7 useful study tricks for first-year engineering students
Athulya menon

College is an exciting time in our lives wherein we gain the freedom to be responsible for ourselves. It is also the first time many of us leave our homes to stay online. Hence, it can be both a terrifying and exciting experience. Not only does it provide us with an excellent opportunity to make new friends, but it also helps us explore our personality and try new things. Many people pick up new skills and passions in college. Furthermore, it also allows you to explore your academic interests and grow as a student. However, making so many adjustments might be a daunting task. Moreover, the pressure you feel in wanting to perform well can also be challenging to manage. Therefore, finding effective study techniques and study methods that work for you is crucial. In this article, we will take a look at a few study tips for college students to ensure you succeed.
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How should a first engineering student study?
Everyone has their own study methods and techniques. However, your first year of engineering is different from your school days. While in school, teachers spoon-fed concepts and techniques to you, that does not happen in college. Most college professors will treat you like adults- adults that use effective study techniques. Therefore, they will push you to work harder, introduce more complicated concepts and expect you to work out things on your own. Therefore, the most vital skills a first-year student can have is passion and curiosity. While passion for the subject will make you work hard, curiosity will help you ask the right questions. It will also ensure that you go searching for the answers. Being a good engineer requires you to ask the right questions and find the right way to search for answers. While the latter comes with practice, you should train yourself to ask questions from your first year onwards.
What are some strategies for studying?
- Effective study techniques that engineering students can use include making use of their analytical thinking skills. Understand that learning engineering is different from learning your school subjects and adapt accordingly.
- Make sure you focus on understanding basic concepts before moving on. Never think that memorising is an effective study technique because it isn't.
- Here is a list of study methods you can use to clear your engineering subjects with ease;
- Question Paper Centric Approach
- Concept-based Approach.
- Notes Centric Approach
- Diagram-based Approach
- Detailed Study Approach
- Make use of other effective study techniques like the SQ3R technique and Cornell Note-taking method to stay ahead of the others.
- Be professional and build expertise in subjects and concepts that interest you. Figure out what sort of a job you want and create a profile suitable for that sector. Pick up extra subjects concerned with that industry and work on it in your free time.
- Stop trying to be the master of all trades. Instead, focus on being very good at a few select subjects. Also, never leave something entirely because you don't like it.
- Stop learning for grades and CGPA and focus instead of gaining the most knowledge. Turn yourself into an expert in a few topics you are passionate about to stand out and increase your chances of getting placed.
- Study regularly instead of leaving everything for the last minute. Cramming before the exam is not a viable engineering study strategy.
- While it is crucial to rely on books, try to gain hands-on knowledge as well. Go for workshops, labs and work on projects to gain a more practical view of things and concepts.
Finding Effective Study Methods
- Stay organised and start keeping notes from the get-go.
- Always plan ahead to make sure you have enough time for a quick revision at the end.
- Clear your doubts as soon as they arise and make a note of them.
- Pay attention in class, and make sure you rectify all misconceptions in the classroom. Do not take half-baked notions back to your room and cement them in your mind. Not only does this make it more difficult to unlearn them, but it is also very inefficient.
- Try to find a routine for yourself as that helps make you more disciplined. Sit down to study at the same time every day.
- Study at various times of the day to figure out which time slot works the best for you. Understand which slot you were the most productive in and schedule your study time accordingly.
- Not everyone is a night-owl or early-bird. Stop doing what everyone else is doing and find your own rhythm.
Seven study tips for college students
- Group study isn't for everyone but try it out before you decide. Get a group of like-minded friends and sit down to study together. Ask them doubts and try to solve problems together to see if the dynamic works for you.
- Never be too afraid to ask for help. Always reach out to seniors, teachers or more knowledgeable batchmates when you are in doubt. Also, remember to do the same when someone asks you for help. Remember that the best way to see if you've understood something is to explain it to someone else.
- Create a productive and conducive environment and ambience for yourself. Keep your room tidy and make sure all your books are organised. Having a clutter-free study table will help you organise yourself and start studying on time.
- Eliminate distractions by putting your phone on silent when you sit down to study. Make it clear to your friends that you will not be available for that window of time. Also, try to study in quiet spots wherein you are not disturbed by talking, music and other loud noises.
- Always give yourself enough time to finish with a concept. Don't leave everything for the end and then cram everything the night before. The chances that you will remember this a month from now is very less, making this method very ineffective.
- Keep reviewing and adding to your notes. Every time you research or dig deeper about a topic, add to your notes. This way, you will have a comprehensive notebook that will help jog your memory right before the exam.
- Remember to relax and have fun! Your college is also an essential part of your social life. Go out, meet new people, have new experiences and grow as an individual. Don't be cooped up in your room studying all the time. Pick up new skills and socialise with people to make sure you stay refreshed and active.
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7 useful study tricks for first-year engineering students
Skyfi Labs
2020-09-15 •
Last Updated: