There are many languages around the globe, but the majority of content we see is in the English language online as well as offline. English is the official language of only seven countries comprising little more than five per cent of the globe’s population. Many corporate people want to talk or communicate in their native language and use the English language as their second language. By using machine translation with the help of python anyone could easily translate the content in one language to another language in real-time. If they own their smartphone they can be familiar with one more facility that they use on a daily basis that is Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa. They all are using speech to text models, it saves a ton of time of typing an important document. In this project, we will also discuss this technology using Python.
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7. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
8. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
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10. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML
Project Description
Speech Recognition is an important feature in several applications used, such as home automation, artificial intelligence, etc. This python project aims to provide an introduction on how to make use of speech recognition in Python along with the language translator. For this, we have to download or install several libraries of Python language.
It includes:
It will act as a wrapper for several popular speech APIs.
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Modules used in this project
Following are the modules that are important to implement the translation and convert speech to text in Python:
Python Speech recognition module:
Python pyttsx3 module
It can be installed by using the syntax pip install pyttsx3
Google Translate API
Import goslate
text = “Hello World”
gs = goslate.Goslate()
TranslatedText = gs.translate(text print (translatedText)
Software Requirements:
Hardware Components:
Project Implementation
This can be implemented by using some procedures like:
The surrounding noise can vary the result of the translator so, we must allow the program a second or to adjust the energy threshold of recording so, it adjusted to the external noise.
This can be done through Google APIs. This requires an internet connection to activate the connection. It is used very easily by the user.
Future Scope:
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