With time being of the essence in the twenty-first century, we see the rise of a situation wherein people want to stay on top of things but don’t have the time to do so. That is why, in the last couple of years, there has been a phenomenal rise in the number of news aggregators on the web.
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2. Machine Learning (Career Building Course)
4. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning
5. Machine Learning using Python
6. Movie Recommendation using ML
7. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
8. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
9. Computer Vision Based Mouse
10. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML
Such platforms help people get a chance to skim through all the major headlines without having to go to multiple sources to look at them. Content is king now, and with so many options available for users, each website is fighting nail and tooth to stay ahead of the rest of the competition. Content aggregator tools help websites get more visibility and reach out to more people, and on the whole, is quite beneficial to both the user and the publisher. In this Python Project, we will be trying to create a content aggregator tool of our own using Python fundamentals.
Project Description
All of us have at some point run into a website that gathers content from all corners of the web onto a single page, from where we can choose the ones we like, and head on over to that respective blog. Not only do such blogs help us save time, but they also provide a platform for content generators to showcase their work. Content aggregators do not pay the publisher to get rights to their work, as they give them due credit and publish the work under the original creator’s name. Hence, the only real cost of running an aggregator is whatever it takes to power the technology used to do so. As we will see in this project, that technology isn’t all that expensive or advanced.
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What is a content aggregator?
A content aggregator is any tool that gathers, collects and accumulates content pieces such as articles, social media posts, videos, images, updates and press releases from different types of media outlets and then displays all that information via links on one single page. They greatly increase the accessibility of such pieces of content and also help users have a one-stop destination for all the information they need.
For instance, if you are looking for any news or updates related to technology, all you have to do is head on over to Techmeme, which is one of the best tech-based content aggregators available. Similarly, some other examples include, Feedly, PopURLs, AllDraft, and AllTop.
Concepts Used
Hardware and Software Required
Advantages of Python Content Aggregator
Project Implementation
The major steps involved are:
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