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3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
4. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
Technology is one thing surely that is driving our world presently and is definitely the one to look forward in the future. Imagine scanning an image and getting all the required information of the image, in simpler terms, something like google lens, but a more advanced and informative version of it, that is exactly what computer vision deals with. And in this world where techies are the people in demand, there is nothing more important for young techies out there apart from practising in order to turn themselves into professionals, and hence as an engineer, there are many societies like IEEE, which conducts many hackathons and offers many tech-based projects in order to improve ourselves in our field of interests. So, this article deals about basic questions like what is IEEE and Computer vision, how can we integrate these two and how do these two together play an important role and finally take a look at some interesting online projects of IEEE based on computer vision.
So, scroll down to read more!
Discover more about computer vision
Basically, computer vision is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with the creation of computers which can be made to gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos. In other words, it seeks to reciprocate human being’s task.
Some of its tasks include methods for acquiring, processing and giving results for digital images. Also, to extract high dimensional data from the real-world to produce numerical information or information in the form of symbols.
In simpler terms, it is concerned with the theory behind artificial systems and its various deep applications that extract information from images, videos and many other sources.
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IEEE known as the institute of electrical and electronics engineers is one such institute that was set up in response to the growing need for advancements in technology and innovation for the benefit of humanity.
Established in 1884 (a time when electricity started playing a key role in the society), it is the largest technical professional society in the world which is composed of engineers, scientists, and other allied fields.
So, this institute has been playing an influential part in developing budding CSE and electrical students by conducting events and bringing awareness on technology by the combination of subjects like computer science, electrical engineering and IT.
As we have discussed IEEE in the above section, one might have a doubt about the way in which IEEE helps engineering students.
So, the answer is, it does conduct competitions like Hackathons on various tech-related aspects like IoT (Internet of Things), AI (artificial intelligence), etc.
The IEEE is known for maintaining and developing standards for the computer and electronics industry. Therefore, the projects developed under IEEE standards are IEEE projects.
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So, having understood what computer vision is, one might wonder how it helps us in real-life situations. Well, my friend, you might not even know, but right from performing a small task in computer to a complex operation like medical image processing, computer vision is used everywhere.
It has applications in the field of industry for things involving industrial machine vision systems like finding the speed of bottles in on the assembly production line, also has applications involving research into AI, computer and robotics field.
Some of the other places where computer vision is used:
1. Retail and retail security:
For example: Using the computer vision technology some companies claim that cameras have the capability to determine which object is picked up from which shelf just by scanning. Isn’t it amazing?!
2. Automotive: WAYMO is a company that claims with the help of computer vision they have prepared special cars that are equipped with sensors and have also developed a software which can show the 360-degree movement of pedestrians, and any roadwork from a distance as far as 3 football fields.
3. Healthcare: Computer vision technology is helping healthcare professionals to accurately classify conditions or illness that may potentially save patients’ lives by reducing or eliminating inaccurate diagnoses and incorrect treatment.
4. Agriculture: Using computer vision technology to monitor conditions of the crops by using artificial analytics software and other user interfaces. Also, to check for dehydration, pest infestations and nutrient deficiencies.
5. Banking: Banking firms utilize computer vision for image recognition applications that use machine learning to classify, extract data and differentiate valid government ID cards like Aadhar card, PAN card and driving licence.
6. Industrial: Here computer vision is used to inspect bottle’s speed on a production line.
7. Military applications like detecting enemy’s vehicles, missile guidance, soldiers etc.
One might wonder as in how image processing different from what computer vision does while scanning things.
Well, the main difference is that computer vision is a higher-level interpretation of image processing where input is an image and output is necessarily not an image, but a symbol, number or information. The difference is in the goals and outputs, not in the methods.
So, having known about what exactly the IEEE does and how computer vision is important for us, let’s know about some of the best projects IEEE offers based on computer vision. In order to get the best projects online, you need the best website not only for the project but also for guidance. Skyfi Labs is one such online platform which offers some good quality projects along with brilliant guidance. Let us have a look at a few of the projects they offer:
1. Computer vision-based mouse: In this computer vision project, you build your computer in such a way that your computer can perform operations based on what it sees and also enable your mouse to move by just pointing to the desired direction of movement. Sounds amazing right? You will be learning about image processing algorithms, object tracking, image thresholding and canny edge detection.
Learn more about this computer vision project
2. Smart selfie computer vision project: In this IEEE project, you will develop a computer such that it takes a snap whenever it detects a smiling face using image processing algorithms, face recognition, facial feature recognition and Dlib C++ library.
3. Computer vision-based text scanner: In this computer vision project, you will make the computer to scan any text in an image and using an optical character recognition algorithm and display the text. You will be closely working with topics like image processing algorithms, image thresholding and image perspective transformation.
Learn more about this computer vision project
5. Surveillance camera using IoT
These were some of the best IEEE projects which will help you to gain more knowledge of computer vision.
Click here for more computer vision projects.
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