Environment Modelling

Can you produce a virtual reality set just by taking some pictures? In this project, you will convert pictures into a virtual reality 3D model. The camera will capture the environment and converts it into 3D, then you will convert it into a Virtual Reality model.

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In this project, you will use a high definition camera to capture snapshots. You will take the snapshots standing at one place in all the directions. This will be the input. Finally, you will be able to see the input in a VR headset.

Project description:

DSLR: It stands for Digital Single-Lens Reflex. You will use it to take snapshots of the environment. The images need to be in HD for a better VR experience.

3DS MAX: It is a 3D graphics program that is used to make 3D models, animation and images. You will use it to make 3D models based on the images.

Unity VR: It is a virtual reality development platform. It is widely used for VR development. You will create the VR using this tool.

VR headset: It is a device that gives you a virtual reality experience. You can wear it on your head. You can see the final output using a VR headset.

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Project implementation:

  1. Begin with taking the snapshots of the environment, i.e., your room.
  2. Stand at the center of your room. Take snapshots continuously in all the directions.
  3. Import the images into 3DS Max. Use necessary corrections as per requirement.
  4. Arrange the images into a 360-degree view.
  5. Now you will break the images into layers. You will model these layers by giving them depth.
  6. Create a 3D model out of these images.
  7. Export it to Unity VR.
  8. Now you will optimise the 3D model so that it runs smoothly in VR.
  9. Next, you will set up Unity for a virtual reality output.
  10. Finally, export the scene to the VR headset. You can see the 3D model of your room in the VR headset.

Software used: 3DS MAX, Unity 3D

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Environment Modelling
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-06-14

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Environment Modelling

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