Programming has become one of the most popular engineering fields in the world today. Almost everyone around us is aware of what coding is, and how powerful it is. When it comes to computer science, one of the first things we learn is coding in C/C++. Often regarded as the basics of computing, these languages have grown to become integral to programming. Therefore, as a young science enthusiast, these are two languages that you need to explore. The development of Unix only helped make C and C++ more important than ever before, as they revolutionised coding. In fact, even after so many years, C++ has a plethora of applications in the field of computing. So, how important is C++, and what are some great C++ beginners guides? In this article, we will take a look at the best C++ tutorial for beginners to help you get started on your journey with coding.
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Basics of C++
A basic C++ program is a collection of various objects or instances that communicate with each other. In this section, we will look at the basics of C++, much like how a C++ beginners guide would. Here are a few basic elements that make up a C++ program.
- Object − Objects are instances that have particular states and behaviours. For instance, the Object car has stated such as colour, size and engine power, whereas its behaviours include speeding, braking and parking. All objects come from a class.
- Class − Classes serve as a template or blueprint that helps in creating and describing individual objects. It defines the characteristics and behaviours of objects, helping us create various instances of them.
- Methods − A method is essentially a behaviour of the object that helps it to do some work. A class contains several different kinds of methods, which may all help in performing specific tasks. Within these methods, we use logical expressions and statements to execute actions.
- Variables − Each object comes with its set of unique instance variables. An object's state, therefore, depends on the variables within it.
- Rules - In C++, semicolons work as statement terminators, as they show the end of a sentence. Also, a block consists of a set of logical statements surrounded by braces. An identifier is a name you give your variable, and it may have any letter between A to Z, along with underscores and digits. Also, keywords are reserved words in C++ which mean something specific, and hence, cannot become names of instances or variables.
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Basic C++ Program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello World";
return 0;
- <iostream>: Header containing information regarding the program, and what instances it uses.
- using namespace std: Message to the compiler to use a standard package named namespace.
- int main(): Line where execution starts, as it is the first function in the program
- cout << "Hello World": Allows the program to print Hello World on the screen
- return 0: Terminates the program by sending 0 to the calling statement
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What are the different features of C++?
- Object-Oriented Programming: The major difference between C and C++ is that the latter is based on OOP. Therefore, it makes use of OOP concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation.
- Simple: Unlike other high-level languages, C++ is very simple and straightforward, making it easy to code on. It has a structured way of coding, which makes it suitable for modular programming.
- Platform Dependent: C++ programs work on only compatible operating systems, and hence, it is not platform independent like JAVA.
- Mid-level language: C++ does well in both low-level and high-level programming, making it the perfect mid-level language.
- Structured language: Due to the use of functions, classes, objects and instances, the programming in C++ is very modular and compact.
- Rich Library: Developers of C++ get access to a tonne of in-built functions, making it a lot easier for them to code and work on projects.
- Memory Management: Since C++ supports dynamic allocation, there is always a chance to free up cluttered memory, making it efficient and fast.
- Pointers: C++, much like other high-level languages, allows the coder to make use of pointers. This helps in solving a lot of memory-related issues.
- Compiler-Based: C++ programs require a compiler to execute. Therefore, everyone C++ program is first compiled and then executed.
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Applications of C++ programming
- Operating Systems: Whether you are using Windows, Mac or LInux, they all utilise C++ to run and execute your programs. Most popular OSs need C++ to power their functioning, making C++ a very powerful language. Hence, a good part of most C++ beginner guides is making use of C++ in building assembly-level programs.
- Browsers: A lot of web browser rendering engines require C++ to power their browser as it is very quick and light. Since users hate waiting for content to load, coding in C++ ensures that users never have to wait too long.
- Libraries: Within the coding world, several high-level libraries, such as for AI and Machine Learning, use C++ to build their libraries.
- Graphics: Any C++ tutorial for beginners will show you how essential C++ is for rendering graphics and images. Whether it is Computer Vision, Graphical Processing or DSP, C++ is a handy tool.
- Banking: C++ finds a lot of use in the field of banking, with even Infosys’ Finacle using it as their backend programming languages. Most C++ tutorials for beginners focus on the use of C++ to support multithreading and secure applications.
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Other applications for C++ include;
- Cloud Systems
- Database Management
- Embedded Systems
- Telephone Switches
- Compilers
- Astronomy
- Bioinformatics
What are some tips to learn C++?
- Learn about the history and need for a programming language like C++.
- Like with all types of coding, practice is key. Therefore, enrol in C++ beginner guides and start coding!
- Build projects using C++ tutorials for beginners and work on things on your own.
- Read books and learn more about the theory of C++.
- Meet and collaborate with other C++ enthusiasts and work on large projects.
- Complete C++ beginner guides, tutorials and certification courses to gain experience.
Jobs in C++
Here is a look at the various job profiles that will open to you after you complete C++ tutorials for beginners and other certification courses.
- Senior Programmer
- Software Developer
- Quality Analyst
- Game Programmer
- Software Developer Engineer (Added hardware knowledge)
- Programming Architect
- UNIX Shell Scripting
- Backend Developer
- Embedded Engineer
- Database Developer
How do I start learning C++?
C++ for Engineers
C++ is one of the most useful and popular programming languages from around the world. Therefore, as an engineer, there are a hundred reasons why you should focus on learning C++. In this C++ tutorial for beginners, you will build strong foundations of programming, by learning about the language from scratch. Students will learn about OOP concepts, looping, variables, instances and classes. By the end of this C++ beginners guide, students will be well-versed enough in C++ programming to crack interviews.
Make use of the spare time you have now, and enrol yourself in such C++ courses to work towards your future. Such courses give you much-needed experience and practical know-how on how to handle issues and build useful projects. Get started soon, and happy coding guys!
Best way to learn C++ - Step by Step guide for beginners
Skyfi Labs
2020-07-12 •
Last Updated: