The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, the willingness to learn is a choice
-Brian Herbert
Learning is a choice, rightly said by Sir Brian Herber, But, do you know learning is not always about mugging up your book? It More than that. All those people who score high may not always be learning but a person who wants to learn can always score High!
That's the superpower practical learning gives you over theoretical learning, Humans learn quickly once they start analyzing their mistakes and when you mug up there is no mistake you can make, As that is the information you just have to go through and the only mistake you can make there is grammatical or spelling.
When one starts doing practical projects one learns a lot from selecting the materials of the project to making the project it’s a very good learning experience.
So, this article will help you how to build senior design projects while learning something out of it.
But, let's have a little introduction to the things before telling you about the projects!
Have you checked out our projects on Embedded Systems yet?
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2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)
8. Robotic Arm
11. Hexapod
12. Swarm Robotics
14. Mobile Robotics
15. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
17. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
23. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
24. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
32. Automated Railway Crossing
36. Health Monitoring Wearable
40. Smart Traffic Lighting System
Learn more about how to build a senior design project
Named as senior design because it is mainly for the undergraduate senior students and we all know what is a project?
So, bringing all together the project work done by the senior undergraduates dealing with real-life scenarios like budgeting, reviewing and working on deadlines is known as Senior Design Project.
You can make a senior design project on various topics like civil, android app, Automation, CAD, Solar, Smart City, Mechanical e.t.c
But, most of the times students prefer the topics that are a part of their branches, as that gives them a better understanding of their subjects and also helps in future industrial exposure.
Explore more about senior design project
Want to develop practical skills on Embedded Systems? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Selecting a good senior design project is not hard you just need to follow the right steps to get that “this is the one” kind of project
So, Below, are the steps you should follow while selecting a good senior design project:
1. Look for a topic you would love to work upon:
Things are better to understand and work upon when the topic comes under your interest zone, It also keeps you motivated to work and research upon that topic more.
2. Problem and Solution
Doing a project doesn’t simply mean making a circuit with the help of the circuit diagram and you are done!
Taking up the right project will be when you take a problem statement and show its solution through your project.
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Embedded Systems Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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If the problem is related to water scarcity and storage then you can show various methods of rain-water harvesting and show how this can solve the given problem
3. Collect all the possible pieces of information related to the problems and from all the possible sources that you can
After, you have finally decided what the problem is now you need to collect the information's from all the possible sources that you can!
Be it from the Internet, or through books and talking to the mentors that can help you in this.
So, that you can start your work in the best possible way you can!
4. Assemble the things and make a proper procedure to do everything
After getting the information you need to take the next step is to collect the things, you will need for making the project and If you can't get all at once then here at skyLabs the complete kit is shipped to you within 24hours so you can take the advantage of this and work on your project.
And then go ahead make one!
So, here are some good senior Design Project Courses You can give a shot!
Learn more about senior design projects
So far you’ve got an idea that how to select a project topic but here comes the main problem of how to build a project. Worry not. We got you covered – Below are some interesting senior design projects that will guide you to build the project.
Robotics is a branch that is growing day-by-day and is Robots are said to be the future of every developing country.
With these, arising facts, learning robotics will give you an edge over others, because you will get something that has a high demand in the future!
Below are some robotics senior design projects-
1. Surveillance robot: This senior design project will help you to develop a surveillance robot that can able to project stream live video footages over the internet and allows you to control the robot remotely using a laptop.
2. Robotic Arm: Robotic arm is used in the automobile industries to speed up the manufacturing process. In this senior design project, you will learn to build a robotic arm that can be controlled using a smartphone over Bluetooth.
Discover more about this project
3. Hexapod: This senior design project allows you to build an all-terrain robot that can be controlled via Bluetooth using a smartphone. These types of robots are used in military and space applications.
Check more details about this project
Explore all the robotics project
Internet of Things is one of the most talked topics everywhere and most of the things that we use are a part of the Internet of Things.
Be it Alexa, or Google Homes, each and everything that we use can is paired with the internet with the help of Bluetooth.
And, it’s a prediction that in the future almost all the devices will be connected with the help of IoT.
1. IoT using Raspberry pi: As part of this senior design project, you will build a weather station utilizing the IoT technology. This system will monitor the surrounding environment and stores the data in the cloud which you can analyze later.
2. Smart building using IoT: In this IoT project, you will develop a system that can able to turn ON/OFF the lights automatically based on the number of occupants in a room. This a best senior design project If you are from electronics background.
3. Smart Irrigation system: This senior design project will help you to build a device that can able to irrigate the farm fields in a smarter way by saving water.
To learn and access more IoT projects Click Here
Ardunio’s are famous for their vast usage in almost all kinds of engineering projects and this is also the main reason why many people have already used and worked upon them.
1. Weather monitoring system using Arduino: This Arduino project will help you to make a weather monitoring system using DHT sensor to detect the surroundings temperature, Humidity, etc.
2. Biometric Authentication: In this senior design project, you will learn to develop a biometric authentication device using Arduino that can able to store your fingerprint data which can be accessed later for authentication purpose.
3. Health monitoring wearable: As part of this project, you will learn to develop a health monitoring wearable which can able to detect your heartbeat rate. You will use lilypad Arduino and heart rate monitoring sensor to build this project.
To learn and discover more Ardunio Projects Click Here
This is one of the most evergreen branches of the world and will remain because just like “There is no lock without a key”.
Similarly, there can be no software without hardware.
This is the main reason many engineering aspirants take electrical engineering and get huge returns in the future. Below list consists of latest senior design projects on the electrical domain:
For Electrical Projects Click here
No Doubt python is one of the most advanced languages after C, C++, Java and that's one of the reasons many schools and universities have started teaching the basics of python from higher secondary classes.
Python is mostly famous for game-development but it does not end here!
Python is used for the development of such amazing software and Python Programmers also Have a High demand in the future.
This is the reason why giving hands-on Python projects can be a turning point for you. Below are some senior design python projects –
For Python, Projects Click Here
Making Projects has always given an advantage to the ones making it, over the students who don’t make one.
Well, the above are not the only projects you can give hands-on numerous interesting projects.
Explore all senior design projects
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