Today the most promising source of energy where everyone focusing is the concept of Solar Power and its Utilization. Generally, we see people who had gardens use lawn mowers manually to cut the unwanted grass. Those lawn movers are powered from normal household’s power through cables or using petrol/diesel. Using cables creates messing problem and if there is any power cut, we can’t use that lawn mower. Similarly, if we use petrol/diesel powered machine, it requires money and they create pollution through the smoke. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Automatic Solar Grass Cutter (Lawn Mower) which is powered by solar energy and it will overcome all the above-mentioned problems.
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4. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
5. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
10. Automated Railway Crossing
11. Smart Traffic Lighting System
You will need an Arduino Uno board for interfacing microcontroller with the DC motor and Ultrasonic sensor along with the solar panel. You will attach cutter blade to the DC Motor and placed it at the bottom. The Solar panel is used for getting power for the grass cutter. The ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the obstacles. You will program the microcontroller in such a way that when the robot had switched on, it will move based on the inputs given by the ultrasonic sensor. As soon as the bot started, the cutter start rotating and will chop the grass. The power for all these electronics will be taken from the Solar panel itself.
Want to develop practical skills on Automation? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)
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