We have all seen science fiction movies featuring robots and been fascinated by them. Whether they take the form of killer robots from outer space or nice-guy police bots, they are an important part of science-fiction. Soon enough, thanks to the advancement of technology, they have become a part of our lives. So, what exactly is a robot? A robot is any device, which automatically processes information and then gets a job done. Therefore, in essence, it replicates a human being, because humans can sense their environment, collect data, process it and then act on it. Such systems are capable of handling complex tasks and are hence, a great work to improve efficiency and take a load off your shoulders. Are you interested in building robots? If so, then this might be the article you are looking for. Here’s a look at how to build your own line follower robot and why you should pursue this.
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Isaac Asimov’s Law of Robotics
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Robots can be either fixed robots or mobile, with mobile ones having a movable base which allows them to move about freely. Line Follower Robot is a mobile bot which follows a particular line or path and chooses its motion based on its interaction with obstacles. The path here is usually a black line which is drawn on a white floor. Furthermore, magnetic lines may also be used to direct the trajectory of the robot.
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The working of a Line Follower robot is based on light and the detection of it. That is why we use a black line of a light-coloured surface. The basic principle here is that white surface fully reflects light, whereas dark surfaces absorb it. Therefore, Arduino Line Follower robots use IR transmitter-receiver pairs as their main sensors. This is so because they send and receive infrared lights with great efficiency. The photodiode measures the reflected light and generates a particular voltage as a result of it. Therefore, in such robots, a white surface gives a high input whereas a black surface provides a 0 or low input.
Discover more about Line Follower Robot
An Arduino-powered Line Follower Robot has three main sections to it:
Sensor section:
Control Section:
Driver section:
Therefore, the IR sensors are used to transmit and detect IR light rays. While working, two pairs are used on both sides. When both the left and right, the sensor pair sees a white area, they move forward. In case only one sensor detects black, they move towards that side. This occurs till the robot readjusts and both sensor pairs detect the white surface again. When both pairs pick up a black surface, the robot stops.
Line Follower Robot - Kits, Tutorials & Programming Code
We at Skyfi Labs have come up with an innovative solution to learn and build this Line Follower robot which comes along with the kit, video tutorials and programming code.
Line Follower Robot Circuit Components
sbit mot1=P2^0;
sbit mot2=P2^1;
sbit mot3=P2^2;
sbit mot4=P2^3;
sbit s_left=P2^6;
sbit s_right=P2^7;
void forward (void);
void backward (void);
void left (void);
void right (void);
void forward (void)
void backward (void)
void left (void)
void right (void)
void stop (void)
void main()
if(s_left==0 && s_right==0)
else if(s_left==1 && s_right==1)
else if(s_left==0 && s_right==1)
else if(s_left==1 && s_right==0)
Make the robot upload the code and watch it working. If you are facing any issues, let us know in the comment section.
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