Summer is the time when you will be completely free from any sort of exam pressure and it helps you to concentrate more on acquiring practical skills and knowledge apart from the college curriculum. And summer training programs deal with wholesome development. If you are constant throughout the process and show perseverance, you are likely to conquer excellence in whatever skill you wanted to learn through these practical programs.
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Latest Summer Training Programs for engineering students
The season of scorching heat, ripe mangoes and ice-creams has approached and has also brought along, ample time for the emerging INNOVATORS to pursue a course of their interest. Summer vacations had proven to be the best time for an engineering student to acquire practical skills and experiences through various hands-on projects and summer training programs.
Why summer training is important for engineering students?

Being an engineering student, you must not be confined to only theoretical knowledge, but also have an idea about the acute details of latest technologies, its applications and scope in the future. Every engineering student now are capable enough to understand the importance of building hands-on projects and acquire relevant skills because this is what a company looks for in a candidate. The more number of projects you build, the more capable you are in the eyes of the recruiter as it gives you an edge over the others. Your projects speak louder than your college marks and they express your practical skills better during the process of placements. In depth knowledge of various technologies, programming languages and other practical skills also look good in a resume and these characteristics play a crucial role during the first phase of the filtration process.
Summer training on Innovative Technologies
Want to develop practical skills on innovative technologies? Checkout our Summer training programs and start learning
Summer training programs had proven to be an excellent platform for acquiring knowledge on the latest technologies and to know about the ongoing innovations in the world for engineering students.
- Firstly, joining a summer training program, gives you a structured approach towards the learning methodologies, than just randomly collecting information from many sources.
- Summer is the time when you will be completely free from any sort of exam pressure and helps you to concentrate more on acquiring practical skills and knowledge apart from the college curriculum.
- Enrolling for a summer training program also helps you to explore more and find your interest in a technology that you might have never faced before. This might turn into a "Road not taken” that might make you do wonders in this field in the future.
- Few advanced technologies are even unavailable on internet that you might want to learn. Hence, summer training programs would prove to be the one that you should never miss during your engineering college days.
Did you know
Skyfi Labs helps students learn practical skills by building real-world projects.
You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
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Hence, summer training programs prove to be an excellent source of knowledge to make you more aware and discover the love for a new technology.
Is joining a summer training program the best way to learn latest technologies?

“A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work” – Colin Powel
Instead of staying up at home, doing nothing, try making your summer vacation a fruitful one. Joining a summer training program is the easiest and an efficient step towards achieving this goal. Being involved in a summer training benefits a technical student like you a lot. You get to interact with your fellow mates and discuss new ideas during the summer training. Here are some of the benefits of joining a summer training program.
- Joining a summer training program is analogous to joining a college for graduation. Here you will be provided with the tools and instruments to build the project, along with comprehensive knowledge of the technology to get in depth understanding of it.
- It also allows you to interact face to face with the mentors that have gained good expertise in their respective field of teaching. You can even discuss your doubts with them openly and get the right answers. Not only mentors, you get to involve in conversation with other students as well, coming from different backgrounds and with different skills and level of experiences, thus giving a blend of technology learning with community building.
- After the completion of the training, you will also be provided with a certificate of completion and certificate of appreciation in some cases. These certificates can be attached in a resume, giving enough confidence to the recruiter about your skills along with strengthening the resume.
- If you believe that you are not motivated enough to undergo the regressive process of technology exploration due to lack of thorough knowledge of a technology, then summer training programs is your savior. Through a well maintained schedule and time table, it allows you to be sincere and constantly strive for your goals.
Important Points to be noted while attending summer training programs

As mentioned earlier, summer training programs deal with wholesome development. If you are constant throughout the process and show perseverance, you are likely to conquer excellence in whatever skill you wanted to learn. Some key points that you must keep in mind are:
- You must maintain pace with the mentor and the course that is taught in each class. Your level of determination and hard work must resonate with that of the mentors so that there arises no conflict during the process of imparting skills.
- Ask doubts! That is the best way to gain clarification in the thought process of you. Also it leads to a good impression in the eyes of the expert teaching you, and may even help you more than the rest.
- Go above and the call of the duty. Any assignment given to you, should be completed before hand along with the preparation of the next class. This will give you a fair idea of what is going to happen next and leave you with no discrepancies in the project building.
- Take notes. No one is there to spoon feed you. It is your responsibility to bring out most of what you do and how you do. Keeping a record of what the mentor is teaching, is also an efficient way to learn.
- Pay attention. Remember that a technical student will be very much into details and that is what gives rise to a good developer. These details give rise to queries, that when solved improves your thinking ability.
- Always ensure that you are provided with the necessary toolkit/software (if required) and the certificate of completion at the end of the course.
Latest summer training programs for engineering students

What is better than pursuing a course in your favorite technology by one of the best organization that provide students with affordable prices, giving you another reason to learn, grow and shine. Below mentioned are some of the summer training programs that are organized by Skyfi Labs:
1. Structural and Foundation Analysis:
- Get hands-on experience on software like SAP2000, ETABS and SAFE
- Brush up your basics with in depth coverage of structural engineering topics
- Develop projects on your own with professional software tools
- Review the projects with daily assessments and group discussions
Learn more about this summer training program
2. CPM and BIM:
- Learn to generate 3D Documents from floor plans for execution
- Learn how to work with resources by following deadlines
- Learn Risk Identification, Monitoring and Controlling
- Review the projects with daily assessments and group discussions
Learn more about this summer training program
3. Total station and GIS:
- Revise your surveying knowledge with latest industry trends
- Learn how to operate Total Station equipment
- Survey and plot maps of an entire area on your own
- Prepare a Topographic Data Base of the site
Learn more about this summer training program
4. Quadrotor and RC Aircraft:
- Learn the basics of aviation engineering
- Develop a fixed wing radio-controlled aircraft
- Build a rotary-wing UAV: Quadrotor
- Configure and test your Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Learn more about this summer training program
5. IC Engine and Automobile Prototyping:
- Work on a life-size 150 CC Internal Combustion Engine
- Develop a working radio-controlled prototype of a car
- Brush up your automobile engineering basics
- Solve case studies and interact with Skyfi Labs experts
Learn more about this summer training program
6. 6 Days Mechatronics Bootcamp:
- Learn and build any 3 mechatronics projects of your choice
- Get complete hands-on practical based learning experience
- Understanding of electronic circuits involved and its working
- Learn from best trainers who will guide you throughout the boot camp. 100% success guaranteed!
- Demos by students developing multiple projects so you get exposure to not only on your project but also get to learn from students building other projects
Learn more about this summer training program
7. 7 Robots in 6 days:
- Build robotics projects from basic to advanced robotics
- Understand the working of robotic systems
- Program your robots using Arduino
- Learn about Arduino Architecture and its programming
Learn more about this summer training program
8. 6 Days IoT Bootcamp:
- Learn and Build any 3 IoT projects of your choice
- Get complete hands-on practical based learning experience
- Understanding of electronic circuits involved and its working
- Learn about various sensor’s working, calibration and testing
- Store and analyze the data collected from the sensors on the cloud platform
https://www.skyfilabs.com/summer-training">Learn more about this summer training program
9. 6 Days Computer Vision Bootcamp:
- Learn and build any 3 computer vision projects of your choice
- Get complete hands-on practical based learning experience
- Learn about various image processing algorithms and their implementation
- Get skilled on Python programming by developing real-time projects
- Learn from best trainers who will guide you throughout the boot camp. 100% success guaranteed!
Learn more about this summer training program
10.6 Days Embedded Systems Bootcamp:
- Learn and build any 3 embedded systems projects of your choice
- Get complete hands-on practical based learning experience
- Get hands-on experience with the various embedded systems like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, 8051 based microcontroller, etc.
- Learn various programming languages like Arduino programming, Embedded C, Python, etc.
- Understand about the various electronic circuits involved and it’s working
Learn more about this summer training program
Hope you got some good information about the various latest summer training programs that you can attend this summer vacation. Remember, summer training program provides you an efficient platform to learn new technologies. So don’t waste your summer break snoozing off.
Join a summer training program near you
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Latest summer training programs for engineering students
Skyfi Labs
2019-05-21 •
Last Updated: