
How to Develop a TIC TAC TOE game using Python

As we all know about TIC TAC TOE game is a very famous game for many years. In past years, it can only be played with pen and paper by using cross and zero. Nowadays, as our technology is enhancing it has changed its place from paper to technical gadgets. After successful implementation in programming language C now we are going to implement the TIC TAC TOE game using python. In this python project, we are going to develop an interactive game where two players will be able to play against each other in suitable GUI by using a keyboard and mouse in their PCs.

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Project Description

TIC TAC TOE is written in Python programming language. This python project is based on GUI board-based game. It is straightforward to understand and use by the players. In this, all the gaming rules are the same as the real pen & paper game. This Python-based game would reduce the manual struggle of the players that are to carry pen & pencil and lots of paper with you to play this game. This will provide lots of TIC TAC TOE matches without any error.

Modules used in this project

Following are the modules that are essential to implement the TIC TAC TOE game in Python:


  • In your Python 3 IDLE click File and create a New File.
  • Start by saving your file and calling it py
  • Now run your code, just click RUN (or press F5 on the keyboard)

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New Board:

To play TIC TAC TOE, we are going to need to print out the game board grid that consists of three rows, and the columns. With the function create_line the grid can be printed on the screen.

Player’s Name:

It is important to save the name of the two players. For this, store each name in a variable. Use input to get each player’s name and store them in variables.

New Move:

  • When we start the game only a 3x3 square grid will be displayed. It will receive the current player and the input of X and O from the keyboard.
  • Ask the player what symbol they want, using input.
  • Save it in variable input_symbol.

Draw X:

  • This module is all about drawing X on the grid. So, for this, we have to write code in create_line package. The grid co-ordinates have change into a pixel, and then have to adjust X in the board.

Draw O:

  • This module is all about drawing O on the grid. So, for this, we have to write code in create_line package. The grid co-ordinates have change into a pixel, and then have to adjust O in the board.

Game over screen:

  • This module displays the result according to the outcome on the screen. If the outcome is on side of the player with symbol X, then, “X Wins” appear on the screen in the form of text.
  • If the outcome is on the side of the player with symbol O, then, “O Wins” appear on the screen.

Has Won:

  • It’s all about checking the winner and sharing the result in on the screen. The result is checked by using Has_won function in python3 library.

No Win:

  • In this module, it will check that the result is a tie or not. The result is a draw when blank spaces in the grid are all filled, and there is no win It will print “draw match” on the screen.

Project Implementation

  • After initializing this game, a 3x3 a hash shape square board grid will pop up in the screen of the user.
  • The game will be played between Computer & the human player.
  • One of the players has to choose, ‘O’ and the other, ‘X’ to mark their respective cells.
  • The player will have to input a numerical character, from 1 to 9, to select a position for X or O into the space they For example: if they are playing with O and input 2, the O will go to the first row – the second column. If the player wants to place O in the third row – first column, then they have to enter 7. And, it is similar for the other positions.
  • The game starts with one of the players and the game ends when one of the players has one whole row/ column/ diagonal filled with his/her respective character (‘O’ or ‘X’).
  • If the blank spaces in the grid are all filled, and there is no winner, then the game is said to be a draw.

Software Requirements:

  • Front end: Python3
  • Back end: Python 3.6.0 interpreter
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) Toolkit

Hardware Components:

  • Processor – Intel core i3 or above
  • Hard Disk – 128 GB
  • Memory – 1 GB RAM.

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TIC TAC TOE game using Python
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-16

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