
Best Robotics IEEE projects

“Google patented building robots with personalities”

Yes, you heard it right!

A new patent was awarded to Google recently for outlining the ways to download and customize the personality of a robot or computer. Google’s patent details a cloud-based system where a personality could be downloaded to a robot, in the same way one might download an app.

This means, say you like working with a specific person at your work and for some reasons he/she stopped coming for work, you will miss them right? But not after Google introduces the worker robots. Because these robots can mimic the personalities of any user seamlessly and you couldn’t tell the difference.

So, in near future you will not only be assisted by robots but you can also program them with specific personalities according to your comfort and be in harmony.

And who knows, possibilities are you can bring back your loved ones from dead with these robots.

Read more..

Note about Robotics Note:

Have you checked out our projects on Robotics yet?
Robotics Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Animatronic Hand

2. Surveillance Robot

3. 7 Robots (Combo Course)

4. Robotic Arm

5. Biped Walking Robot

6. Sensor Guided Robotics

7. Hexapod

8. Swarm Robotics

9. Mobile Robotics

10. Sixth Sense Robot

11. 2 Mechatronics Projects

12. Gesture Based Robotics

13. Voice Controlled Robot

14. WiFi Controlled Robot

15. Maze Solver Robot

16. Bluetooth Robotics

17. Fire Fighting Robot

18. Robotics Training & Internship


It is an inevitable fact that we are heading towards a robotics revolution and all the top tech companies around the world are competing against each other to get their fair share of this market.

This means the gates to robotics revolution is wide open and all the industries will soon begin to completely transform their operations by integrating latest robotics technologies. And the major hurdle that these industries will face is not the lack of technology or materials but the availability of skilled engineers who can work on the robotics technologies efficiently.

Being an engineering student, you have a great opportunity in front of you to develop an exciting robotics career. The robotics revolution will provide you with endless career opportunities and it is there for you to grab.

And what better way to get skilled in robotics technologies than building innovative robots hands-on.

Latest projects on Robotics

Want to develop practical skills on Robotics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

So, where to begin?

By referring the IEEE robotics projects list, you can get a pretty good idea about the trending technological topics, advanced implementation methodologies and processes. From them, you can shortlist a list of topics which suits your requirement and start building your innovative robot.

Here are some of the IEEE robotics projects which you can build for your engineering curriculum,

Vision-Based Cleaning Area Control for Cleaning Robots: The objective of this project is to build a robot that is a vision based Human Computer Interaction (HCI) robot. With this technology, a user can command a cleaning robot to move in a specific direction and carry out the cleaning process. In total, six hand poses will be detected from a video sequence taken from a camera that is embedded on the cleaning robot. AdaBoost based hand pose detectors are trained with a reduced Haar-like feature set to enable the detectors to sense all the hand poses even in a complex background. The cleaning area is determined by the hand pose that is detected. Since real time video sequences are used to control the robot’s cleaning activity, the robot that you build will not be needing any wearable or input devices to get instructions.

How to build Robotics projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Robotics Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
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Real-Time Imitative Robotic Arm Control: Robotic arm is an electronic device that assists humans in industrial activities that are dull, dangerous and delegate. This robotic device not only comforts the humans but also greatly improves the operational efficiency. For some activities the operation should be carried out on real time basis. So, the robotic arm that will be used in such cases should have a real-time controlling mechanism. The controlling mechanism can be Bluetooth or DTMF or Voice or Gesture. The objective of this project is to develop a robotic arm device that can be controlled by giving real time instructions. This type of robotic arm will be classified under the semi-autonomous robot category.

Technologies you need to know: Bluetooth controlled Robotic Arm (learn more), Voice controlled robot (learn more)

Obstacle Detector Robot: This type of robot is a classic example for autonomous robots. The robot that you build as part of this project will have a vision guided mechanism that helps to detect obstacles and avoid them intelligently. The robot gets the information of its surrounding area through the sensors mounted on it. Sensors like bump sensor, infrared sensor, and ultrasonic sensor are the commonly used detecting devices in autonomous robots. Out of this, ultrasonic sensor is the most suitable one for obstacle detection due to its low cost and high ranging capability. You can also program the robot to not only detect the obstacles but also to avoid it and navigate properly. Building this robot will give you a good exposure to self-driving cars technology.

Technologies you need to know: Obstacle avoiding robot (learn more), Obstacle following robot (learn more)

Fire Fighting Robot: Through this project, you will develop a fire fighting robot that can detect the fire, move in that direction and put it off. The robot will be equipped with IR sensors to detect the fire happening at longer ranges, DC motors to help them move in the direction of fire, Fan or Extinguisher that is mounted on the robot to put out the fire and a microcontroller to process & control all the operations. This robot directly finds its application in smart cities where the biggest challenge is to provide immediate response to a fire break out.

Technology you need to know: Fire Fighting Robot with Arduino (learn more)

DTMF Based Robot: The project uses the DTMF or Dual Tone Multiple Frequency to control the robot movements. DTMF is simply the tone that you can hear when you dial the numbers in your mobile phone. Each number in the dialler will be assigned with a unique frequency and we can use that to control the robot’s movement. The robot will be embedded with a microcontroller that acts as the brain of the system, DTMF module that receives the commands from the user, Motor driver that gives appropriate voltage to the DC motors for actuation and DC motors to operate the robotic vehicle.

The project you develop will integrate a micro-controller, pneumatic cylinders, tubes and a work piece. The cylinder is powered by passing the right amount of highly pressurized air which then generates enough power through the linkage to transmit a punch on to the material placed using a desired work piece. You can also embed this device with varied work pieces for desired measurements and make the device smarter to pick the right work piece automatically to complete the given job.

Technology you need to know: Mobile robotics (learn more)

Voice Controlled Robot for Assisting Physically Challenged: Voice recognition or Speech recognition is a technology through which a machine can identify instructions from a spoken language. It is being extensively used in mobile application like Maps, Smart Assistants etc. This IEEE robotics project uses the voice recognition technology to give instructions to the robot and control its movements. Bluetooth communication can be used to establish a connection between the robot and user. This robot greatly assists physically challenged people with their day to day tasks and act as a very good companion. So, the user can simply download an Android App and control the robot with ease.

Technology you need to know: Voice controlled robot (learn more)

Design and Implementation of Multi-Sensor Based Autonomous Minesweeping Robot: Developing autonomous mobile robot has been the trending topic in AI technology for quite some time. With the recent technological advancements, autonomous robots are finding its applications in almost all the industries. Defence industry is no exception, to reduce the number of casualties due to land mines they need some autonomous devices that can defuse them. Through this project, you will build a robot that will have a multi-sensor based object detecting and removing mechanism. These robots are capable of navigating through complex environments and defuse the mines efficiently.

The robot uses the ultrasonic sensor for detecting obstacle in its path, mine sweeping sensor is used to detect the mine in the field. After detecting the mine, the microcontroller sends the alarm message to the monitoring center using Zigbee communication. From a PC, the robot can be controlled and monitored on a real time basis.

Designing and Implementing an Intelligent Bluetooth-Enabled Robot Car: The objective of this project is to develop a car that can be controlled via Bluetooth technology. The robot is remote controlled by a Bluetooth 1.2 compatible Personal Data Assistant (PDA) that has a Bluetooth-client program installed. The Bluetooth-client program will be implemented using LabVIEW. The robot car will also be embedded with a mechanical bump sensor in the front of car to detect when a collision with an object occurs. The sensor data received can be used to determine the exact time when a collision with an obstacle occurred. The robot can also be upgraded in future to have Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) and Internet Protocol (IP) cameras such as Axis 207MW in front of the robot vehicle to enable stereo vision system. Such setup will enable the robot vehicle to record the data related to distance information in addition to the image information.

Implementation of Mind Control Robot: The objective of this project is to measure the activity in the brain that happens due to firing of neurons and use these waves to move a robot. There are various ways in which you can detect the electrical activity in the brain. The project will be embedded with a low-cost brain-wave reading headset that has only a single lead electrode to collect the EEG (Electroencephalogram) signal. BCI (Brain Control Interface) will be developed by sending the EEG signal to the Arduino and control the movement of the robot. Since eye blinking will cause a significant pulse in the EEG signal, this will be used to give commands to the robot. By using neural network to classify the blinking signal and the noise, the user can send a command to control the robot by blinking twice in a short period of time.

Some of the other IEEE robotics project topics are mentioned below:

  • Dealing With Constraints in Sensor Based Robot Control
  • On Board Object Tracking Control of a Quadcopter with Monocular Vision
  • On Bilateral Teleoperation of Aerial Robots
  • Implementation of Mind Control Robot
  • Touch Screen based Robot Control
  • Line Follower Robot
  • Play with Robotic Eye
  • Cell Phone Operated Robot
  • Robot Control using Different Colours of Light
  • Robot Control using TV Remote
  • Automatic Docking System for Recharging Home Surveillance Robots
  • A Collision Predict Based Local Path Planning of Mobile Robots
  • Design and Implementation of a Mini-Size Search Robot
  • Design of a Wall-Climbing Robot with Passive Suction Cups
  • Autonomous Agricultural Robot and its Row Guidance
  • Head Motion Controlled Power Wheelchair
  • 7th Sense - a Multipurpose Robot for Military
  • The Application of Adaptive PID Control in the Spray Robot

Above are some of the best IEEE robotics project topics which you can select and build your innovative engineering project.

Hope you got some good IEEE robotics project ideas from this article. You can contact us at 1800-200-3855 if you need to talk to our expert team.

Suppose, if you want to build great robotics projects but don’t have the necessary technology knowledge, don’t worry!

We at Skyfi Labs have developed an innovative learning methodology through which you can learn latest technologies by building projects hands-on right from your home. With the hardware kits delivered to your doorstep and 1-1 technical assistance provided, developing great expertise on latest technologies will never be tough for you.

Check all Skyfi Labs Projects here.

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Good luck for your engineering project!

Best Robotics IEEE projects
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-07

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