Machine Learning

Good senior design project topics on Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) is technical analysis for algorithms and mathematical structures used by computer programs, instead of depending on correlations and intuition, to execute a specified function. This is known as an artificial intelligence branch. To render predictions or judgments without being trained clear to carry on the mission machine learning algorithms construct a mathematics model centred on sample data, referred to as "training data." Computer analysis algorithms are widely used in many ranges, for example, e-mail filters and computer vision, where a traditional algorithm to carry out the function becomes impossible or ineffectual.

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1. Machine Learning (Career Building Course)

2. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning

3. Machine Learning using Python

4. Movie Recommendation using ML

5. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML

6. Brain Tumor Detection using Deep Learning

7. Machine Learning Training & Internship

Learn more about Machine Learning Senior Design Project

Data Mining

Machine learning and the mining of data use similar approaches and greatly overlap. Machine learning and data mining also use the same techniques and differ greatly, but whereas machine learning is focused upon inference, the data mining emphasis is the exploration of (previously) unknown data attributes, focused upon informed properties obtained from training results.

Relationship with Mathematical Optimization

Machine learning often has strong relations with optimization. A series of examples formulate many learning problems as a minimum of some loss function.

Relationship with Statistics

In terms of techniques, although distinct in their primary target, machine learning and statistics are closely related: statistics take population sample inference, while machine learning has generalized trends in prediction.

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Latest projects on Machine Learning

Want to develop practical skills on Machine Learning? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

What is a senior design project?

Senior Design Project is a two-month series of courses in which students operate in teams to solve real-life problems. This arises the students to test with the corporate ideas and their way of working with the real settings of the corporate world.

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How can I get project ideas?

1. Gather the experience of real-time life

Sometimes from one's own observations light up the strongest concepts. Write a thorough report of a normal day and describe items that can be changed.

2. Question your mates

Head up with your mates and ask several questions and suggestions. Seek to recognize complaints or pressure points to be avoided.

3. Discover Alternate Channel

Several channels of social websites like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter can light up several ideas from that information shared by those people.

4. Learning online course

The online course offers several ideas to be implemented and does develop the creativity of the people.

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How to build Machine Learning projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Machine Learning Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Machine Learning today!

Machine learning Examples:

1. Online Customer Support

Several websites also deliver the prospect of interacting with customer service representatives when browsing the internet. Both websites do not have live managers to respond to your questions, however. You talk with a chatbot in most situations. Such bots are intended to collect and deliver details to consumers from the web. The chatbots grow over time in the meantime. The user queries are usually better understood and better answered by their machine learning algorithms.

2. Social Media Services

The pages you visit so frequently, your hobbies, jobs or a community you connect with someone else, are visible via Facebook continuously.

Centred on continuous learning, you will become friends with several Facebook users. A friend uploads a photo of you, and Facebook recognizes that friend instantaneously.

Facebook examines poses and images, sees the unique characteristics of the images, and then matches them to the people on your friend's list.

It is a complicated and precise procedure at the back end, however,

the machine learning application at the front end seems straightforward.

3. Virtual Assistant

Machine learning is a big aspect of these team members as they obtain and optimize data depending on the past data experience with them.

This data collection is ultimately used to have the findings relevant to your needs.

4. Video Surveillance

The video tracking device is now AI-powered, allowing for the prevention of crime before it is carried out. The program will, therefore, warn administrators, who would help avoid crashes at the end. These also help strengthen supervisory systems as these acts are recorded and considered to be valid. It happens with computer learning in the context.

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Good senior design project topics on machine learning

1. Fraud detection using Machine Learning


Frauds are increasing day by day due to the advancement in technology, the best way to tackle this is by using the technology itself. In this senior design project, you will learn to develop a machine learning model which will detect the credit card fraudulent transactions.

By developing this machine learning project, you will learn about:

  1. Mean Squared Error Function
  2. Linear Regression & its types
  3. Select K Best features
  4. Gaussian Naive Bayes Algorithm
  5. Confusion Matrix

Learn more about Fraud Detection using Machine Learning

2. Machine Learning using Python


The Candidate will learn about various machine learning algorithms and develop a new house price prediction project using Python language.

In this project the candidate will learn about:

  1. Machine learning algorithms
  2. Importing & processing a dataset,
  3. Visualization and Evaluation of set
  4. Anaconda, NumPy, Pandas, sklearn, Jupyter

Learn more about machine learning using python

3. Movie Recommendation using Machine Learning


Using Python language, you will learn about many machine learning algorithms to recommend movie titles using the machine learning model.

In this project the candidate will learn about:

  1. Mean Squared Error Function
  2. Linear Regression & its types
  3. Update Function
  4. Clustering in Machine Learning
  5. KNearest neighbors

Learn more about Movie Recommendation using Machine Learning

4. Handwritten digits recognition using Machine Learning


The candidate will learn about various machine learning algorithms and develop a machine learning model to recognize handwritten digits using MNIST data. This senior design project will be your first application towards, using machine learning in computer vision.

By developing this machine learning project you will learn about:

  1. Deep Learning
  2. Neural Networks
  3. Tensorflow & Keras Libraries

Learn more about Handwritten digit recognition project

With the expertise at Skyfi Labs and with the best Machine Learning projects, you could carve your skills in various ways as well as move on with the pace of the world. Do leave a comment if you have any queries regarding the projects or even about the Machine Learning in general.

Learn more about Machine Learning Projects

Good senior design project topics on Machine Learning
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-13

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