Nowadays people pay a lot of attention to how things look, that is why sometimes, websites make use of a URL Shortener, to make their website’s URL more presentable. Now, there are many ways one can achieve this shortening. There are several in-built functions available, and there are even hosted websites that offer you a platform to shorten your URL.
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We have all come across certain articles which have a large URL pasted in it, and it ruins the aesthetics of the entire webpage. This is where URL shorteners can be used to make the web-page more presentable. This time around we will be taking a look at how to build a simple URL shortener using Python.
Project Description
URL Shorteners help website owners reduce the length of their unique web-page address, making it easier to share the website on various platforms. This because extremely crucial in cases where there is a limitation on the number of characters that can be sent, like in a text message or social media post. Long URLs that haven’t been shortened when cut leads to error in loading the webpage and the entire reason for pasting the URL gets nullified. In such cases, people can make use of such shorteners to trim their URLs and make them within the specified restrictions.
Concepts Used
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Components Required
Advantages of URL shortening
Project Implementation
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