Digital Signal Processing

Best Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Projects Using MATLAB


Have you ever wondered how the famous app namely my talking tom mimics your voice and return it in a cat voice? If yes then you might be interested in digital signal processing. The talking tom app is a basic example of DSP project, there are much more complex uses incorporating digital signal processing and it’s not limited to audio processing. Digital signal processing or abbreviated as DSP is a minor field of the vast topic namely signal processing. It is a fundamental of digital technology and is being extensively used in telecommunication and wireless communications industry.

By learning about DSP and implementing projects will open array of opportunities for yourself in the fields of speech compression, speech transmission, sound correction, weather, economic forecasting and also the budding field of seismic data processing. Before we get into the DSP projects or DSP project based on MATLAB let us first understand about some prerequisites of Digital signal processing.

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What is digital signal processing (DSP) and its applications?

Digital signal processing implements the use of computers to perform various digital processing operations. DSP (Digital Signal Processing) is not only limited to computer but can also be done using processors specifically made for them namely digital signal processors. The output of digital signal processing obtained is usually a sequence of numbers which represents the analogue waveform samples of a variable in domains such as frequency, space and time. A digital signal is represented in the form of a pulse train.

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Latest projects on Digital Signal Processing

Want to develop practical skills on Digital Signal Processing? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

Applications of DSP (Digital Signal Processing)

  • Audio processing
  • Audio frequency and size compression
  • Processing image digitally
  • Video frequency and size compression
  • Language and speech processing
  • Communication-based on digital output
  • Speech recognition
  • Radar-based applications
  • Sonar based applications
  • Speech coding
  • Seismology based application
  • Music player version 3 compression and weather forecasting are some of the well-known applications of signal processing.

Explore more about Digital signal processing

How to build Digital Signal Processing projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Digital Signal Processing Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Digital Signal Processing today!

Why DSP (Digital signal processing) is required?

Digital signal processing plays an important part in signal processing as it is known to provide high flexibility when it comes to using the same digital hardware for a variety of applications hence saving implantation costs.

If we compare the processing of digital signal with the conventional analog signal it is much better as analog electronics require different hardware for different application.

What is MATLAB Software?

It is a platform designed for technical people like engineers and scientists. MATLAB is made with MATLAB programming language commonly referred to as matrix language. The programming environment of MATLAB is designed to mimic the natural expression which is used in math.

Why MATLAB Software is very useful in digital signal processing?

MATLAB Software is well known in the digital signal processing industry thanks to its reputation of providing various signal processing products that are very helpful in analyzing signals. MATLAB can be used to acquire signals, measure them, transform them, successfully filter and provide visual data to a user. Even if you are not an expert in signal processing you can easily use signal processing tools of MATLAB and implement DSP projects.

Best MATLAB based DSP projects

Before we dive into the digital signal processing projects using MATLAB. You need to have some basic knowledge about digital signal processing so you can start making DSP projects. Taking into consideration that some of our readers might be new to digital signal processing we have included a few courses in the list make sure you complete any one of them before you get into making DSP projects.

DSP (digital signal processing) through a course with MATLAB

By completing this course, you will learn about the

  1. Introduction to the working environment of MATLAB
  2. Different digital signal processing tools
  3. Process of creating filters
  4. Types of transformations available in MATLAB
  5. Complex envelope processes like modulation and demodulation.

Click here and discover more about the course Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB Software

Digital Signal Processing Projects

As of know of you have completed the course then you can start building these projects mentioned below.

  1. Embedded system design and implantation of an intelligent Electronic Differential System for Electric vehicles: This DSP project is used in electric vehicles for improving the balancing when taking steep curves. It consists of an embedded system to manage the working of the vehicle.
  2. Automatic Car Parking Indicator System: This DSP project uses image processing to find a parking spot for your car in large parking spots efficiently.
  3. Image encryption using chaotic Based Artificial Neural Network: This DSP project implements an algorithm for image encryption and decryption using MATLAB software. This project uses an artificial neural network (ANN) in cryptography.
  4. Measure the diameter of the object in an image using MATLAB: This Digital signal processing project is used to measure the size of an object in a given image. It is very helpful while implementing computer vision-based projects.
  5. High Gain DC-DC Converter using Dial Coupled Inductors: This digital signal processing project uses MATLAB to implement input parallel output series Booster Converter to be used in High voltage DC-DC converters.
  6. Automatic Vehicle Counting and Classification: This DSP project uses image processing techniques to count the number of vehicles and classify them accordingly.
  7. Recognition of vehicle number plate using MATLAB: This DSP project uses image processing techniques to detect recognize the vehicles number plate.
  8. Automatic High-speed Railroad Transportation: This Digital signal processing project uses a PID controller to achieve the desired speed of the train.
  9. Hearing Aid system for impaired people: This project implements the digital hearing aid system which automatically cancels all the unwanted noise using a filter and delivers clear sound to the person wearing it.

These are some of the cool projects on Digital signal processing using MATLAB. More projects are mentioned below that interests you to view detailed information.

  • Designing, implementing and simulating the working of Fuzzy controlled SVC for transmission line
  • Three-phase induction motor modelling and analyzing
  • Vision-based moving object detection and tracking
  • Real-time control of a mobile robot using MATLAB
  • Sensorless speed control of induction motor using MRAS
  • Simulation of Extra High voltage long transmission line
  • Multi-scale edge-based text extraction from complex images
  • control design of unified power flow controller
  • analyzing and identification of abandoned objects in crowded places
  • Removal of background image using MATLAB
  • Fruit Recognition using color analysis
  • Traffic signs detection using MATLAB

Hope you liked this article on best DSP based projects using MATLAB. If you have any doubt regarding project selection please post them in the comments section our team of experts will reply shortly.

Best Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Projects Using MATLAB
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-18

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