Summary: A number of engineers pursuing electronics & communication knows the importance of building projects but many of them fail to complete it. Why? What is the reason behind this? Well, the answer to this is that most of them invest a huge amount of time and money in building a wrong project. Selecting a wrong project topic before researching is the main reason why it holds back many engineers to complete their project. So, in this article, I will be helping students to select the best and latest electronics project.
To help you to stay updated with these latest technologies, here we are suggesting some of the latest electronics projects that you can do. Before jumping and deciding your final electronics project, I would suggest you to watch free demo videos to get a taste of the project and then finalize!
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
Electronics is the study of electricity and how to use it to construct devices such as computers. It performs important tasks by converting electrical current and voltage signals using circuits made up of components and connecting wires. Now coming to the history of electronics, J.A. Fleming invented the vacuum diode in 1897, while Lee De Forest used a vacuum triode to enhance electrical signals later that year. Tetrode and pentode tubes were introduced as a result, and they ruled the globe until World War II. The convenience of utilizing electronics for practical activities has made them nearly indispensable in our lives. Electronics such as GPS devices, mobile phones, laptops, pagers, TVs, and radios also keep us connected at home and throughout the world.
With very fewer structures to put together simple electronic project is easy to make. The project mentioned below does not consist of complex systems and with few steps is ready to perform its task. Beginners should pick and get started on any of them. With simple yet very peculiar projects in the segment, it is a great way to get scores in your final year. You will have the ultimate electronics competency with each of these modules. Get ready for a hassle-free experience with the different modules.
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It is quite often that students do not get time to make a proper project during their final year of engineering so they look for something easy to do. Yet sometimes they end up doing something very simple, with not much to do. Selecting something that has current value is very important and also doesn't require a lot of effort. Let us appreciate the benefit of doing these projects-
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Want to develop practical skills on Electronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
There are many fields in which mankind is progressing very fast and one of the most advancing fields is electronics technology. Daily, new technology is being developed in the world. The electronics industry has improved the standard of living of people. Some latest technologies developed in the electronics industry are as follows:
Skyfi Labs helps students learn practical skills by building real-world projects.
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Information processing, communications, and signal processing all require electronics. Digital information processing is feasible thanks to electronic equipment’s capacity to serve as switches. Thousands of ordinary items that we use daily rely on electronics technology to function. Testing for diabetes, cholesterol, and other blood component tests, as well as MRI, CAT, and earlier X-rays, all rely on electronics to perform their task swiftly and precisely. We live in a technologically advanced generation when robots and artificial intelligence can do human tasks with greater ease and efficiency.
Learn more about Electronics based projectsThe need and growth of electronics grow rapidly every year. It effectively means that the speed and capabilities of technological gadgets double every two years. Every year, tech firms introduce new, faster, smarter, and better devices. Electronics Engineers, Electronics and Communication Engineers, Electronics Design & Development Engineers, Desktop Support Engineers, and System Control Engineers may all find high-paying jobs and a better career path in this field.
Want to develop practical skills on Electronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Both CSE and ECE are excellent fields to work in. Artificial intelligence and smart assistants will be widespread in the workplace by the year 2050, and the use of augmented and virtual reality will continue to grow. Everything will be 'smart,' with everything being connected and data-driven all of this will take place due to advancement in the field of electronics.
Learn more about ElectronicsSkyfi Labs helps students learn practical skills by building real-world projects.
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I met a student who is doing her B.E in Electronics Engineering in Bangalore last week in our office. She is doing one of our online project based courses and came to our office for some clarifications. Our online courses are project based – which means students have to build a project as part of the course with the kit we send to the student’s home. This student stays quite close to our office so she chose to come to our office to clarify some of her doubts.
I had a general conversation with her and tried to find out how our course is helping her. While talking to her, the conversation went in depth about how students are not able to build good projects although they know that building projects is very important. She told me how some of her friends spent a lot of money and wasted time in building some projects by searching online but they were not successful as they faced so many problems and could not find a solution.
I also got to know what kind of other problems students face while building projects. One more important mistake students are doing is during the selection the project topic. If students select a wrong project, they are going to face lots of problems in their next steps. I found out that selecting wrong topic is the biggest reason why students fail to complete their projects successfully although they spend a lot of time and money. So I decided to write this article to help such students and suggest some of the latest electronics project ideas that they can work on.
The era of electronics started with the invention of the transistor in the year 1947 and silicon-based semiconductor technology. After almost 7 decades we are now surrounded by electronic devices and we can’t even imagine a day without them, as they have become a part of us (even the device which you are using to read this). From the day semiconductor technology was invented, the electronics revolution started. So it is natural that the devices that we are seeing today may go extinct in some years, such is the pace in which the electronics technology is advancing.
To help you to stay updated with these latest technologies, here we are suggesting some of the latest electronics projects that you can do,
Want to develop practical skills on Electronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Internet of Things (IoT) is an upcoming technology which is going to revolutionize all the electronic gadgets that we see today in the coming years. This particular electronics project is an application of Internet of Things (IoT) Technology. The main theme of this electronics (ECE) project is to develop a device that can monitor the moisture content of the soil and turn on the water pump automatically whenever the moisture drops below a threshold value. This device can also be programmed to send the user an update via email regard to the moisture level changes from a remote location.
You can use either an Arduino Uno or Raspberry Pi board to integrate this device onto the cloud. If you are using Arduino Uno then you need to use a WiFi module to connect the device to Internet, whereas Raspberry Pi will not need one as it is integrated internally with a WiFi module. The moisture level can be detected by using a Soil-Moisture sensor and it can be integrated on to the Microcontroller which will act as the Brain and controls the water pump.
Learn to Build Smart Irrigation Project at your HomeThis electronics (ECE) project is also an application of Internet of Things (IoT). Reports states that the IoT Technology is going to transform into a multi-trillion dollar market and more than 50 billion devices will be connected to Internet using this technology by 2020. So building projects on this technology will help you to understand it better. By doing this ECE project you will develop an electronic device that can sense the temperature/ humidity changes and send updates to the user from a remote location. The user will get an email and sms update based on the threshold value.
For this electronics project also, you can use either an Arduino or Raspberry Pi platform to build it. For Raspberry Pi you need to use Phython programming whereas for Arduino you can use simple Arduino Programming but you need to integrate a WiFi module to Arduino to transform it to an IoT device. For detecting the temperature/ humidity change you can make use of a DHT sensor and you can then integrate it to the board to send data online.
Learn to Build Weather Monitoring Project at your HomeThis particular electronics project is actually a solution to a real-life problem statement. We have been hearing lot of news lately regarding the number of people losing lives, vehicles getting into accident at the unmanned railway gates. This electronics project gives an efficient solution to this, through which the railway gates can be programmed to open and close automatically by sensing the arrival of train. As it is addressing a serious problem that we are facing, being an electronics engineer you should do this project to understand the technology behind it.
This ECE project works by 2 simple mechanisms. First an IR sensor is used to detect the arrival and departure of the train at certain location from the railway gate and will send the data collected (as signals) to the micro-controller. Then a micro-controller is used to detect these signals and facilitates the operation of motors which will then open/ close the gate. You can use IR sensors for detecting the train movement, micro-controller like 8051, 8052, Arduino Uno to act as the brain of the system and D.C motors to operate the railway gates.
Learn to Build Automated Railway Crossing Project at your HomeSkyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Electronics Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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Animatronics hand project is an application of mechatronics technology and it is being widely used in industries to mimic the action of animals and human through electronic devices. This particular technology is being widely used in the film industries. The main theme of this electronics project is to record the movement of the hand and send the signals to an animatronic hand which then mimics the movement.
To build this electronics project you will need 3 major components,
From logistics service to tracking your taxi/ bus, all of these use GPS technology to pinpoint the location. Knowing this technology will help you to develop skills on them and build more innovative projects when you progress in your career. By doing this electronics project you will build an electronic device that can track the location and send an update to the user as an email/ sms. This device can be integrated into almost all the vehicles/ locomotives and has its application varying from tracking the location to anti-theft modules.
This particular ECE project comprises of 3 major components,
Robotics is being widely adapted in the industries of today to increase their operational efficiency. Robotic arm is one such mechatronics application that can operate autonomously to handle the industrial process that needs more physical effort/ contagious in nature. By doing this electronics project you will build a Robotic Arm that can be controlled by human hand gestures to carry out actions like pick/ place.
You need to work with the following components to build the robotic arm project,
7.Home automation system using IoT: In this electronics project, you will learn how to create a home automation system utilizing IoT and gain a thorough grasp of the field. Home automation is one area where IoT has had a significant influence. In the not-too-distant future, computers will regulate every room and light. You'll learn how to make an electrical gadget that uses Bluetooth technology to control all of your household appliances. The project you create may be used to turn devices on and off by issuing commands using an Android app on a smartphone. You'll be able to save and analyse information about how household appliances are used. The components used in this project are:
8.Smart Energy meter using GSM: This electronic project will assist you in creating a single project to measure energy use and deliver it to you through SMS on a regular basis. The information gathered during monitoring will assist us in taking the required actions to conserve energy. This smart energy metre project is a necessity for anybody interested in learning about energy-saving systems technology. You will create a smart energy metre system that uses GSM technology to provide you information on your energy use over a set period of time. As a processing unit, you'll use an Arduino development board. The components used in this project are:
9.Automatic Solar tracker: In this electronics project, you will learn how to design a solar tracker. Solar trackers are devices that automatically position themselves in the direction of high-intensity sunlight in order to maximise solar power harvesting. This automated solar tracker project is a great place to start if you're interested in learning about renewable energy systems technologies. You'll create an automated solar tracker system that can position itself in the direction with the most sunshine intensity. As a processing unit, you'll use an Arduino development board. The parts used in this project are:
10.Solar and smart energy systems: In this electronics project, you will create one such system that uses solar energy to intelligently manage traffic. Hands-on experience with renewable energy and smart systems is included in the Solar and Smart Energy Systems Course. These two technologies, when used together, will have a significant influence on our future. You'll learn how to capture solar energy and create smart traffic lights that alter their timings automatically based on traffic direction. After that, you'll create a smart traffic control prototype that can autonomously regulate traffic signals based on vehicle intensity on the road. The solar charger may be used to power the traffic system as well. The parts we will use in this project are:
The LED displays that we see at different locations like Railway Stations, Bus Stands, Markets etc., is an application of this project itself. This particular project works on a simple principle that whenever we see images in quick succession, it creates an optical illusion in our brain allowing us to detect motion. Through this electronics project you can build a LED based POV display using an Arduino. The display when rotated at high speed will magically show the letters that are pre-programmed.
These are the following components that you will need to complete the electronics project,
RFID is a technology that is used for exchanging information wirelessly with the use of electromagnetic fields. The application of this technology is endless, from authentication system for security purpose to authentication in Toll-gates. Through this electronics project you will build an electronic device that serves as an authentication system to open the gates for authorized users only. The system that you build can also be used to facilitate automatic closing and opening of gates.
To build this electronics project you need the following components,
Biometric devices are employed for the highest level of security as they involve the scanning of biological organs like eyes, fingers, etc,. Generally these devices will have a scanner that identifies the pattern of the organ and a processing unit, which compares them with pre-stored values for allowing access. By this electronics project, you can build a finger print based Biometric Authentication system using an arduino board that can allow or deny access.
You will need the following components to complete this electronics project,
Wearable Technologies are devices which can be worn by the user & simultaneously process and display relevant information on the wearer. Wearables are considered as the biggest innovation in technology since the smartphone – and the possibilities are endless. Through this electronics project you will build an electronic device that can be worn and used to display the heart rate of any individual on the display mounted on the glove.
The following components are needed to complete this ECE project,
15. Voice Controlled Robot: In this electronics project you will develop a robot that can be controlled over voice commands. A Bluetooth module is used to receive the given commands. For this Arduino micro-controller is used to program the robot to work as per the instructions. Voice command is given using an android application.
Check project details16. Biped Walking Robot: In this electronics project you will develop a walking robot that resembles the human locomotion. Servo motor is used as actuators. Arduino microcontroller is used to control the servo motors. The robot is programmed as per the required motion.
Check project details17. CNC Machine using Arduino: Computer Numerical Control is the method of subtractive manufacturing using numerical codes. In this electronics project, you will build a 3 axis CNC machine using Arduino to perform the milling, drilling and cutting functions. Stepper motors are used to achieve the motion in all the three axes.
Check project details 18. Sensor Guided RoboticsAnother electronic project on robotics. This one is based on building three different kinds namely-
Line Follower
Obstacle Follower
Obstacle Avoider
This electronic project is build using an IR sensor and Arduino UNO microcontroller board.
Learn more about this electronic project
19. Health Monitoring Wearable
A simple electronic project which deals with the health of the consumer. With the aid of Lilypad Arduino, you can create a hand-glove in this. The glove measures the bodily heart rate.
20. Smart Traffic Lighting System
A bad traffic system of the age has caused a lot of havoc in the lives of people who wish to reach their destination of time. This module helps in building a smart traffic system. Arduino Programming and IR sensors are used for this electronic project.
21. Smart Traffic Lighting System
A bad traffic system of the age has caused a lot of havoc in the lives of people who wish to reach their destination of time. This module helps in building a smart traffic system. Arduino Programming and IR sensors are used for this electronic project.
Learn to Build Health Monitoring Glove Project at your HomeOfcourse, you can use the above mentioned electronics projects to do for your engineering curriculum. Since the above electroncis projects integrates a latest technology, they offer you a lot of scope for learning and understanding the innovative technologies. Remember, the main objective of doing electronics mini or major projects is to strengthen your learning of engineering concepts. So always choose electronics project topics that offers you a very good learning opportunity.
In case you are interested to do innovative electronics engineering projects but don’t know where to start, Skyfi Labs has developed Online Project Based Courses that you can use to build your projects in the best way possible. Our Learn-Do-Review Methodology ensures you learn while you build your mini or final year projects. Kits needed will be dispatched to you within 24 hours and you get instant access to the course content. Using the kits and course content, ECE students can build super awesome Electronics Engineering Projects!
The primary distinction between electrical and electronic circuits is that electrical circuits lack the capacity to make decisions (process data), whereas electronic circuits do. Electricity is used to power equipment in an electric circuit. Electronic and electrical circuits are used in most contemporary gadgets. Both the electrical and the electrons are interconnected. The flow of electrons is referred to as electrical, and the method of regulating the flow of electrons to perform a certain task is referred to as electronics. Both function on the same concept, which is to use electrical energy to perform labor. Electrical devices operate primarily on alternating current, whereas electronics equipment operates on direct current. Electrical devices are more harmful than electronic gadgets because massive short circuits develop in electric equipment due to a defect, which is extremely dangerous to human life.
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