Science and technology are progressing at a speed that is truly dumbfounding. All we can do is try to keep up with the pace. Every year lakhs of engineers pass out in India. But what sets you apart from them? That needs to be the question in the mind of every student as they join engineering colleges. While going through a textbook might give you bookish knowledge, this will only help you pass exams. You might have a good GPA at the end of your course. But this does not mean you are good with concepts. While having a good GPA is very important, you must also ensure that you understand everything perfectly. The best way to do that is through projects. That’s why this time we have taken a look at some of the best Wireless communication project kits out there so that you can build your expertise.
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Wireless communication involves the sending of information between two points or devices without using any connection by wires. It allows for long-range communication as the concept of wiring is removed from the picture. Wireless communication is also an extremely cost-effective method, and is hence, one that is growing exponentially. It is widely used in the telecommunication industry to transmit audio and radio signals over vast distances with ease.
Learn more about wireless communication projectsWireless Communication is a communication process that occurs between two or more devices without the need or use of any connections. As it requires no physical medium for data propagation, it is called Unguided Communication. Well, how exactly do these systems work if there is no medium? The reception and transmission of data occur through devices known as antennas.
Want to develop practical skills on Wireless Communication? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
These devices are capable of converting input electrical signals into electromagnetic waves. They can do the reverse as well and that is how they receive data packets. As Electromagnetic waves do not require a physical medium for propagation, these systems do not need any physical interface or medium. Usually, wireless systems prefer radio waves as they can travel large distances with ease. Such waves have both magnetic and electric fields as sine waves. Other Electromagnetic waves include the following:
When wired communication has been a phenomenon for decades, why rely on Wireless Communication? Here’s a look at why people prefer Wireless communication systems.
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Wireless Communication Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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Wireless communication is a vast field comprising of several technologies. Hence, the scope for this field is huge and is something worth pursuing. For an ECE, EEE and CSE student, doing projects in this field and experimenting with its concepts can be very helpful. Here we will take a look at the major types of Wireless communication project kits available in the market.
In this section, we will take a look at various excellent Wireless communication project kits for engineering students. Check out Skyfi Labs for more information regarding the same and more such great courses and kits.
1. Wi-Fi Controlled Robot
Get the project detailsWi-Fi is something we all use in our everyday lives. What if we told you, that you can build a WiFi controlled robot? Since we already control several devices using our WiFi, adding a robot to that list isn’t too complicated. This wireless communication project kit will enable you to build a robot that you can control using your Laptop or PC through WiFi. This wireless communication project combines concepts of wireless communication and robotics seamlessly.
2. Smart Irrigation System
Get the project detailsWater conservation is at the forefront of our governmental policies. This wireless communication project kit allows you to do just that by utilizing smart sensors to gauge the moisture content in the soil. Internet of Things and Arduino programming are the main concepts that are used in this wireless communication project.
3. Voice Controlled Robot
Get the project detailsControlling a robot using your voice commands is a cool project. This wireless communication project kit turns your dreams into reality by applying robotics and Arduino programming. Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are already being used universally. This wireless communication project uses technology more effectively by teaming it with robotics and mechanics.
4. Smart Water Monitoring System
Get the project detailsAnother ecological-based system that allows you to monitor water usage levels. This wireless communication project kit brings together sensor technology and wireless communication to conserve water. This will soon be a common feature in most buildings and is hence a great wireless communication project to work on.
5. Swarm Robotics
Get the project detailsSwarm Robotics involves the creation of several small, smart bots that communicates with each other seamlessly. This technology is mainly used in Artificial Intelligence and military surveillance. This wireless communication project teaches you to build an autonomous swarm robot capable of wireless communication. This technology will make or break the future and hence is a field that engineers need to be skilled in.
6. Mobile Robotics
Get the project detailsRobotics and communication are merged beautifully in this project that makes use of those two topics to create a robot you can control using your smartphone. This wireless communication project unravels the mysteries behind automation by helping you understand the concepts behind DTMF.
7. Automated Lighting System
Get the project detailsIoT helps this system to become an efficient way of saving energy. This wireless communication project kit helps you build a street light that turns on and off as per the intensity. Get hands-on experience using actuators, sensors and electrical systems in this wireless communication project that also lets you accomplish a good cause.
8. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
Get the project detailsThe world we live in needs more energy conservation and usage of alternative sources of energy. So, every engineer needs to think about how to save energy. This wireless communication project helps you to build a system that monitors energy and makes decisions to conserve it. By using sensor technology and wireless communication systems, this wireless project helps save energy by monitoring user data.
9. GPS & GSM based Tracker
Get the project detailsGoogle Maps usage is off the charts right now. Finding places is quite easy with GPS and Google on our side. In this wireless communication project, GPS and GSM work together to develop a system that allows you to find the location of a vehicle via SMS.
10. Bluetooth Robotics
Get the project detailsIn this wireless communication project, you will develop a robot equipped with a Bluetooth module so that it can be controlled using mobile over bluetooth. As part of this project, you will learn about Arduino programming, Working of DC motors, etc.
11. IoT using Arduino
Get the project detailsIn this wireless communication project, you will develop a smart weather monitoring device that is used to monitor the surrounding environment with the help of the DHT sensor. Arduino processes the sensor values and sends an email notification to the user. You will learn about IoT concepts, to program the Arduino and to calibrate the sensors.
12. Home Automation using IoT
Get the project detailsIn this wireless communication project, you will develop a device to automate your home with the help of Arduino. This device can be used to switch ON/OFF the home appliances like light, fan, Television, etc. As part of this project, you will learn about Arduino programming, IoT concepts, and Bluetooth communication.
13. Smart Building using IoT
Get the project detailsThis wireless communication project focuses on energy conservation. As part of this project, you will develop a device which switches the lights ON/OFF automatically based on the occupants in a room. PIR sensor is used to detect the occupants in the room.
14. IoT using Raspberry Pi
Get the project detailsIn this wireless communication project, you will develop a smart weather station using the DHT sensor, and Raspberry Pi. You can program the Raspberry Pi to send an email notification about the surrounding environment’s temperature and humidity data.
Hope you got some good information about wireless communication project kits from this article.
If you are very much interested to build a wireless communication project and want to learn and develop skills, we at Skyfi Labs are there to help you. Skyfi Labs provides a wide range of courses which you can learn by building projects right from your home.
Check all the wireless communication projectsFor any queries, feel free to comment below. Our expert will get back to you shortly.
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