
Major Design Projects for Mechanical Engineering(with Videos)

Mechanical engineering is an interdisciplinary field which covers all the major concepts of engineering such as structural analysis, thermodynamics, robotics, fluid mechanics, kinematics, material science, etc. and also overlaps with other branches of engineering like mechatronics, aeronautical, metallurgical, marine, chemical, civil, petroleum, and many more.

To become a successful mechanical engineer, you should upgrade your skills with the latest technologies. The best way to develop your skills is by building projects, in this post we will discuss, design projects and major projects for mechanical. Also, some tips to save your project cost.

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Note about Mechanical Note:

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1. Automobile Prototyping

2. CNC Machine using Arduino

3. Project Management with Primavera

Tips to build a mechanical design project

  1. Always start your project with a google search, analyse the current trend and latest innovation in your field. Shortlist some topics and read the research papers to have an understanding of the project.
  1. If your project involves multiple engineering disciplines, it will boost your knowledge as well as help you in the placements.
  1. Try to use the design and analysis software like Ansys, Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, SolidWorks, MATLAB, etc. in your project which will not only help you to reduce the cost of the project but also it will give you a chance to learn the software.
  1. Have a discussion with your mentor and friends/teammates about the project which will give you a deep understanding of the project topic.
  1. If you got stuck or facing problem while designing or building your project take help from your seniors or community forums like Quora, StackOverflow, Reddit, Instructables,,, Engineers handbook, Engineers edge, etc.
  1. Plan the project cost and order the components earlier to avoid the last moment surprises. You can also ask for sponsorship from your college to support a part of the project cost. If you want to develop your project without spending more money, you can go for software related projects where you need to spend only on printing the project report.

Also, Check out this article to develop Low-cost mechanical projects

Latest projects on Mechanical

Want to develop practical skills on Mechanical? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

List of major design projects for mechanical engineering students

The below list consists of latest mechanical design projects and major final year projects. All the below-mentioned projects are based on the latest innovations in the field of engineering.

1. Gear train design mechanical project


Gear trains are found in different mechanical devices which helps to transfer the motion from one part to another. In this design project, you will use various mechanical concepts to design a gear train 3D model using Autodesk Inventor CAD software. After designing the model you will also perform the dynamic simulation to check the working of the model.

Explore more about this mechanical design project

2. Differential gear design mechanical project


Differential gears are used in automobiles to provide different speeds to the wheels to prevent the slippage while making a turn or cornering. In this design project, you will develop a differential gear with the help of Autodesk Inventor CAD software. As part of this course, you will learn concepts like types of gear, dynamic simulation of gears, joints, cad modelling, etc.

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How to build Mechanical projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Mechanical Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

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3. CNC Machine using Arduino


CNC - Computer Numerical Control is used to manufacture various mechanical components easily by automating the manufacturing process. There are different types of CNC machine such as - Laser, Milling, Router, Lathe, Plasma, etc. CNC machines are operated with the help of G-code and M-code. In this mechanical design project, you will fabricate a 3-axis CNC machine, which will cut the components based on the input. CNC follows subtractive manufacturing method to develop a product. You will use Arduino, motor shield, stepper motor, DC motor, etc. to develop this project.

Learn more about this mechanical design project

4. 3D printer


3D printers use additive manufacturing method to fabricate the material. It prints the material layer-by-layer by extruding the molten plastic. The device fabricates the components based on the 3D model loaded to the computer. In this mechanical design project, you will develop a 3D printer from scratch with Arduino board, stepper motor, motor driver shield, etc.

Discover more about this mechanical design project

5. Part design using SolidWorks

SolidWorks is a 3D CAD modelling software mostly used by mechanical engineers to design various components. From a simple mobile case to a large rocket everything starts with the design process. If you are planning to make a cost-effective project you can make use of this design project. In this mechanical project, you will learn to design and simulate various complex mechanical components.

Learn more about this mechanical design project

6. Mechanism design using CATIA

CATIA (Computer Aided Three dimensional Interactive Application) is a mechanical design software widely used in Aerospace and Automotive industries to design various parts. Design software are used to reduce the cost of manufacturing by identifying and solving the problem before the actual production starts. As part of this project, you will learn the concepts of mechanism design.

Discover more about this mechanical design project

7. Hybrid vehicle design using MATLAB

Hybrid vehicles are advanced automobiles which use both electric and IC engine to power the vehicle to achieve more efficiency and at the same time to reduce the pollution. In this mechanical design project, you will use MATLAB software to analyse the overall performance of the vehicle in various environments.

Explore more about this mechanical design project

8. Automobile Prototyping


As I previously mentioned mechanical engineering is the base for most of the engineering branches. In this mechanical design project, you will design and build a scaled-down model of a go-kart. While building this project, you will learn about automobile concepts like powertrain, suspension system, transmission system, locomotion of the vehicle and chassis design. At the end of this project, you will develop a working prototype of an electric-powered RC car.

Learn more about this mechanical design project

9. Gearless transmission using elbow mechanism

Gears are awesome and help to transfer motion from one part to another but it creates more friction. In this mechanical design project, you will design an elbow mechanism to create a gearless transmission system.

Discover more details about this project

10. CFD analysis of an airfoil

Wings’ aerofoil shape plays a major role in the lift generation of an aircraft the efficient aerofoil design reduces the fuel consumption by increasing the lift. In this design and analysis project, you will use software like ANSYS, CATIA, JAVA FOIL, etc. to create and analyse the flow of air over the aerofoil.

11. Gear System Designing: In this design project, you will be designing a gear train assembly using AUTODESK INVENTOR SOFTWARE. You will be learning about Gear shafts, assembly of the gear train, about bearings and much more!


Learn more about this design project

12. Computational Fluid Dynamics using ANSYS: In this analysis project, you will be learning about various approaches to solve a CFD problem based on the given set-up and design. You will be learning about things like Heat transfer, Flow analysis through various mediums and Pre-processing tools like MESHER AND SPACECLAIM apart from learning about introduction to CFD and many more concepts.

Learn more about this Analysis project

13. Automobiles Designing and Analysis using MATLAB: As the name suggests, you will be learning on how to design a vehicle using MATLAB by using concepts like Series, Parallel and power-split models. You will learn to design all the major components of a car like Engine, Chassis, Brakes, Transmission etc. among many more. After all, this is what a mechanical engineer would like to do, isn’t it?

Learn more about this design and analysis project

Refer the below list form more mechanical design project:

  • Design and fabrication of sand filer and separator
  • Design and fabrication of RC speed boat
  • Design of water tank
  • Design and implementation of Automatic door using PLC
  • Design and development of stick guide for blind people
  • Design of shunt active power filter
  • Design of an Alcohol sensing machine
  • Health monitoring drone
  • Design and analysis of a two-stroke petrol engine
  • Simulation of cryogenic rocket engine
  • Black box for automobiles
  • Sheet metal design and surface modelling using Autodesk Inventor
  • Buckling analysis of aircraft fuselage
  • Repair of carbon composites
  • Design of an ornithopter
  • RC Aircraft Design
  • Transmission model using MATLAB
  • Fabrication of automatic pneumatic ramming machine
  • Pneumatic Water pump
  • Pendulum based water pump
  • Automatic PVC pipe cutting machine
  • Visual tracking of indoor drones
  • Racing drone
  • Anti-riot drone
  • Air-driven Engine
  • Crowd control drone
  • Bird control drone

So, my dear mechons, generally people say that a mechanical engineer has no jobs, it’s a useless branch and all other crap, don’t believe those things, Always be in the spirit of learning and be dedicated and hardworking, even we have an ocean of opportunities!

Explore more about this mechanical design project

Related projects: ANSYS projects, CATIA projects, MATLAB projects, SolidWorks projects, PLC projects, Aeronautical projects, Drone projects

Major Design Projects for Mechanical Engineering(with Videos)
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-23

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