
Sentiment Analysis

This Data analytics project is done with the help of R which is one of the most popular programming languages for manipulation of statistical data. It is an open-source programming language and it provides a way to the user to molds their huge data and manipulates results based on various patterns. Sentiment Analysis is the process of deciding the nature of documents, texts, images, etc. it can be used to decide the polarity over opinions. By polarity, it means positive or negative.

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Project Implementation

The project will be done through the R programming language and the dataset for the project is provided by the R package ‘janeaustenR’. The dataset comprises of all the libraries needed for the project, we can just include them and start working. The library consists of all the comment and their remarks such as negative for words like aborts, abominable, etc. and positive for words such as achievements, aesthetic, etc.

  • The three general-purpose lexicons used in the program are AFINN, Bing, and loughram.
  • The functions will operate for each word in the document.
  • After comparing each word and phrase the result will be calculated.
  • The developer can also rate the positivity or negativity based on their degree of polarity.
  • Different functions that are predefined in the library are used to make the comparison easier such as filter (), un_nest tokens (), mutate (), etc.

All these functions are meant to minutely compare the whole text and give the result. For example filter () will differentiate each word, tokens () will convert the text in a tidy format for convenience for checking, etc. The counters will be established to count the degree of positive opinion or negative opinion. The ggplot () function is used to plot the result along the axis. The library ‘janeaustenR’ is equipped with words from the books of the famous novelist “Jane Austen”.

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The most recurring words are displayed at the top and like that, a text is reported positive or negative. As R programming language provides us an open-source environment we can import libraries from wherever we want. The large data produced by the project is stored in a cloud which is done through a function (). The various functions which are predefined in the libraries enable the developer to create the project easily.


In this Data analytics project, we will learn the programming language R along with data analysis. The data visualization concept lies in the way of comparison with the words which already have a value. The different classes in the R language are based on either binary or value-based. The value-based will determine a value for positive opinion and another value for a negative opinion. The data analytics is very helpful in deciding the comments of any social media or reviews for any product, etc. The project will need a good knowledge of R programming language and it will also require a command over data science.

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Kit required to develop Sentiment Analysis:
Technologies you will learn by working on Sentiment Analysis:
Sentiment Analysis
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-16

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