
What is Networking in Electronics? Projects on Networking


Almost every field of science and electronics has something to do with Data networks and networking technology. Thus, networking technology touches almost every sphere of modern life. This help set up office WiFis, VPNs, tethered internet connections and even help integrate desktops in an office. They are also important in the telecommunications field. Networks help with establishing landline connections and mobile phone connectivity. As a young ECE engineer, this is a field that you should focus on as it has a lot of scope in the future. So, are you excited to learn more about Networking? If so, then here’s a list of the best Networking final year projects for ECE students!

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What is networking in electronics?

A network in electrical engineering is a group of interconnected components that work together. An important part of electrical engineering is network analysis. It deals with calculating the voltages, currents and power that run through components. Engineers use several techniques to calculate these values. One of the most popular methods used is the linearisation of the components. Here’s a look at the various methods used to analyse different electrical networks.

  1. Nodal analysis: This method is used when there is a relatively small number of connections. Engineers use simultaneous equations to solve for different values of voltage and current. Every voltage source connected to a reference node reduces the number of equations needed.
  2. Mesh analysis: Mesh analysis works only for networks that have no crossing components. Thus, it is used for networks which can be represented in a planar form. When using this method, engineers need as many equations as the number of meshes present in the network. Like with the nodal method, every current source that is a part of a mesh reduces the number of equations. 
  3. Superposition: It is the most simple method when it comes to the concepts required. But, it requires a large number of equations to solve and is inefficient while analysing large networks.
  4. Effective approximations: If a network has a large number of resistors, this method is used. Effective resistance is modelled as a graph.

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Types of networks used in embedded systems

  • Linear Network: A circuit whose parameters are constant. They do not change even if parameters, such as time, voltage and temperature change. Such networks abide by Ohm’s Law.
  • Non-linear Network: A circuit whose components change with other parameters. They have a non-linear relationship with time, temperature, or voltage. Such networks do not abide by Ohm’s law.
  • Bilateral Network: A circuit whose behaviour does not depend, or is irrespective of the direction of current flow. 
  • Unilateral Network: A circuit whose behaviour and functioning depends on the direction of current flow.
  • Active Network: Circuit which includes an energy source, in the form of a voltage or current source.
  • Passive Network: A circuit whose elements do not include an energy source, either AC or DC. 
  • Lumped Network: All the circuit elements can be physically separated for efficient analysis. 
  • Distributed Network: Circuit elements are not separable for analysis

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How to build Networking projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Networking Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

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Best networking final year projects for ECE 

Below are some best networking project ideas that you can develop as your final year project:

1. Building Actuator Networks

This ECE networking project will help you create and implement an actuator network. Actuator networks are a new type of sensor network that is gaining popularity. These actuator networks help people control devices and applications from a distance. They are built using a distributed system of sensory nodes. Interconnected via wireless links, these nodes make the transfer and collection of data super-easy. Through this Networking final year project, students will learn how to build single and multi-hop communication links. They will also learn how to use this system to develop networks that help with home automation and disaster relief operations.

2. Remote Monitoring of Parameters of Transformers

This Networking final year project for ECE students will help them design and create a device that can protect their generators. It does so by monitoring various parameters associated with a transformer. Some of the parameters it monitors are voltage, current and temperature. The device monitors these attributes via sensors, and the system utilises Zigbee communication. All three sensors are placed at the transmitter end, forming a sensor network that functions up to a certain range. This ECE networking project will help students gain a deeper understanding of how Zigbee, XBEE and networking works in real life. 

3. Medical Applications Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Nowadays, the health care system is complicated. It also requires the collection, processing and sharing of large amounts of data. This ECE networking project will help solve the networking problems of the healthcare industry. The project will teach students how to build a wireless sensor network that monitors patient health via RF technology. The device continuously monitors every patient’s body temperature and displays it. It also transmits the data via RF to a console or module. 

4. Wireless Sensors for Smart Homes 

Smart homes are no longer just a vision for the future, but rather a reality of the present. This Networking final year project will help ECE students build a smart home by using a wireless sensor network. The network will closely monitor the energy requirements of the house and ensure that power is not wasted. Since environmental rehabilitation is important, an energy-efficient system is a much-needed solution. 

5. Home Automation system

6. Analysis of Anomalies of Multitier Services in Public Cloud

7. Smart traffic lighting system

8. Weather monitoring system using ESP8266

9. Online Anomaly detection system

10. Optimization of mobile wireless networks

11. SDN-Enabled Traffic-Aware Load Balancing for M2M Networks

12. Telephone router

13. Barcode decoder

14. Intelligent alcohol detection system

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Online networking course for ECE students 

Doing a course on networking will help you to learn the basic concepts of networking and also helps you to build a successful career in networking. Below is one such course on networking that helps you to learn the networking concepts by developing hands-on networking projects. 

Networking with Cisco Packet Tracer

The Networking industry is worth over $23.8 Billion. Most major companies are moving towards more high-end networking solutions for their problems. Whether it is SMEs or large tech giants like Amazon and Google, everyone is leveraging the power of networking to accomplish tasks. That is why being experienced in such an innovative technology will help strengthen your profile. It can prove to be very useful when it comes to job opportunities in core companies. This ECE networking project will make you familiar with the world’s most popular Network Tool - Cisco Packet Tracer. You will also learn about how the system works, design different networks and run simulations on the same. This final year networking project also introduces concepts such as subnetting, network topologies and Protocols.

Learn more about this course

All the examples above illustrate just how important networking is for the future. Tech companies from all over the world are now leveraging this technology to make their systems more efficient. By enrolling in our course on Networking, you will open yourself up to a whole world of opportunity. So, stop wasting any more time, and start to prepare for the future by taking our class on Networking.

What is Networking in Electronics? Projects on Networking
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-16

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