Smart City

How to build good smart city projects?


Smart cities are defined as cities that incorporate the use of information and communication technologies in their infrastructure and utilities to provide improved services and thereby improve living standards of people. They are the future of the world and a very exciting domain to work in. If you wish to learn more about them, you could start by implementing projects. You can find thousand of smart city projects on the internet. Even if you’re a beginner you can start with some simple project without getting intimidated by the technology involved. You should familiarize yourself with the basic functioning of these systems to proceed with more complex projects in the future.

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Note about Smart City Note:

Have you checked out our projects on Smart City yet?
Smart City Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Home Automation using IoT

2. Smart Irrigation System

3. Smart Building using IoT

4. Smart Energy Meter using GSM

5. Solar & Smart Energy Systems

6. Automatic Solar Tracker

7. IoT using Arduino

8. GPS & GSM based Tracker

9. Smart Water Monitoring

10. Automated Street Lighting

11. Automated Railway Crossing

12. Smart Traffic Lighting System

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Advantages of a smart city

Smart cities are the future of the world. They have already been adopted in many developed countries across the world, while other countries are still catching up. Smart cities are expected to not only improve the living standards of people but also benefit them overall in various other aspects. Some of the most important advantages of smart cities are:

  • Workforce- Smart cities will open up employment opportunities for people in various sectors. This will help in controlling the unemployment rate, and thereby help more people make money for themselves and their families.
  • Infrastructure- Improved infrastructure is one of the main targets of smart cities. They aim at providing improved quality infrastructures that are technologically advanced and more efficient. They are expected to make lives easier for people.
  • Economic Growth- Smart cities boost the economic growth of cities by opening job opportunities, increasing investment in technology and infrastructure, energy conservation, and overall better life opportunities for people.
  • Transportation- Better and improved means of transportation are a very important part of smart cities. Not only do they conserve non-renewable resources, but they also provide faster and more comfortable means of transport for people which are affordable for all.
  • Security and safety- With increased surveillance and smarter security systems, the overall safety of people can be ensured. Smart cities are equipped with smarter systems that can detect and act on threats and thereby provide security without manual labor.

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What is the aim of a smart city?

What is the aim of a smart city?

The main aim of smart cities is to drive economic growth and improve living standards and quality of people all around the world. It includes fulfilling various goals towards the common mission. Some of the important ones are improving the infrastructure and related services provided to people, controlling congestion and pollution, providing better transport options, increasing the efficiency of the governance of a city, and providing basic shelter and sanitation facilities for all. These are the basic goals that every smart city wishes to fulfil and reach its final aim of a well-developed city.

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Latest projects on Smart City

Want to develop practical skills on Smart City? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

How to build good smart city projects?

The best way to build smart city projects is to pick a topic, learn about the ways to implement it, and then actually work on it. You can select one of our many exciting projects which come with all the items needed to finish the project. This will make learning easier for you, and you can also reuse the items for your future projects.

1. Home Automation using IoT

When you think of smart cities one of the first things that come to your mind is automating things around your house, like controlling devices such as light, fan, AC, etc. using your phone. This smart city project will allow you to create one such system that will help you control the appliances around your house using Bluetooth. It will further help you store data about the appliances around your house and use it for further analysis if needed.

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How to build Smart City projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Smart City Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
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2. IoT using the Raspberry pi

IoT is one of the pillars behind smart cities. This smart city project will teach you how to use IoT with Raspberry pi to create a Smart Weather Monitoring System. Using DHT sensors with a Raspberry pi this system will collect humidity and temperature values and stream it over the internet. This system can also be programmed for any anomaly in values, like sudden increase or decrease in temperatures which signify some issues.

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3. Smart Irrigation System

Evolution in living standards also involves evolution in the agriculture industry with a smarter irrigation system. This project will allow you to design one such system with a soil moisture sensor to detect if the moisture enough is appropriate or if it’s low then more water needs to be added using a DC pump. This system will use a Wi-Fi Module to send data to the cloud for storage and analysis and hence perform the required operations.

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4. Smart Energy Meter using GSM

To make efficient systems, a lot of focus is paid towards energy monitoring. This smart city project will allow you to create on such energy monitoring system using GSM technology which will track the usage and notify the user. This system can also use the acquired data for analysis and effective decision making towards a more efficient system. This project will give you hands-on experience in GSM technology with learning opportunities in Arduino programming, electrical loads and their measurements. 

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5. Smart Building using IoT

Smart buildings have started catching up these days. We see them around very often, such as buildings with automatic doors, or the ones with automatically functioning lights or air conditioners. This project will allow you to design one such system using PIR motion sensors, which will automatically switch on or off the lights in a room based on the presence of people in that room. This will help in saving a lot of resources and energy which might get wasted otherwise if the lights are controlled manually.

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Apart from these projects, you can also refer to the following projects:

If you are very much interested to build a smart city project, you can check our smart city online projects to learn more about smart cities and technologies related to it.

How to build good smart city projects?
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-13

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