“No TECH without MECH”
Well said right! From a water bottle to rocket everything involves mechanical engineering. Today the advancement that we achieved in major fields is possible because of mechanical engineering and design which played a major role in all parts.
All the innovations what we have now was once a student’s final year project or mini-project in their academics. So by developing an innovative project will give you a chance to become a great entrepreneur in the future. To help you with that, this article gives you a list of best IEEE projects and design projects for mechanical engineering students.
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IEEE is an international organization which encourages students to innovate new technologies for a better future through publishing research papers, conducting conferences, seminars, etc. IEEE also develops standards for various technologies which are widely used.
Developing your final year project, mini-project, research paper based on IEEE standards will give a great value to your work. To know more about IEEE projects and seminar topics keep reading further.
Everything that you see around once started with the design process be it a spoon which you use to eat food or a 1000-cc bike. All the things out there are designed to devise a solution based on the user need. For example, a spoon needs to be small and easy to use so that you can easily carry and occupies less space in your kitchen and the bike should be more comfortable for long rides and should consume less fuel at the same time.
Design engineer will begin the product design process based on fundamental engineering principles to satisfy the consumer needs by giving them an innovative product.
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Engineering design tools: CAD and CAE tools are used by the design engineers to speed up the design process by saving time and money. Previously manufactures had to create an entire prototype of a model to test and detect the mistake which consumed a lot of time and money to develop the actual product. But with the help of CAD and CAM tools they can make a digital prototype and can identify the flaws in the product by conducting various tests and simulations.
Following are the major tools used for the mechanical design:
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As we discussed previously developing a project based on IEEE standards will give great value to your resume. The following list contains the best IEEE based mechanical design projects for students:
1. 3D printer
3D printers are widely used by small scale designers and innovators to bring their designs to life. Mostly 3D printers use molten plastic to print a material layer by layer by extruding it. In this IEEE project, you will use your mechanical concepts to develop a 3D printer which can able to print your 3D CAD models. Arduino board, stepper motor, RAMPS board are used to develop this 3D printer.
2. Automobile Prototyping
Automobiles become an integral part of everyone’s life. Developing an IEEE project based on Automobiles will not only decorate your resume but also help you to understand the principles behind it. In this mechanical design project, you will create a scaled-down prototype of a go-kart automobile. As part of this project, you will learn about automobile systems like steering mechanism, locomotion, transmission, chassis building, power train, suspension, etc.
Discover more about Automobile Prototyping
3. CNC Machine using Arduino
CNC Machines are widely used by the manufactures to achieve more accuracy and also to speed up the manufacturing process. Using CNC machine you can perform various machining operations such as welding, cutting, punching, forming, shearing, etc. As the name implies CNC -Computer Numerical Control, codes like G-codes and M-codes are used to control the machine.
Learn more about CNC machine using Arduino
4. Geat train design using AutoDesk
Gears play a vital role in transferring motions from one part to another. A gear train is a combination of gears that are matched properly to achieve a particular speed ratio. You can find gear trains on the transmission systems of a bike, analog clocks, heavy types of machinery, etc. This IEEE project helps you to design and simulate the gear train with the help of Autodesk Inventor. While developing this project you will learn about the following concepts - gear ratio, types of gear, gear materials, etc.
Learn more about Gear train design mechanical project
5. Differential gear design using AutoDesk
The differential is a gear train which plays a major role in transferring the motions to the wheels from the engine. It also helps to prevent damaging of tyres by allowing them to rotate in different speeds while making a turn or cornering. This IEEE project helps you to design and simulate a differential gear with the help of Autodesk inventor software. As part of this mechanical design project, you will understand the concepts such as gear assemblies, gear trains, types of gears, etc.
Discover more about Differential gear design
For more IEEE based seminar topics and mechanical design projects check out the following:
Hope you got a wide variety of IEEE project topics kindly go through all the design projects carefully and finalize your favourite topic. You can also help us to improve this article by suggesting us the IEEE projects in the comments section.
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