This blog comprises of details about what an embedded system and its components are. Also, the uses of embedded systems, especially in automation are discussed. The frequently asked questions related to Arduino and Raspberry Pi, embedded systems, is also answered. The most common and some of the best-embedded systems mini-projects are also mentioned so that the students can get enlightened and start building projects without giving another thought. For more assistance, some of the projects and their short description are also specified at the end.
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Embedded Systems Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!
2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)
8. Robotic Arm
11. Hexapod
12. Swarm Robotics
14. Mobile Robotics
15. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
17. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
23. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
24. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
32. Automated Railway Crossing
36. Health Monitoring Wearable
40. Smart Traffic Lighting System
The literal meaning of “embed” is to get attached to something. Similarly, an embedded system can be defined as a software system being embedded in a hardware system. It is a microprocessor-based system that can be either independent or connected to a larger system and used to perform a specific task. Some examples of the embedded system include GPS whose task is to direct people to desired locations, a DVD player, used for playing audio and video units, fire alarm, used to detect fires if any, etc. Embedded system comprises mainly of three parts:
The major advantages of the embedded system are its low cost, low power consumption, and efficiency. Whereas, its disadvantages are its increased development effort and its selling strategies.
Check embedded systems project detailsThe use of embedded systems in fire alarms is a very small application. Today, even automation industries have carried forward this legacy of using embedded systems in their vehicles. Now, vehicles are not merely a mechanical object for transportation, but a smart embedded software makes them more advanced and user-friendly. The embedded systems are the operating systems that perform various tasks such as maintaining the temperature inside the vehicle, driving motors, control power efficiency, etc. Not only this, embedded systems even control the working of the machine, measures power and also pressure.
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Embedded systems are changing the automation industries way of function and it truly has a bright scope in the future. It will change the course of how a machine operates by optimizing its functionalities and improve its usability.
Check all automation projects from Skyfi LabsArduino cannot be defined as entirely an embedded system. It can rather be called a fraction of it. It can also be called a product of the application of embedded systems. Arduino is a microcontroller board with a designed API (Application Programming Interface), creating a connection between the AVR micro-controller with the circuit and executing other APIs built using C++. However, all the internal peripherals can’t be accessed using Arduino. Hence, it can’t be entirely compared to embedded systems.
Taking Raspberry Pi into consideration, Raspberry Pi is again a drop of water in a pool of embedded system. It is an embedded system, giving access to some basic concepts of system design. Its major advantage is that it can do the booting and kernel work within it. Hence, in simpler words, it can be defined as part of the embedded system.
Learn more about embedded systems projectEmbedded system projects are quite easy to build if proper guidance, resources, and knowledge are provided. At Skyfi Labs, you will be made to invent various mini-projects that will not only ensure quantity but also quality in your resume. To start with these embedded systems projects, you will be needing some of the necessary tools and equipment to start building them.
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Embedded Systems Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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Also, for the prerequisites, some basic knowledge of Arduino/Raspberry Pi is required for the coding part in these projects.
Like no plan is implemented without a goal, you must be determined and set a perfect and reasonable timeline about how to go about these projects and adhere to it sincerely.
In the end, good sensors are a must for the software component of the system, which will improve the working capacity of the project.
Check all embedded systems mini projects from Skyfi Labs1.Animatronic hand: Animatronics is the technology where machines/robots imitate act like humans or animals and respond to the stimulus just like humans by showing various gestures. The animatronic hand that you build can be controlled with your hand movements with the help of flex sensors.
By building this embedded system project you will learn about:
2.Surveillance Robot: Robots are changing the world. Robots are great. Robots with eyes are even better! During the making of this embedded system project, you will learn to build your very own surveillance robot using Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and transmits live video footage over the internet. You will also program the robot to get instructions from a user at a remote location.
You will also learn about:
3.Hexapod: A mechanical robot walking on six legs is a hexapod. No matter what the terrain is, it moves swiftly across any barrier including mountains, rocks, etc. In this embedded system project, you will learn to build your very own Hexapod Robot that can be controlled via smartphones using a Bluetooth controlled Android App. By building this embedded system project you will learn about:
4.Swarm Robots: Swarm Robotics deals with Swarm Intelligence between multiple robots. The robots may act as saviors in missions. There are two types of robots: master and slave. Master performs its task and slave obeys the signals from the master robot (both being autonomous).
By building this embedded system project you will learn about:
5.Automatic Solar Tracker: Solar Trackers are devices that will automatically orient itself to the direction of high-intensity sunlight. It helps to capture the maximum intensity sunlight. The solar tracker will contribute to the renewable sources of energy and might bring a revolution in the future. In this embedded system project, you will learn about:
6.Mobile Robotics: Robotics is one of the key technologies that are reforming the way we survive. You can make the robot move forward, back, left, etc. by clicking a button. In this embedded system project, you will create a mobile-controlled robot using DTMF or Dual Tone Multiple Frequency. When you press the keys on the user’s phone, it will send instructions to the robot via DTMF signals. The robot decodes these signals and moves accordingly.
By building this embedded system project you will learn about:
7.Sixth Sense Robot: Robots have the power to change this world for better and bring a revival into the field of technology. Especially, robots with vision-guided systems are way more beneficial and productive. This embedded system project will guide you towards building such robots that are controlled using image processing algorithms. Arduino will be your very own microcontroller and image processing algorithms will be your tool. Object tracking algorithms and colored object recognition algorithms are used to make the robot work.
You will also learn about:
8.CNC Machine using Arduino: CNC Machines are very popular in the manufacturing industry. With this embedded systems project you can perform manufacturing operations like drilling, milling, and cutting. The tool can be operated with the help of G Codes and Arduino interfacing. By building this embedded system project, you will practically work with stepper motors, Arduino board, G Codes, CNC calibration, and programming.
Check project detailsHope you got good information about embedded systems and various innovative projects that you can build on embedded systems.
If you are very interested in embedded systems and want to develop the skills on it, we at Skyfi Labs are there to help you. We have developed some amazing online project-based courses using which you can learn and build innovative embedded systems mini projects right from your home. The components needed will be shipped to your doorstep and you can use the kit & the online tutorials to complete the project with 100% output. You can interact with our embedded system experts 1-1 and clear all your doubts while building the project.
Check all the embedded project from Skyfi LabsWe hope you will develop the skills in embedded systems and build a successful career.
Good luck!
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