Nowadays in Metro cities, People face a lot of problem in supermarkets to buy things using trolleys. Every time we need to push the trolley to the bring the trolley to the place where the object required by us is present.
Imagine that there is a trolley which will get all the groceries on its own.
The only thing you need to do is just send the list of groceries through simple SMS.
Through this project, you are going to build a Smart Shopping Trolley which will collect the groceries you need on its own.
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You will need an Arduino board for interfacing microcontroller with IR Sensors, DC Motors, Barcode Scanner and GSM module.
So when you send an SMS with a list of groceries, the trolley will move automatically move to the place where the particular groceries are placed and the trolley will collect the groceries with the help of robotic arm which can pick and place the objects.
You will programme the microcontroller in such a way that whenever the GSM module receives the SMS, the microcontroller will make the trolley to go to a specific place and collect the groceries.
We will use the IR sensors to make trolley stop at a proper place to collect the items.
Project Description:
- Arduino Uno: The digital and analog input/output pins equipped in this board can be interfaced to various expansion boards and other circuits.
Serial communication interface is a feature in this board, including USB which will be used to load the programs from computer.
- GSM: GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is a standard developed to describe protocols for the second generation digital cellular networks used by mobile phones.
SIM-900 GSM module will be used for this project.
It is a type of modem that accepts a SIM card and operates over a subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile phone.
It will be capable of sending and receiving SMS & MMS messages.
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- DC motors: These motors works with DC power as name indicates itself.
So these motors will convert the DC Electric power in Rotating Mechanical Power.
- IR Sensor The component we use to find whether there is an obstacle in the path in which our trolley is going are IR sensors (Infrared).
- Motor Driver: Generally the Arduino board is not capable of providing the required amount of current for running the motors.
So we use a device called Motor Driver which will provide sufficient current for driving the motors.
Project Implementation:
- Interface the GSM module with the Microcontroller, DC motors, and IR sensors
- Upload the code into Microcontroller
- Now, send an SMS to the GSM module in the prescribed format
- The GSM module will give information about the list of items to be collected to Microcontroller
- The microcontroller will process the data and make the trolley to go to the Specific location
- Then the pick and place robotic arm will pick the item and place that item in the trolley
- Once all the items in the list were collected, that trolley will proceed to cash counter where you can pay the cash and collect the items
Software requirements:
- Arduino IDE : You will be needing Arduino IDE software to write and upload the programming logic onto the Arduino Uno board
- Thingspeak : Also, you need to create an account in the ThinkSpeak IoT platform to integrate the system onto the cloud and store the data online
Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)
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Kit required to develop Smart Shopping Trolley:
Technologies you will learn by working on Smart Shopping Trolley:
Smart Shopping Trolley
Skyfi Labs
2018-04-30 •
Last Updated: