Hey there! I want to start off by asking you guys a question.
Ever felt like a researcher while being in the final year of engineering or while in the final year of B.sc research?
If not, then you will have to be one such researcher at some point of time in your course, most likely when your degree is coming to an end, especially while doing a capstone project, which involves deep research on a particular topic and consequently presents your results in the form of the research paper.
Research has led man to new heights which he has never seen before. Man has constantly put in effort from his side to find solutions to problems, in-fact a famous German-American Psychologist Kurt Lewin who is considered as a modern pioneer of social, organisational and applied psychology has famously said this line about research, “ No Research without Action and no action without Research”, which is very well apt to the situation we were discussing till now and even in the future, in order to invent new technology and for a better standard of living, research is something that one must do, to achieve all this.
So, this article discusses one such research-based projects that we all as undergraduates come across (especially in Engineering) known as Capstone Project. In this article, we will first know, what is a capstone project, the procedure for writing a capstone project, and later discuss some tips to pull off a successful project. So, let us get started!
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A capstone project is basically a research project that is given as a final task for students in their undergraduate programs (or Post-graduate also in some cases) for a duration of about 2 semesters (approximately), wherein students are expected to research on a particular question or topic of their own choice and find the solution to that under the guidance of a faculty mentor, and finally produce a substantial research paper that reflects your solution and your understanding on the topic.
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Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind in order to write a capstone project paper:
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After knowing what a Capstone design project is, the first important step is to choose a project topic. It is one of the most fundamental steps because all the other further activities would be based on this aspect. So, the selection of topic involves certain steps which are as follows:
Finally, try to select a topic which can develop you as a person as much as it can by improving your technical and Managerial skills and most importantly your presentation skills. Presentation is all that matters at the end of the day!
So, finally, it all boils down to one project that decides your quality as a student, and hence here are some tips you need to keep in mind in order to pull off a fantastic Capstone Project:
So, here is where your efforts pay off, it is very important for you to have good communication and presenting skills as they come into play over here.
These are the tips you need to keep in mind to pull off a successful project!
Also, SKYFILABS is a website that can provide more guidance on it.
Refer to the link below for more details.
Thank You and Best of Luck!
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