As we all know about TIC TAC TOE game is a very famous game for many years. In past years, it can only be played with pen and paper by using cross and zero. Nowadays, as our technology is enhancing it has changed its place from paper to technical gadgets. After successful implementation in programming language C now we are going to implement the TIC TAC TOE game using python. In this python project, we are going to develop an interactive game where two players will be able to play against each other in suitable GUI by using a keyboard and mouse in their PCs.
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Project Description
TIC TAC TOE is written in Python programming language. This python project is based on GUI board-based game. It is straightforward to understand and use by the players. In this, all the gaming rules are the same as the real pen & paper game. This Python-based game would reduce the manual struggle of the players that are to carry pen & pencil and lots of paper with you to play this game. This will provide lots of TIC TAC TOE matches without any error.
Modules used in this project
Following are the modules that are essential to implement the TIC TAC TOE game in Python:
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New Board:
To play TIC TAC TOE, we are going to need to print out the game board grid that consists of three rows, and the columns. With the function create_line the grid can be printed on the screen.
Player’s Name:
It is important to save the name of the two players. For this, store each name in a variable. Use input to get each player’s name and store them in variables.
New Move:
Draw X:
Draw O:
Game over screen:
Has Won:
No Win:
Project Implementation
Software Requirements:
Hardware Components:
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