Latest Projects Based on Python

The following projects are based on python. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using python.

1. Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

There are many industries with different production lines and some of the process in industries cannot be monitored by human near the production line. The industry may be a small scale or a huge one there are some restricted areas that has to be monitored. There are different process running in each industry, but the security and the safety of the industry is the same in every industry.

2. Smart mirror

Smart mirror

A Mirror is a part of every person’s life, everybody looks in the mirror every day and how would it be if you can display the weather details, the calendar, time and date, reminders, news and anything you need to see before you leave somewhere.

3. Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place through a web address or an Android app. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

4. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

There are surveillance CCTV and other home automated devices that can show you the live video and can take images you can use the same technology to monitor from a remote place and also to control the surveillanc edevice through your phone. you can do this by fixing the surveillance system on a robot and you can control the robot from your smartphone. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

5. Weather Monitoring using Raspberry Pi

Weather Monitoring using Raspberry Pi

Weather Monitoring is a Project where you can see the change in the weather remotely using your smartphone, so the main conditions in the weather monitor are the temperature, humidity, and the air quality. Weather can change at any time as it is uncontrollable but it can be monitored continuously and measures can be taken depending on the weather conditions. In this project, you will be able to monitor the conditions of the weather and receive the data to your phone.

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6. PI Phone

PI Phone

A person, if he has to communicate with someone far, will be using a telephone or a mobile phone, like if he wants to send a text message or make a call. This Pi Phone can send and can receive text messages, can make a phone call and receive a call. This Pi phone is a basic mobile phone with a touchscreen interface and has basic features like time, date and you can also keep an alarm.

7. Weight sensing automatic gate

Weight sensing automatic gate

Automation is everywhere now, from industries to home, the automation has lead to a drastic change in this world. There is Automation or Automatic Control everywhere now, from machines, the process in factories, to microwave ovens, switching in telephone, steering, and many more. In this project, you can automate your gate or door and open it whenever a person's or a vehicle's weight is detected.

8. Artistic Robotic Arm

Artistic Robotic Arm

Robotic arm is one of the biggest milestone in automation industry. It has made the process in the assembly line of cars very fast and automatic. In this project, you will develop a robotic arm that can draw and paint for you. It will be capable of converting a digital image into a canvas.

9. Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Are you interested in robotics and mechatronics? If you are an engineer with a passion for mechatronics, then you should invest in projects to gain more insight into your chosen field.

10. Face recognition gate

Face recognition gate

With advancements in science and technology coming at a break-neck pace, almost all fields of life have been impacted. More than ever before, there is a steep rise in the demand for smart devices, as people all over the world are switching to such intelligent devices to make their lives easier.

11. Health Care Improvement using Machine Learning

Health Care Improvement using Machine Learning

There are various potential projects in healthcare that are based on machine learning algorithms. In this project, we will discuss the heart-related disease diagnosis application, which is built with the concept of data analysis and machine learning. There is a great demand for this project in the real world, also, as doctors throughout the world want to detect the disease accurately.

12. Content Aggregation Project using Python

Content Aggregation Project using Python

With time being of the essence in the twenty-first century, we see the rise of a situation wherein people want to stay on top of things but don’t have the time to do so. That is why, in the last couple of years, there has been a phenomenal rise in the number of news aggregators on the web.

13. Computer vision based rescue robot

Computer vision based rescue robot

Whenever a crisis occurs, one of the most important tasks that disaster forces have is rescuing trapped humans. This holds true especially in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcano eruptions, and also when it comes to large outbreaks of fire. Ensuring that victims are rescued is a number one priority in such cases, as being exposed to toxic fumes for too long can lead to death. So how do we develop a full-proof method to find victims in such cases? Surely, there are a lot of restrictions for humans when it comes to such adverse situations. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, we can now use autonomous vehicles and robots to go where humans can't and to rescue victims in situations that were previously impossible to us. In this article, we will be taking a look at one such project, where we will attempt to build a rescue robot using the principle of computer vision.

14. Fake NEWS detection using Data Analytics

Fake NEWS detection using Data Analytics

Do you think all the news that spread across the internet is true and realistic? Not at all. Fake news has become a serious issue in the digital world. This news spread just like wildfire, without limitations and very fast impacting the lives of millions of peoples.  So how can we deal with fake news? It is not as easy as turning to a simple fact-checker. Such news is intentionally written with some story-by-story base. Here comes Python to help us.

15. Typing Robot

Typing Robot

To learn machine learning and artificial intelligence you need to have good skills in Computer vision and image processing. Machine learning is one of the trending technology which makes the world easy by training the machines and this machine learning blends well with robotics. For example, if you want a robot to pluck an apple from the tree, you need to train it using machine learning, give it a camera for object recognition and some training. And once you can train and make this robot it becomes easy to make a robot that will perform surgeries and more complex robotic projects.

16. Gender and Age Detection using Python

Gender and Age Detection using Python

This subject sounds intriguing and basic however at a similar point, it is a somewhat tricky project. with the appearance of AI, visual comprehension has gotten progressively important to the PC vision society. Age and Gender orientation orders have been around for a long while now and ceaseless endeavours have been made to improve its outcomes. Furthermore, this has been going on since the rise of social stages, which is very good for developing and growing. This article will show how will you make Gender and age detection using python.

17. Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi

Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi

In today’s universe, especially in India the car parking arrangement is not so well built up. Let’s get an example of the shopping malls of our nation, on peak hours or on weekends there is a vast deficit of parking slots.

Management doesn’t know whether the parking is full or not, and they keep on letting the vehicles in the basement.

18. Develop A Movie Ticket Pricing System Using Machine Learning

Develop A Movie Ticket Pricing System Using Machine Learning

We live in an era of personalization, as the days evolve nothing remains static. Through Machine Learning and Data Science nowadays it is possible to suggest, create a product according to the user’s choice and preferences. Personalization, that is recommendations are somewhat static-like Spotify or Netflix uses these algorithms to recommend users what they want to see or listen based on their previously played playlist.

There are further optimizations we can do using data science is to offer more personalized services, such as dynamic pricing used for Movie ticket booking.

19. Smart feedback system using Python

Smart feedback system using Python

Nowadays many companies, schools, colleges etc. take surveys regarding feedback of their particular products. It becomes hard for them to take it on paper, and plus it encourages to wastage of paper and affects the environment.

So, let’s build up a smart feedback system, where a particular company, school or college can register itself and create feedbacks for their products, teachers and working system. And allow their employees, students and parents to give them feedback.

20. Learn How to Crack a Password With Python Programming

Learn How to Crack a Password With Python Programming

In recent years ethical hacking has gained huge popularity because of its wide applications. It is used by many organizations to prevent their site from hackers. Before discussing ethical hacking first you need to understand what is hacking.

Hacking is the process of performing malicious activities in a device by gaining unauthorized access using the vulnerabilities found in the system. The malicious activities such as deleting a system file or stealing sensitive information. Mostly hacking is performed illegally without taking permission from the user.

Now, will discuss what is ethical hacking. It is the process of finding the vulnerabilities in a system or device by performing various attacks to resolve those vulnerabilities. Ethical hacking is legal and it is performed after taking permission from the user.

In this ethical hacking project, we are going to use python to create a password cracker which uses a dictionary attack to crack passwords.

Passwords are always hashed before storing in the database and the hash is compared for verification purpose.

21. Who is a good dog (Data Analysis project)

Who is a good dog (Data Analysis project)


We've prepared AI frameworks to distinguish objects, explore roads and perceive outward appearances, yet as troublesome as they might be. They don't contact the degree of refinement required to reenact, for instance, a dog. Indeed, this undertaking intends to do only that — in a restricted manner. By watching the conduct of A Very Good Girl, this AI took in the basics of the proper behaviour like a dog. 

22. IoT using Raspberry Pi

IoT using Raspberry Pi

Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

23. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own surveillance robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and transmits live video footage over the internet. You will also program the robot to get instructions from a user at a remote location.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

24. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

Computer Vision - Text Scanner

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based text scanner that can scan any text from an image using the optical character recognition algorithm and display the text on your screen.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

25. Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based smart selfie that can take snaps automatically when you smile using facial feature recognition algorithm and store it on your device.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

26. Raspberry Pi Robot

Raspberry Pi Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and can be controlled in real-time with your laptop. You will use Python programming to make the robot work.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

27. Computer Vision Based Mouse

Computer Vision Based Mouse

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based mouse to control the cursor using the object tracking algorithm. Using this project, you can carry out all the functionalities of a mouse by just showing corresponding colors in the webcam.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on python
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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