Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest branches of engineering which is base for Automobile engineering, Aeronautical engineering, Marine engineering, Thermal engineering, manufacturing engineering and mechatronics engineering (a combination of electrical, mechanical and computer engineering). Every product used by people on earth is linked to mechanical engineering.
Individuals who are in the mechanical profession has the ability to understand what all the factors should affect a product’s design and functionality. A Mechanical engineer should have strong knowledge of the following fluid mechanics, mechanics of machines, Thermodynamics, etc.
But nowadays most of the students who pursue mechanical engineering are not getting the required skills during their academics. To overcome this issue students can take up some online courses on mechanical to sharpen their skills which will help them to land on their dream job.
To know more about online courses keep reading further.
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If you are reading this article then definitely you had this doubt in your mind? Whether learning online is worth or not. Let’s look into it.
In this digital world, everything is happening in a faster way than ever. Also, most of the services such as entertainment, shopping, restaurants, education, banking, etc. started their operations online to make the process more efficient.
The conventional method of learning by enrolling for a degree in a college or university and spending more time and money to master in a particular field will not work out in this digital world. Again I am not saying the traditional way of learning is wrong but it is slow and expensive.
So to cope up with this digital world you should also skill up faster. Online is the best way to learn faster.
Nowadays you no need a degree to get a job even big firms like Google, Amazon, Apple, SpaceX, Tesla, etc. have opened their doors for job seekers who don’t have a degree. These companies believe skill is more important than a college degree.
Online courses are the best way to develop skills faster when compared to the offline method of learning.
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More choice of courses - When you are planning to enrol for a degree program or any short term course in offline you may face problem like unavailability of courses, uncomfortable timings, etc. But if you are doing the same course via online, you can concentrate on the subject you are curious in and pick from the variety of online courses and programs.
Less cost - Think of how much does it cost for a college degree where you need to spend on transportation, accommodation, books, tuition fee, etc. But for an online course, you need to spend only for the course fee and book supplies which means more savings fewer debts.
Flexibility - Traditional education has fixed class timings which forces the students to learn when they are not to. Here the students have no control to change their schedules. But in online students can schedule the classes whenever they want.
Self-paced - In most of the interesting online programs and courses you will notice one word “Self-Paced”. What does this mean? Self-Paced learning gives you the authority of learning, you can start and complete the course at any time. You can arrange the schedule based on your requirement.
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More interaction - Some researches have proved that an online course has more interaction than a traditional classroom program. In online courses, there are more opportunities for the students to participate in chats and discussion forums to clear their doubts.
I think these reasons are enough to prove online courses are worth the effort. Even some online courses come with recognized certifications which provides international value. If you are a learner not in need of any certification just a quick online search will give you the right course.
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Mechanical Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and
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If you are still reading this article then you agreed with my point that online courses are the best. But now the next problem comes into the picture which is a large number of online courses available on the internet which creates huge confusion among the students. To keep it simple, Here are some top online courses for mechanical engineering students to eliminate the confusion. These courses are developed, keeping in mind the skills required for a mechanical engineer.
1. Gear train design using Autodesk inventor online course
In this mechanical course, you will learn to design different types of gear using AutoDesk which is a CAD software. As part of this online course, you will be introduced to various mechanical concepts like working of gears, gear ratio, bearings, assembly of a gear train, etc.
Discover more about this online course
2. Differential gear design - mechanical course
Differential gears are the sole part of a vehicle which helps to make a turn properly without getting slipped. In this online course, you will learn the mechanical concepts behind the working of differential gears and then will perform dynamic simulation of the differential gear after designing with the help of Autodesk Inventor software.
3. Automobile prototyping online course
Automobiles became an integral part of everyone’s life because of its numerous advantages. This online course will help you to learn the working of automobile systems like suspension, transmission, steering, etc. from basics. You will finish this course by developing a prototype of a scaled-down model of a car.
4. 3D printer
By using the 3D printer you can make your imagination possible. The 3D printer is a device which creates a 3D model layer by layer through extruding molten plastic. In this mechanical course, you will build a 3D printer from scratch by using Arduino, stepper motor, SMPS, etc. You will also learn how to program the 3D printer using Arduino programming.
5. CNC Machine using Arduino
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine is used by industries to perform cutting, milling, and lathing operations to manufacture a product. CNC machine accelerates the production by automating the fabrication process with the help of G codes and M codes. This online course for mechanical engineers will help students to learn the concepts practically.
6. Vehicle design using MATLAB
In this online course, you will use the advanced mechanical software MATLAB to simulate and test the vehicle. You will also be introduced to MATLAB features like Simulink, Simscape and M script to create and test models with pre-recorded data.
7. CATIA Career building course
CATIA is one of the widely used CAD software to design various mechanical components. In this online course, you will develop skills on topics like part design, mechanism design, sheet metal and surface modelling. After gaining enough knowledge on the above topics you will design and simulate models like a robotic arm, hexapod, universal clamp, etc.
8. Autodesk Inventor course for mechanical engineering
Autodesk Inventor is also a CAD software which is used by mechanical engineers to perform design and dynamic simulation of various components. In this online course, you will learn to build complex components like geneva wheel mechanism by developing knowledge on mechanism design, part design, sheet metal design and surface modelling.
9. Solidworks online course for mechanical engineering
From a small phone case to a large aircraft everything starts from the design process. Design software is used to make the design properly. Solidworks is one such software which is widely used by the mechanical engineers. From this online course, you will practically learn to design parts like wrench design, hexapod and robotic arm.
10. ANSYS for mechanical
In this online course, you will analyse and solve problems related to heat transfer, fluid flow dealing with incompressible and compressible fluids. Also, you will analyse different problems from airfoil to heat emission in the battery module. ANSYS plays a major role in solving mechanical design problems.
Few more online courses for mechanical engineers:
Skyfi Labs provides students with the opportunity to learn mechanical engineering through various online courses. It provides two options for the students self-paced and live-online class to make the learning process more effective. Live online class is for students who want more interactive session and to get the doubts cleared side by side. Self- paced is for students with a busy schedule and who wants to learn at their own pace. Also, all the Skyfi Labs courses come with a smart certificate which can be verified online.
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