As the name suggests, in this electronic circuit project, you will be learning about the applications of many electronic devices and design an inverter by using IC CD 4047 & IR540 as its main components.
- Theft detector using Infrared detector: In this extremely useful project, you will be developing a circuit that can detect any motion/Disturbance in the infrared rays present in the room and hence sound an alarm if there is any disturbance. This can be useful for security purposes.
Click here to check out this cool project!
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- Smoke detector: You will be designing a circuit such that it can detect smoke using LDR and sound an alarm using IC UM 66 as a tone generator and TDA 2003 as an amplifier generator. The fire alarms work on this principle.
- Lead-acid battery charger: One of the most common electronics projects, wherein a circuit is built to charge devices. The circuit generally consists of LM317 IC, a couple of resistors, potentiometer, and capacitors.
- Amplifier Circuit: In this electronics project, you will be designing a circuit that uses 150-watt RMS to a 4 OHM speaker. This circuit consists of a pair of Darlington transistors of TIP 142 & 147.
- FM transmitter circuit: With the help of this electronics circuit project, you can create your own local FM station!
- Digital thermometer: As the name suggests, in this electronics project, you will learn to design a circuit of a digital thermometer and build it.
- Automatic water pump switch: In this electronics mini-project, you will be designing a circuit in such a way that the water pump is automatically turned on when the water level in the overhead tank is below a certain level.
- Solar Battery charging circuit: In this electronics project, you will be designing a circuit which can make use of sun rays to charge the battery.
Explore more about electronics circuits
These are some electronics mini projects, that you can try to develop your knowledge on circuit design. You can also check this link for more electronics project ideas.
Top 20 Electronics Circuit Projects for Engineering Students
Skyfi Labs
2020-08-02 •
Last Updated: