If you are a student presently studying at any level, you must take in many doubts while reading or working out any problem, and in the campus, you don’t cognize where the particular subject professor is at the minute. If you have where’s my professor then it would get softer for you to see him/her at that instant or you can even request for a meeting. This finds my professor – python project will allow the user to select the professor and request him/her for a meeting for any query and will be granted admittance to the professor’s time table. The faculty will be granted admittance to the requests and to bear them or eliminate them. The professor will be asked to update his/her timetable if any modifications. Both the sides will be notified for their requests.
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2. Machine Learning (Career Building Course)
4. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning
5. Machine Learning using Python
6. Movie Recommendation using ML
7. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
8. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
9. Computer Vision Based Mouse
10. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML
Concept Used
Hardware and software used
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