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Best PHP Projects for Engineering Students


PHP is one of the most used scripting languages around the world for creating websites. In this article, we will be covering some exciting project ideas based on PHP. If you’re an engineering student who wishes to pursue a future in web development, PHP is extremely important for you. We’ve got some interesting ideas and PHP projects, whether you’re a beginner or not, there’s something for everyone to pick from. 

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3. Machine Learning using Python

4. Movie Recommendation using ML

5. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML

6. Brain Tumor Detection using Deep Learning

7. Machine Learning Training & Internship

What is PHP and why it is used?

What is PHP and why it is used?

PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is an open-source scripting language used for the development of websites and web applications. It is mostly used for server-side scripting. This language has been specially designed for web development and can be easily embedded with HTML. It is very much interesting to learn for a beginner, and as you proceed further, this language provides a lot of advanced features for professional programmers. This language is very efficient and is the most used language in this domain. The foundation of many popular websites like Facebook, Wikipedia, Flipkart, etc is based on PHP.

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Functions of PHP

PHP can perform a variety of functions. Some of the most important ones are:

  • Interaction with Web Server
  • Connection to the database and perform important operations like writing, updating and modifying data
  • Uses hashing techniques to hash the passwords
  • Implementation of business logic layers
  • Interaction with the native file system of the operating system
  • Supports cross-platform systems so applications can be developed for any configuration
  • Creation of static as well as dynamic websites
  • Creating desktop applications

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Best PHP projects for Engineering students

1. Online Paid advertising Web application Synopsis

This PHP project will allow you to develop a website that will allow people to register and watch ads and make money via the companies which will pay them for those views. It will further allow the registered members to select long-term membership packages for more benefits. The website will support different languages, currencies and all payment gateways and wallets.

2. RFID Parking with Employee Management System

This PHP project will help you create an automated parking system using RFID to prevent thefts. The system will have a website for registering employee details and using those details for authentication and parking slot allotment. The website will also act as an employee management system and provide basic details like the canteen menu, office blueprint, etc to the employees.

3. General Task Allocation and Auction Community System

This system will bridge the gap between employers and employees by providing an online platform for task auctioning. The user just needs to log in and look for tasks and place bids if he wishes to work or announce tasks if he wishes to hire. This system will hone your PHP skills as it will involve scripting for both the kinds of users, as well as the Admin side to ensure the efficient functioning of the website.

4. Artificial Intelligence Healthcare Chatbot System

This project will help you embed artificial intelligence with web development to create a Healthcare Chatbot system. This system will allow users to log in and register their basic health details. Apart from that, they will be able to communicate with a chatbot which will respond based on previous training as per the keywords mentioned by the patient. This chatbot will then provide suggestions accordingly.

5. Sentiment Analysis for Product Rating

This project will allow you to develop an e-commerce web application and then apply sentiment analysis to the products. Using this, the products will be ranked based on the sentiments in the customers’ ratings and comments. This will provide an easier choice of popular and legitimate products to the customers, thus creating a more user-friendly and interactive system. This project will test your web development skills and also help you learn about machine learning concepts.

6. Internet-Based Discussion Forum

Discussion forums provide a platform for students to state their opinions about certain topics and discuss it with others and thus gain more knowledge from such discussions. This project will allow you to create one such forum which will allow students, as well as teachers and alumni, to share posts and comments and thus help each other. The users will log in using their credentials and perform various tasks like reading, commenting and saving posts.

7. Secure E-Learning using Data Mining techniques

This is a complex project which will involve the creation of a secure e-learning system where the students will be able to log in and get the required materials. The amount of data stored will be vast and it will include student records, course materials, and course records. The PHP project will also use encryption techniques for the safe storage of the data.

8. College Admission Predictor using PHP

This PHP project will be based on creating a web application for seat allotments in colleges. It will allow the students to register with their basic details and marks, and then apply for the colleges they wish to get admitted in. It will also allow colleges to register with their admission criteria. Then the seats will be allotted accordingly, and the admin will resolve discrepancies if any by communicating with the student and college. This improved system will make the process of seat allotment and college admissions much faster and easier.

Apart from these projects, you can also refer to:

  1. Commodity Search for Online Search using Web Mining
  2. Customer targeted E-commerce system
  3. College Social Network Project using PHP
  4. Canteen Food Ordering and Management System
  5. The Legal Group- Freelance Attorney Group System
  6. School Security System using RFID
  7. Teachers Automatic timetable generation System using PHP

These were just some of the exciting project ideas which you can implement. Apart from these, there are thousands of other ideas which you can pick from. The best way to learn PHP is by spending more time on developing web applications and learning more about the different functions which PHP offers.

Hope you got some good PHP project ideas from this article.

You can check the other projects also.

Best PHP Projects for Engineering Students
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-18

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