This article builds on a critical understanding of IoT as a subject. There are a number of capstone IoT projects here that will interest students who wish to get into it. The process is briefly explained in it. Such IoT projects should help students put themselves at high-grade companies. IoT has been in almost every industrial machinery and is now also forming a base in personal systems. To begin with selecting the best IoT capstone project.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Explore more IoT capstone projects
When you are nearing for graduations the project that is asked to do by the end of the semester that counts your ability to be a scholar in that particular subject is known as a capstone project. This project determines your entire learning of the subject and requires to be perfect in its workability. The institute judges your capability of being a successful graduate on the basis of that particular project.
Therefore, it is suggested to carefully select your project based entirely on your interest and that performs way beyond expectation.
Learn more about capstone projects
Want to develop practical skills on Internet of Things? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
IoT or the internet of things is based on a series of network connections with one another mainly wirelessly for performing tasks automatically. IoT in recent years has been encompassing a lot many devices with its capability and is changing the entire world into tech-based. As the name suggests the device works through an internet connection.
Things that are connected with a device basically contain sensors or actuators that have working internet connectivity. These sensors or actuators contain data and work accordingly. These IoT sensors are connected with IoT gateways that either operate them or store the data sent.
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Internet of Things Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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1. Home automation using IoT
IoT is common today and is now also available for personal spaces. This capstone project is IoT based and makes the whole home smart by simply connecting to a laptop or a smartphone. Connectivity is done through Bluetooth.
Learn more about this capstone project
2. IoT Using Raspberry Pi
A capstone project that uses a Raspberry Pi board to work, this project too is IoT based it collects data on humidity and temperatures and streams it over the internet.
Enrol for this capstone project
3. Smart Irrigation System
Even the farming system is now becoming tech-based. This IoT based capstone project tests soil moisture and allows easy water flow through the DC pump. Arduino is used for project programming.
Discover more about this IoT project
4. Surveillance Camera Using IoT
IoT is used even in a surveillance system. This capstone student project uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and live streams videos wirelessly.
Learn more about this capstone project
5. Smart Building Using IoT
An energy-saving project, this one too is based on IoT. The module that was designed inspects the meeting room occupants and turns the lights on / off. This has managed to save big time on energy.
Discover more about this capstone project
6. IoT Using Arduino
A module experimenting with Arduino, this too is based on the control of temperature. The weather will be broadcast over the internet this capstone project aims to get a gist on Arduino and IoT.
Explore more about this capstone project
7. Smart Water Monitoring
This beginner's project is quite interesting in conserving natural resources. Arduino project is used to program this module and water usage in buildings will be checked through it.
8. Automated Street Lighting
This capstone IoT project too is based on saving energy. The module builds a system that helps to switch street lights ON when the sun’s light gets dimmer and switches OFF when the sun rises.
Discover more about this IoT project
9. Automatic Smart Door Bell using IoT
A project that is based on a security system, it is built using Arduino UNO. The system built will detect any human activity outside the door and ring the doorbell along with sending a notification to the user via SMS or email.
10. Smart Home Interface Using GSM and IoT
The system on Home Automation is based on GSM and IoT. It controls almost all the appliances at home and also uses SMS service to control them.
11. Rescue Robot and Pipeline Inspection using Zigbee
This capstone project has been a great help in recent times where every other day there is news about kids falling into an open borewell. The module helps build a robot that can rescue anything from the borewell and works using Zigbee.
12. Smart Trash Can using Internet of Things
Who thought even trash cans could be tech-based? This project helps build IoT based trash can which when is filled will notify the municipal workers and they will clean it up. This project has helped in useless littering of areas.
13. Fridge Door Alarm using IoT
Since we are saving energy in the best possible way we can make more effort in it. This module based on Arduino Uno uses an alarm to notify its user whenever the fridge is not shut properly.
14. Automatic Door opening and Closing System
You all must have seen in malls doors that automatically open when you near them how about learning how to build them? Arduino is used in this project and as soon as a person nears the door the door will automatically open without you pushing it and will close as soon as you cross by it.
15. Home appliance control using ESP8266 module
16. Face recognition door using Raspberry pi
17. Liquid level monitoring system
18. Smart auto garage door using Arduino
19. Baby monitoring system using IoT
20. Flood detection system using IoT
21. Under water climate monitoring using IoT
22. Greenhouse monitoring using IoT capstone project
23. IoT based smart roadway to prevent accidents
There are lots of IoT projects available online. But These were some of the best capstone projects related to IoT which comes along with a kit and a smart certificate.
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