Summary: By looking at the pace at which technology is growing, it is quite evident that the technologies of today will transform and evolve into more advanced version in the future.
This will make it very tough for engineers to cope with the latest advancements especially for the students who are pursuing electronics and telecommunication (E&TC) engineering. To overcome this hurdle, you can build final year projects on trending technologies in E&TC field. This will help you stay afloat in this competitive world.
I have analysed and compiled few trends for Electronics and Telecommunication which is mandatory to learn and include in your final year project experience.
Continue reading this blog as I have elaborated on the points mentioned above and also I have listed some best innovative and trending final year projects for Electronics and Telecommunication (E&TC) which you can build right away and gain practical skills.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
With the recent advancements and innovation, it is evident that the conventional technology which we have been using is going to transform and it is going to be lot tougher for the engineers to cope with this. Especially students pursuing Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (E&TC) should develop skills on trending technologies to stay updated with the industrial standard. Doing good final year engineering projects on such trending technologies will surely give them the exposure of latest trends.
The final year Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering project topic should involve anyone of the following trend, which we have compiled to benefit you. :
This is what every industry is trying to do, diminishing the costs of their products by integrating them with more advanced technologies. It is evident that being connected with another device or any other physical form is becoming cheaper day by day. For ex: The smartphones which we are using today costs us a very nominal price when compared to the price of the same technology couple of years ago.
Connectivity is what driving all the industries and without which they cannot function properly. So there is no doubt that this particular trend is going to drive the technology in coming years.
Some of the Electronics and Telecommunication (E&TC) Engineering Final Year Projects that you can build to understand this trend are:
Want to develop practical skills on Electronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
The next major trend in the telecommunication sector is the impact of Internet of Things (IoT) on the connected devices. We have been hearing a lot about this trend where it is being integrated on to multiple projects to make them smarter. The main theme of this trend is being the automation of industrial process and thereby making very less or no human interaction.
For ex: We have weather monitoring system that operates at remote location sending updates to the user, which greatly reduces the human interaction and we are able to monitor the climatic changes. That is the pace in which all the industries are trying to adapt IoT onto their operations.
Here is a list of Electronics and Telecommunication (E&TC) Engineering Final Year Project Topics that you can do and get started with IoT:
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Electronics Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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This trend can simply be explained as the great wireless migration. From automating the home appliances to booking a taxi to your doorstep, every industry is adapting wireless communication mode onto their operations. As this greatly improves the user experience and operational cost reduction, most of the industries are willing to invest lots of time & money in this technology to make their operations more innovative and cost effective.
Even people are used to such wireless communication channels and prefer to go for technologies that uses wireless mode. The wireless communication is bringing more and more technologies onto its fold and making a very big impact on the economy.
Some of the wireless communication based projects that you can do as your E&TC final year project are:
With fast pace advancement of technologies comes the security threat. Top companies had already started investing lot on their security systems to strengthen it. These security threats may come in physical or digital form to an organisation. It is also one of the less researched areas which have lots of scope for innovation and improvement. Having skills on this particular technology will definitely help you to build an exciting career in E&TC stream.
Doing small projects on security systems will help you to understand their interface and functioning. These projects can vary from RFID based authentication system to developing an interface that prevents identity thefts to malware protection.
Some of the security systems based Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering final year projects you can do are:
To help you in building good final year Electronics and Telecommunication projects, Skyfi Labs has developed Online Project Based Courses by which you can learn and build innovative electronics projects at your own pace and time. These courses are equiped with Learn-Do-Review methodology that ensures proper learning and the hardware kits required to build the project will be shipped to your doorstep. These courses also gives you the opportunity to innovate and redefine the projects under the expert's guidance from Skyfi Labs. Certificate with unique codes will be provided for all enrolled after successful completion of the project.
Build Final Year Electronics and Telecommunication (E&TC) Engineering Projects using Skyfi Labs Online Project Based Courses. Click here for more details.Join 250,000+ students from 36+ countries & develop practical skills by building projects
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