
How online courses can help Mechanical engineering students to get core jobs?


Students delved into mechanical engineering need to have a hands-on experience on certain projects. This article is based on mechanical mini projects with a detailed explanation for a better understanding of the concept. These mechanical online courses are picked up by experts to create a good future for aspiring students. The ideas for the new technology which the world is moving forward with are unique and original. There is a demand for skilled engineers in many industries as most of the machinery involves their vision. The online course for mechanical engineering mentioned below are useful owing to its peculiarity and are beneficial in major industries.

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Note about Mechanical Note:

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Mechanical Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Automobile Prototyping

2. CNC Machine using Arduino

3. Project Management with Primavera

Explore more about mechanical online courses

Best Online Courses for Mechanical Engineering Students

1. 3D Printer

Printing is an everyday job and who wouldn't want a printer with 3D prints available for them. This mechanical online course is based on building a 3D printer from scratch using the Arduino programming language. High-quality prints will be able to be printed through it which could be used further for other modules. This online course will help you in a better understanding of-

  • Additive Manufacturing
  • RAMPS Board, SMPS & Motor Driver
  • Arduino Programming.

 Learn more about this online course

Latest projects on Mechanical

Want to develop practical skills on Mechanical? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

2. Automobile Prototyping

Automobile Engineering has been a growing field and hands-on experience in it can help build a great career. In this online course, you will build your own prototype of a car. The machine will have all functions like a real one such as locomotion, steering chassis, transmission, suspension, and powertrain. Now you shall know the basics of building a car.

Learn more about this online course

3. CNC Machine using Arduino

A very famous project which is used in manufacturing industries, you will be learning how to build the CNC machine from scratch. The machine will be used for drilling, cutting and milling. While working on this online course, you will be acquainted with stepper motors, Arduino board, G Codes, CNC calibration, and programming. This project will provide a great start in the field of mechanical engineering a soaring career in it.

Learn more about this online course

4. Gear Train Design

Common machinery in mechanical engineering, Gear Train Design is used in every project related to mechanical engineering. You will get practical knowledge of CAD software by preparing this project. This project also provides knowledge on the following design-

  • Gear Shafts
  • Spurs Gear
  • Bearing Housing
  • Bearing
  • Assembly of Gear Train

Learn more about this online course

How to build Mechanical projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Mechanical Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Mechanical today!

5. Differential Gear using Autodesk

Another course for people who interested in automobile engineering, this module allows power to reach to all the wheels. Autodesk will be introduced to you in this project and you will be working with Autodesk inventor as well. Industries look forward to select candidates who have multiple skills, by doing this online course you can gain those skills.

Learn more about this course

By doing the above-mentioned online course, you will get a clear understanding of the concepts behind those courses. Also, by doing it practically you will get hands-on experience. So why to wait for. Enroll Now!

What skills do you need to be a Mechanical Engineer?

Every area you join requires complete commitment and skills necessary. Mechanical engineering requires appropriate skills as they have to work on the field in most cases. Hands-on experience provides you with the required skills and helps them build a career in top-notch companies. A list of skillsets is mentioned below to understand the problems and working that an engineer has to go daily-

Critical Thinking

Daily, engineers are going through a series of issues that might require deep thinking. To solve problems, they need to have a clear head and mathematical skills.

Leadership Quality

One should take the lead when working with a team and not create a mess between members. This is a very important skill since it demonstrates the potential of the engineer to complete a given task.

Team Work

If the leader thinks too much of himself, they won't listen to others. Many people too may sometimes have better ideas and it is the responsibility of a leader to obey them.

Determined and Focused

While working in the field all your senses should remain active and focused, your only task is to efficiently build the machine that you’re working on. Staying determined about your task helps the work being completed timely.

Time Management

People believe that working before time is a big deal, however, if you remain focused and calm this can be done easily. Working within deadlines shows personal dedication towards the task.

Problem Solving

Only a person who can think critically can come up with ideas that help in solving problems. While working on machines there may be a glitch or errors that engineers, may face. This is when their mind is being tested to work on the most complex issues

Communication Skills

A better engineer is one who can explain the working and machinery they are working on. With their team, they should be able to convey their ideas and make others understand the task that has been taken up. This quality helps in completing the task efficiently without any misunderstanding.

Discover more about mechanical online courses

How to develop such skills?

The skills listed above are built with practice and patience. You need to get into the habit of doing more tasks so you can get a grip on the idea. More practice builds better awareness and in-field work experience. Any job you take on requires special profile-fitting skills. While applying for companies, read the skillset correctly to get a clear understanding of the work.

Does Mechanical Engineering have a scope in future?

The advent of technology into new arenas has given mechanical engineers wide demand. Students who get a grasp of the concepts along with practical knowledge are pitching jobs in top companies. Their demand goes on to manufacturing industries, aviation, nanotechnology, energy-conserving industries and many more. After completing a bachelor's degree, students can go for M.Tech or MS for further understanding of the subject. The branch has been existing for quite a long time and over the years has spread in providing jobs for skilled students. From design to making to manufacturing and even maintaining the machinery, mechanical engineering has a lot of value in the market. The story does not end here, the course has relevance even in government jobs, railways, the DRDO, PWD, NHAI, etc. So students who are looking for opportunities can apply in these places. Those who want to impart knowledge about the subject can even opt for being a professor at universities. The different sectors and roles that are offered for mechanical students are as follows-

  • Quality Engineer
  • Assistant Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Design Engineer

Learn more about mechanical online courses

If you have any queries regarding the online courses, let us know in the comments our expert will get back to you shortly.

How online courses can help Mechanical engineering students to get core jobs?
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-04-02

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