We all know about Google Assistant and Cortana desktop, they recognize the voice and perform an action according to our commands. Actually it is a part of the smart home concept. Just you have to give a voice command and the system will help you to act on it. So if you want to develop such a system then this article is for you. Skyfi Labs will give you a brief overview of the project.
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2. Machine Learning (Career Building Course)
4. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning
5. Machine Learning using Python
6. Movie Recommendation using ML
7. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
8. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
9. Computer Vision Based Mouse
10. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML
Project Description
We all use YouTube, browsers and music frequently in our day to day life. But what if you can access then only with your voice without any physical efforts. So this is a project article on the desktop voice assistant system using python. The project is for a second or third year engineering student. The article gives a basic overview and structure of the project which will definitely help you.
Want to develop practical skills on Python? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Implementation Overview
So this is the whole scenario of the project. You can improve the project in many ways. Keep learning.
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