
AerotriX Automobile Challenge Success

Grand Final of the AerotriX Automobile Challenge was successfully concluded on 21 March at Techkriti, IIT Kanpur. The unique nature of this competition attracted a fair share of students seeking to express their creativity in mechanical/automobile engineering.

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1. Automobile Prototyping

2. CNC Machine using Arduino

3. Project Management with Primavera

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Regional Automobile Prototyping workshops
The road to the finals at Techkriti started with regional level workshops where participants were trained to develop a radio-controlled automobile prototype as their project. In this Automobile Prototyping workshop, students need to create a scaled-down car comprising of all essential automotive parts. Each car is required to be hand built with custom-made components. Students construct their vehicles with proper mentorship of AerotriX engineers. Finalists were selected based on their project execution, skill levels and the knack for innovation.

The workshop experience provides enough creative room for the students to make their cars even better. The Grand Final at Techkriti, IIT Kanpur was hence the perfect opportunity to showcase this creativity. And indeed, a lot of improved ideas were seen at the Finals. Following are the winner details:

Champions: Pruthviraj S, Jeswin Vinod, Vishnuprasad, Sarat Raj, Jibin Jacob – 1st year students from GRGIT, Kottayam

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Runners up: Goutham, Sujit, Kiran, Karthik, Santosh – 3rd year students from BVRIT, Narsapur

Engineering creativity from Finalists
The problem statement for the Finals demanded the participants to design, build or demonstrate an improved version of the car designed earlier in the regional workshops. Any single system or the whole car could be improved upon with proper integration. The idea of the design and the feasibility of the idea were the major criteria that decided the winners of the AerotriX Automobile Challenge. Kudos to the finalists of this competition who invested a lot of thought to make their ideas happen.

The stuff students learn by being a part of competitions like these are vital for success. Such challenges are necessary to get an engineering student ready for the challenges of the real world! AerotriX hopes to bring more such competitions that provide adequate technical skills, promote students’ ideas, and motivate them for more.

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Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-30

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