Computer Vision

How to develop image processing projects?

The use of editing apps like Adobe Photoshop, Snapseed, Picsart, and so on have helped millions of people in enhancing images of themselves, others or even the materialistic things they fancy. Young teens could easily cover up blemishes on their face or even have a longer nose if they wanted to. All these interfaces, which seems to be man’s saviour when it comes to editing an image, is done by an advanced and highly efficient technique known as Image Processing.

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Computer Vision Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Surveillance Robot

2. Sixth Sense Robot

3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

4. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

5. Computer Vision Based Mouse

6. Computer Vision Training & Internship

Learn more about image processing

What is meant by image processing?

Image Processing is a digital processing technique which is used to analyze, enhance, optimize and manipulate a given image to obtain the desired image output. In this approach to images, the input given to a system is an image and the output gives the required or enhanced version of the image after processing. We use this type of process to attain better quality in images or even extract particular information from its output.

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Digital Image Processing comes under the subcategory of digital signal processing. However, going by digital means is far more preferable when compared to analog signal processing techniques. With the help of the digital processing system for images, we will be able to manipulate images using algorithms and advance our knowledge in this field by learning various techniques to make use of computer vision. Being a subset of Artificial Intelligence, it could be quite a challenging task to build projects and understand how your system embeds with AI.

Although this might seem true, there’s no need to worry about looking for ideas on building a project when we, at Skyfi Labs can help you craft the best image processing projects by giving you real and interesting ideas to work on.

Understanding an approach or technique that comes under AI seems tedious, but not if you strengthen your basics in this field. Once you are able to cope with the basic concepts and methods, it will simply push you forward to digging deeper and giving you better ideas for your project. So here are few image processing project ideas exclusively handpicked by Skyfi Labs to help you build the best Image Processing Project.

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How to build Computer Vision projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Computer Vision Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

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What are the types of Image processing?

To get you started, you must know the two types of image processing techniques- Analog processing and Digital processing. Analog processing of images is done on hardcopies such as photographs or printouts. Digital processing, as the name literally suggests, processes images on a digital computer. Keeping this in mind, we can head start to choosing the best project idea for you.

How to develop image processing projects?

The following projects will guide you in developing projects related to image processing:

1. Surveillance robot


In this image processing project, you will learn to develop a surveillance robot using raspberry pi that can be controlled remotely using a laptop. As part of this course, you will learn about robot’s locomotion, working of DC motors, Raspberry Pi architecture, etc.

Learn more about this project

2. Text scanner – Image processing project


As part of this image processing project, you will learn to develop an application which can scan and display the text from an image. It is similar to applications like office lens and cam scanner. You will get to know about the working of these applications from this project.

Learn more about this project

3. Image processing-based mouse


In this image processing project, you will learn to develop an application to control the mouse pointer using your finger.

Learn more about this project

4. Identification of Human acts and gestures

This image processing project lets you deal with how communication is being made between the system and the person using a camera. To give you a clear idea, you will learn how to develop an image processing system that identifies human gestures and makes predictions to actuate what gesture has been made. For example, the system’s database will store human activities such as running, eating, sitting, walking, hand and leg movements etc., and when the system detects a human gesture, it reads the signal to tell you what action is being performed. A technique known as process matching is used in this project to help the system understand the actions recorded in the video.

5. Forgery detection of medical image

As we are well aware of the numerous applications of image processing, forgery detection of images in healthcare systems are one of them. Medical reports could sometimes be forged to hide crimes and cover-up tracks, which is why working on this project could be pretty insightful. By the end of developing your project, you will be able to use your system to detect any alterations made in the reports.

6. Image Cartooning

Turn up your cognitive ideas into a creative one! Image cartooning is the project we’re sure any artist would love to work on. In this image processing project, we use Python as our basic programming language with the help of image detecting algorithms and bilateral filters. To those enthusiastic brains who would like to pop out their creative side, you can easily convert any normal or even a plain, dull image into something vibrant and cartoony. We make use of bilateral filters so that you have a reduced color palette for your image. Also, your image detecting algorithms will help you darken your image shapes and give it the desired look.

7. Sleepy Driver detection

You would indeed be a good Samaritan if you choose to work on this project. The number of lives that can be saved on the road due to this very project is innumerable. Every day, thousands of lives are at stake on road; some die of dreadful accidents, some due to drunken driving, some due to their own carelessness, and some due to lack of sleep or long distance travelling, something you presumably cannot blame the driver for. This project is built solely using Python, which becomes a bonus for you since you will learn this programming language even better after learning its applications. So the basic job that this system would do is to detect the eye and head movements of the driver. When there is any change in movement that could possibly mean that the driver has fallen asleep, the system will trigger an alarm to wake him up. Pretty chaotic, but very helpful.

8. Smart Mirror

Imagine having a mirror that can do much more than staring back at your face. A mirror that can display reminders, weather, date, time, and even the news? Sounds bonkers, but you could use the company very well. Its name coined as the Smart Mirror, you can have an ease of lifestyle on the run. For instance, you’re running late to college or work and didn’t have the time to read the news. There you have your pal looking right at you and displaying all the important events occurred in the day. This mirror can also be your reminder if you tend to forget things. You will be able to build this project using Raspberry Pi and Python that will program your display on the mirror.

In case you find these ideas a tough thing to work on, fear not, because we, at Skyfi Labs have a lot more ideas you can choose from. Also, if you run out of ideas for any project regarding any stream of technology, we are always here to help you out.

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Good luck!

How to develop image processing projects?
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-13

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