
Speed Typing test with Python

In this python project, you will figure out how to make a speed typing test using python. It's an extremely helpful project to keep track of your typing speed and improve it with regular practice. This mini python project is very interesting, simple and best for practice purposes. Speed Typing Test is a python based system that will check the your-typing speed in wpm (word per minute), accuracy, correct & wrong words,  most missed words, most inaccurate words, etc. This can be pretty and useful and helpful for those people who are not good at typing, they can do this test and get to know where they need to improve.

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Project Description-

In this Python project, we are going to build an exciting project through which you can check and even improve your typing speed. For a graphical UI, we are going to utilize the pygame library which is utilized for working with illustrations. Let begin-

  1. This project requires some knowledge on topics like Python, and some python libraries pygame, etc.
  2. Python - Python is easy to learn and work on with the language. It is an elevated level, broadly useful programming and profoundly intruded on language.
  3. Pygame- Pygame library is an open-source module for the Python programming language explicitly proposed to assist you with making games and other mixed media applications. Based on the profoundly versatile SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) improvement library, pygame can stumble into numerous stages and working frameworks.
  4. Point to be noted, “Programmers can explore different avenues regarding the programming language as shown by their comfort level and data" and can change the recently referenced language according to them.

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Project Implementation-

Now, to build your own typing speed game in Python you just need to follow a few steps-

  1. To start with, we are utilizing the pygame library. So we have to import the library alongside some inherent modules of Python like time and irregular libraries.
  2. Presently, we make the game class which will include numerous functions responsible for beginning the game, reset the game and few helper functions to perform calculations that are required for our project.

Some function is-

  • The draw_text() technique for Game class is a helper function work that will draw the content on the screen.
  • The get_sentence() technique will open up the file and return an irregular sentence from the rundown. We split the entire string with a newline character.
  • The show_results() technique is where we calculate the speed of the user’s typing. The time begins when the user clicks on the input box and when the user hits the return key "Enter" at that point we play out the distinction and calculate time in seconds.
  • The run() method-This is the primary strategy for our group that will deal with all the events/occasions. We call the reset_game() strategy at the beginning of this technique which resets all the variables.
  • The reset_game() method resets all variables so we can begin testing our typing speed again.
  1. The project is ready, run and watch the result.

Software Requirement -

-Programming language - Python

-Operating System - Window/ Linux.

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Kit required to develop Speed Typing test with Python:
Technologies you will learn by working on Speed Typing test with Python:
Speed Typing test with Python
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-16

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