Being an adult is about being able to manage your finances properly. You don’t want a situation wherein you are only half-way into your month and already out of cash. Most of us millennials have a habit of overspending if we have too much money with us. Also, with so much exposure to online media and shopping, it doesn’t surprise me that most people can’t seem to make it to the end of the month without going broke! What if I told you there’s a simple way to put your love for coding to some good use! Use your Python knowledge to create a handy expense tracker to make sure you end the month with enough money in your wallet.
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Here’s a look at a simple Python project that will help you keep your finances in check.
Project Description
A daily Expense Tracker is a tool that allows users to keep track of their spending to ensure that they stick to a budget and don’t go overboard. Such a system will incorporate several modules to provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Users should be given the option to input expenses and also add credits, salaries, refunds, and bonuses. They should also get notified whenever they seem to be going off-track. Including the option of setting a daily budget or spending limit can also help users as then they can monitor how much they are spending on a daily basis. Such a tool will prove to be beneficial to all kinds of people, including home-makers who are on a strict budget and college going students who have to get by with monthly pocket-money! Analyzing the inputs made to this tool will help users understand what they spend the most money on so that they can devise ways to cut back on spending on that particular item.
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