Employment opportunities for mechanical engineers will grow by around 9% between the years 2020 and 2026 as per studies. Being one of the oldest and most comprehensive forms of engineering, mechanical is an evergreen branch that never goes out of style. However, advancements in science and technology have brought about various changes in this field over the years. Mechanical engineers work in several industries, across various disciplines and projects, making their growth trend different for different industries. Being one of the broadest fields in engineering, mechanical engineering overlaps with several engineering disciplines, such as civil, chemical, and even industrial engineering. As a result, mechanical engineers are diverse and must possess several different types of skills. So, what are those skills and how do you grow as a mechanical engineer? Here are a few mechanical engineering project ideas to help you get started!
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Now that you know how to choose and efficiently manage a mechanical project, here are a few project ideas to help you get started.
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1. 3D Printer
The manufacturing industry is going through a major upheaval due to advancements in science. They are helping us build a more efficient future, by making it easier than ever before to prototype and manufacture complex items. In this mechanical engineering project, you will learn how to build a 3D printer from scratch and print objects using it.
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2. Automobile Prototyping
Automobile engineering is a field of study that is highly-related to mechanical engineering due to the large-scale application of basic mechanics in it. With electric vehicles being a need of the future, this stream will undergo a lot of major changes in the next few years. This mechanical project helps you learn the basics of both automobile engineering and prototyping. Learn about the dynamics and overall design of vehicles, and use that to build a prototype yourself!
Learn more about this mechanical project
3. CNC Machine using Arduino
Almost every workshop you go to will have at least one CNC machine. With the need for high precision parts being so high, CNC Machines have become a necessity in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, as young engineers, we need to be able to work on such machines and should, therefore, learn how to code them. Here’s something to help you get started. Use this mechanical engineering project to build a fully functional 3 axis CNC machine using Arduino.
Learn more about this mechanical project
4. Gear Train Design
Gears are used in most mechanical devices to transmit power from one shaft to another. Their use is so widespread that almost every mechanical engineer ends up designing or adjusting one in their career. In this mechanical project, you will learn how to develop a gear design using CAD software in a hands-on manner. This project is also a great way for you to start using CAD.
You can also check out the following mechanical projects:
Always select a project that adds value, and never pick one that someone gave you or suggested to you blindly. Don’t even take your advisor’s word blindly. Instead, actually sit down and analyse how the project will help you become a better engineer.
Choose a project that addresses a common problem, and solves it. Try to look for common causes or issues faced by people, and try to find answers to those issues.
Focus on your area of interest and choose a project that will help you explore that field properly. Read up on the basics, understand what the project will require you to and finalize on it, only if you feel like it is something you would like to take up in the future.
Look for innovative solutions, but make sure you stay practical and focused. Sometimes, people come up with the most complicated solutions to the easiest of problems. Not only do these projects require very complex engineering, but it is also very often, too expensive. Scale your problem down, and find the simplest, and most efficient solution for it.
Be extremely practical when you set your goals. As students, you have a lot of limitations, such as capital, tools, expertise and even time. Instead of trying to move mountains, try instead to scale hills, but do so effectively and efficiently.
Be creative and try to analyze the problem from different angles until you fall upon one that just clicks. Identify different combinations possible and go for the one that requires minimal cost and resources.
Just finding an innovative solution is not enough, you all also need to be present it well. So, make sure you present the final report in an appealing and formal manner. Prepare a high-impact presentation, and create an information-rich project summary and description. Follow this up with a comprehensive summary, and submit everything on time.
While core mechanical principles, such as thermodynamics, turbomachines, fluid mechanics, and machine design are still useful and very much valid, new technologies such as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology are also gaining momentum. Hence, mechanical engineers will see more growth in engineering services fields, while continuing to play an important role in various manufacturing industries, such as the automotive industry. Since such engineers work on the newest industry trends, such as automation and robotics, the field undergoes upheavals every decade or so. The field of alternative energy production and nanotechnology will also offer new opportunities and mechanical design production will help in popularizing ideas and making these ideas a reality.
Duties of a Mechanical Engineers
Artificial intelligence, biomechatronics, and nanotechnology are some of the upcoming fields which will have a great impact on mechanical engineering. As the transportation sector generates the largest amount of greenhouse gases, environmentalists and other such agencies are pushing for a move towards electric vehicles. Furthermore, the pressure has never been higher with regards to shifting to more eco-friendly sources of power. Both these shifts will require the help and effort of mechanical and energy engineers. The automotive industry is one of the biggest employers of mechanical engineers and with the need for electric cars so high, the future looks good for such engineers. Design engineers will be needed to replace traditional internal combustion engines with batteries, and large-scale production factories for such vehicles will need the supervision of mechanical and production engineers.
Also, as the demand grows such factories will have to get automated, and in such cases as well, it is mechanical engineers who will have to help with the shift. Nanotechnology is another rapidly growing field and one that offers abundant opportunities to mechanical engineers. The creation of stronger composites, development of renewable energy storage systems and the development of advanced biomedical devices will all happen with the help of mechanical engineers. Manufacturing is an ever-evolving field which changes regularly due to the influx of new and innovative technologies. While new technologies have changed the engineering landscape, the future looks bright for mechanical engineering. However, such engineers will have to make sure that they keep up with current and future advancements to stay relevant and avoid being left behind.
How do we make it cheaper? This is one question that every student asks while working on his or her student project! So, how do you answer this very familiar question?
Understand that there is beauty in simplicity. Therefore, as far as possible, while going through solutions, go for something that is simple and effective to reduce unnecessary costs.
Make sure you really put a lot of effort into your planning stage. While it may be tempting to rush through and start, this leads to higher overhead costs, when you do end up making mistakes.
While having a consistent development plan is important, look into the new insights you get and remember to re-adjust your plan accordingly.
Try to repurpose old designs whenever you can, instead of starting from scratch every time.
Though too many cooks spoil the broth, whenever possible try to collaborate as this helps you troubleshoot problems faster and more efficiently. When you have been staring too long at something, it is too difficult to find solutions. Instead, pass the problem over to someone else to get a fresh perspective.
Reduce prototyping and instead rely on simulations as much as you can.
While in school, students who are interested in becoming Mechanical engineers should focus on industries, production and manufacturing. Try visiting a plant near your home to understand your future work environment. Students should develop an interest in problem-solving, and should try to understand how various devices and machines work. Further, they must develop their skills in math and physics.
After their 12th, they should attempt the engineering entrance exam, and try to score well so that they get into reputed engineering colleges for their bachelors. Most mechanical engineering programs include courses in mathematics, physical sciences, and design. The courses will have an even balance of theory and practical’s, with a lot of importance given to workshops and laps. Also, such courses will emphasize internships to help students prepare for work in industries.
Qualities Required
Hope you got some good mechanical project topics from this article. If you want to know more information about the projects, let us know in the comments our experts will get back to you shortly.
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