Hey there to everyone giving a read to this article! Generally, these days, in the world where there is a lot of technology is in progress and so is the building up of economies of all the countries in the world, building structures be it public or private or for attraction purpose, is one of the most important aspects of it, because they are signs of a lot of things that are happening around us, Structures speak a lot about our place, development and culture. don’t you’ll think?
But, did you’ll ever think of the masterminds behind these structures who are of course mechanical and civil engineers, but when it comes to designing, a major chunk of the work is completed by a mechanical engineer and the software he uses! Did you’ll even wonder about the mechanical engineering software used behind all there? Well then, the time has come for you’ll to learn more about mechanical software and some mechanical software online courses through this article!
Although all of you’ll have heard about the CAD software like SKETCHUP, AUTOCAD, SOLIDWORKS, CATIA, AUTODESK INVENTOR, etc and what not! But you’ll have never known the actual use and benefits of using such software, right? So, what else are we waiting for? Let’s start our article first by knowing about mechanical engineering and then knowing about the various mechanical design software and the benefits of using them. Later, we will move onto some of the most useful and trustful online course for learning various software.
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Mechanical engineering, also known as the mother of all engineering, is one of the core and founding branches of engineering as it has its applications and link-based with every other branch of engineering. Design as in this case is one of the most widely used and evergreen applications of mechanical engineering. No matter, how much technology advances, there cannot be a machine which can replace the job of a mechanical engineer. So, as a mechie (the term used for referring mechanical engineers), it is upon you to gain as much knowledge as possible on this aspect, as it can help you a great deal in future. And it is never easy to gain knowledge just by studying theory, linking practical knowledge and technical knowledge along with the theory is the right way to study this branch of engineering.
Also, as a mechanical engineering designer, you need to be good at imagining things and visualising anything in your mind. You will need to nurture the art of imagining a rough diagram/Plan of any given situation in your mind as it would help you a great deal while designing it.
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As the name suggests, mechanical design software are the software used by mechanical engineers that helps them design, analyse and build all the structures right from designing a stylish cabin model to that of a skyscraper. So, this particular field wherein we use computers to create, analyse, optimize or modify a design is known as CAD, which stands for, Computer-Aided Software!
There are many kinds of software that come under CAD, here are a few software which is modern and in demand for all you guys to learn!
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Some other good CAD software are:
So, now do you understand, how many options do you have in front of you to explore new things and learn new stuff?
Now, let us move on to the benefits of Using CAD software.
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Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Mechanical Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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There are several benefits of using CAD software, few of them are:
Learn more about mechanical software courses
Finally, we move on to one of the most exciting aspects of the article, which is providing sources elsewhere but online, which are reliable and worthy for you to learn and explore the software. Skyfi Labs offers a lot many exciting software courses online which are very highly rated and recommended, let us take a look at some of them!
1. Part design using CATIA: From bottles to rockets, everything is designed using CATIA. Similarly, in this mechanical software course, you will learn everything from basics. You will learn to design various parts like gear shafts, CPU case, complex automobile, etc. with the help of CATIA software.
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2. Vehicle design using MATLAB: In this mechanical software course, you will learn to design an automobile that comprises of all its major parts like engine, brakes, transmission system etc. and get to know the working mechanisms behind it and finally analyse your model with the help of MATLAB using pre-recorded data.
Learn more about this mechanical software course
3. CFD using ANSYS fluent: In this mechanical software course, you will be dealing with complex numerical equations which would be created by none other than you, in order to solve problems related to fluid flow, heat transfer etc. Some of the concepts you will come across in this process are CFD introduction, Heat transfer, Flow analysis through various mediums among others!
Learn more about this mechanical software course
4. Sheet metal and surface modelling using Autodesk inventor: In this mechanical software course, you will learn how to model sheet metals and surface modelling in automobiles and also learn how to design and give a new and creative look to your model. With the help of Autodesk Inventor software, you will perform various surface operations, and develop features like gussets, heat sinks for electric devices etc.
Learn more about this mechanical software course
Also, check out the following list for more mechanical software courses:
At Skyfi Labs, all these software courses are taught by experts on live classes, which gives everyone the chance to clear their doubts instantly. To know more details about the courses enrol for a free demo.
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