Computer Vision

Top 11 Image Processing Mini Projects (Videos Included)

Summary: Image recognition and its understanding are considered as an important subfield of artificial intelligence. You need to enhance your knowledge of basic image/ video processing algorithms to understand how it embeds with AI. And developing projects on them is a great way to understand the concepts from core. Building projects can be very challenging on image processing, but it is not very difficult due to the recent technological advancements and resources available.

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1. Surveillance Robot

2. Sixth Sense Robot

3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

4. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

5. Computer Vision Based Mouse

6. Computer Vision Training & Internship

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Image processing is a process of converting an image into a digital form. This process is generally done to perform some functions or operations on the image to get an enhanced image or may be to extract some meaningful information out of it.

In simple terms, image processing is the processing of various algorithms on an image to get the results according to our requirements. If we take a real-life example, most of us have used the Adobe’s Photoshop or Microsoft’s Picture Manager or Google’s Picasa. These are some of the software which provides a user interface to apply various functions to process the images and uses some basic image processing algorithms.

Image processing basically involves the following actions:

  1. Importing the image with an optical scanner or by digital photography.
  2. Analyzing and manipulating the image which includes data compression. Image enhancement and spotting patterns that are not visible to human eyes like satellite photographs.
  3. Output is the last stage in which result can be an altered image or report that is based on image analysis.

Some main purpose for which image processing is mostly done are:

  1. Visualization – Observe the objects that are not visible.
  2. Image Sharpening and restoration – To create a better image.
  3. Image Retrieval – Seek for the image of interest.
  4. Measurement of pattern – Measures various objects in an image.
  5. Image Recognition – Distinguish the various objects in an image

Latest projects on Computer Vision

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Applications of image processing:

  1. Remote sensing
  2. Medical Imaging
  3. Non-Destructive evaluation
  4. Forensic Studies
  5. Textiles
  6. Material science
  7. Military
  8. Film Industry
  9. Document Processing
  10. Graphic arts
  11. Printing industry

Technologies used in image processing

The major technologies used in the image processing field today are:

  1. C
  2. C++
  4. Python

Other than these, for hardcore coding and algorithms, we use certain libraries as well. Some of them are OpenCV, PCL, Deep learning using caffe or tensor flow etc .

How to build Computer Vision projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Computer Vision Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

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Is image processing linked with Artificial Intelligence?

Image recognition and its understanding are considered as an important subfield of artificial intelligence. If we take industries into consideration, the Detection of flaws is an important industrial concern.

For example, consider an aircraft or a nuclear-power reactor. The owners and regulatory authorities need effective means of detecting flaws that could pose a threat to public safety. Image processing can effectively help us in overcoming this challenge.

Expensive equipment used in the industries are required to work in their optimum efficiency, the operators of this equipment are responsible to gather information on service induced flaws so that they can take decisions as to keep the equipment or retire it. And image processing algorithms can help them take such decisions very effectively.

Also, image processing coupled with artificial intelligence can do various industrial wonders that can contribute to the improvement of operational efficiency.

Start learning image processing concepts

Is image processing a good technology for building mini projects?

Importance and necessity of digital image processing stem from two principal application areas: the first being the Improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation and the second being the Processing of a scene data for an autonomous machine perception.

Digital image processing has a broad range of applications such as remote sensing, image and data storage for transmission in business applications, medical imaging, acoustic imaging, Forensic sciences and industrial automation.

Images acquired by satellites are useful in tracking earth resources, geographical mapping, and prediction of agricultural crops, urban population, weather forecasting, flood and fire control.

Space imaging applications include recognition and analyzation of objects contained in images obtained from deep space-probe missions. There are also medical applications such as processing of X-Rays, Ultrasonic scanning, Electron micrographs, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging, etc.

Hence if we look at future perspective, image processing has a lot of importance in the field of engineering. In terms of mini projects, the world is shifting towards automation and image processing is a very important factor in automation. So, building mini projects on image processing can help you gain valuable industrial skills and develop an effective career in them.

If you are interested in building mini projects on image processing technology, below mentioned are some innovative project topics.

Latest image processing mini projects for engineering students

1. Computer Vision based mouse Project: Computer vision is basically providing an eye to the machines/robots which are synchronized with processors and actuators to make them perform actions when they see or encounter something. Through this project, you would learn to develop a computer vision based mouse application to control the cursor using the object tracking algorithm. By showing the corresponding colors to the computer you can perform all the functions of a mouse.

The key learning you get from this project would be:

  1. Image processing algorithms
  2. Image thresholding
  3. Canny edge detection
  4. Object tracking

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2. Computer Vision based text scanner: This project helps you learn and develop a computer vision based text scanner that can scan any text from an image with the help of optical character recognition algorithm and display the text on your screen.

Key learnings:

  1. Image processing algorithms
  2. Image thresholding
  3. Image perspective transformation
  4. Optical character recognition.

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3. Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie: In this project, one can learn to develop a computer vision based smart selfie application which can take snaps/pictures automatically when you smile using the facial feature recognition algorithm and save it on your device.

Key learnings:

  1. Image processing algorithms
  2. Face recognition
  3. Facial feature recognition
  4. Dlib C++ library

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4. Raspberry Pi based ball tracking Robot: This project might entice you a bit because of its activities. This project would help you track the path of the ball that you play with. This project can simplify your task of finding the ball every time you play with it in open ground or maybe inside your room. This project consists of a camera for capturing the images and performs the basic functions of image processing for tracking the ball. It would also have a Raspberry Pi which is used as a microcontroller to trace the ball and would need Python code for analysing the image.

Key learning of this project:

  1. Raspberry Pi coding
  2. Image processing algorithms
  3. Object tracking
  4. Camera synchronization

5. Intelligent Traffic Light Control using Image Processing: With each passing day, the traffic is becoming a major problem in India as well as in various other countries. The traffic signals must be efficient enough to do real time checking of the compactness of traffic in order to reduce traffic and congestion of vehicles in the peak hours.

This project uses an arrangement of image processing unit in an easy way by capturing images of traffic at crossroads.

This would apply a step by step procedure for changing the duration of the traffic light depending on the density of traffic.

Key learnings:

  1. Image processing
  3. Traffic density survey

6. Driver Sleepiness detection using Python: Various road accidents are happening because the driver felt sleepy and lost control over the vehicle. This problem can be effectively addressed through this project. This project would have a camera in front of the driver which would be constantly monitoring the eye of the driver. It basically monitors the eyeball and reports immediately in case of any abnormality. This system will immediately wake the driver up and make him attentive on the roads.

Key learnings:

  1. Python language
  2. Eye ball detection mechanism

7. Cartooning of an image using Python: Again, comes to an interesting project to work upon. This project will help enthusiasts to convert their normal images to cartoons very easily. This is done by an image detection algorithm and bilateral filter. Bilateral filter is basically used to reduce the color palette of an image. Then, edge detection is applied to this image for generating a dark shaped image.

Key learnings:

  1. Edge detection
  2. Python
  3. Bilateral filtering

8. Identification of Human act by image processing: This project is used to identify the human act using image processing algorithms in real time, and the main intention is to communicate the identified gestures using the camera system. All the human activities such as movement of arms, running, walking, eating, etc. are recorded and saved on the database. After that, if any such activity is performed by an individual in front of the system, then it will activate the signal and the system will detect it. This project uses the method of process matching to understand the actions of the recorded video.

9. Forgery detection of Medical Image: This project is used in the healthcare system to ensure that the images of the reports are not changed or altered. This is really helpful in the healthcare industry as many cases are registered regarding the alteration of the reports in order to hide some crimes. This project works by implementing noise chart to an image.

10. Automatic Vehicle Parking System: Nowadays, there are many cities worldwide facing a lot of problem for vehicle parking due to less availability of parking places, high land prices, etc. To overcome this issue here is a solution namely an automatic car parking system. The proposed system can be used in public places like hotels, offices, theatres, homes, hospitals, stadiums, airports, etc. There are several advantages by using this system such as it occupies less space, takes less time for taking as well as delivering the car, safety, and security for the vehicle from thefts. The system uses an image processing algorithm to look for vacant places and gives the information to the actuators to bring the car automatically.

11. Erosion and Dilation of images: There are several types of morphological operations available in the domain of image processing. But, image processing can be done using the most common types of morphological operations such as Erosion & Dilation. Here, Erosion is used to reduce the feature of an image whereas dilation is used to increase the area and emphasize features of an object. 

Hope you got some good image processing mini project ideas from this article. 

Suppose, if you want to build great image processing projects but don’t have the necessary technical knowledge, don’t worry!

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Top 11 Image Processing Mini Projects (Videos Included)
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-18

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