Final year projects are a good way for students to learn new things. It also helps companies to gauge student’s inherent skills. They help students understand where their true interests lie. It is thus, a crucial component in building your future. Students can achieve personal and professional growth by investing time in the right kind of project. They also form an integral part of your CV. So, they must be undertaken with interest and passion. Due to the ever-changing technology around us, students get to work on various new fields every year. You need to distinguish yourself from the rest of your competitors and a good project will help you do that. For students studying ECE, EEE, CSE, and IT, wireless communication gives many options. Wireless communication projects are part of an upcoming field and hence, would be a great idea for a final year project. In this article, we will take a look at a few Wireless communication projects for final year engineering students.
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Let’s start off by talking about why final year projects are so important. While the Indian education system is theory-based, your final year project is where you get to experiment. This offers you an opportunity to explore different fields and learn new things. Being able to innovate will help you stand out in the crowd. This will, in the long run, help you greatly when you try for jobs, abroad or in India. Most MNCs and corporates ask students questions regarding their project while taking interviews. This is done because these projects help them gauge the student’s skill.
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Moreover, research-based projects are also very helpful when you apply for Master’s program in abroad. And also enhances your industry knowledge, help you gain useful insights regarding manufacturing. They go a long way in upgrading your career prospects and should, therefore, be taken seriously. Final year projects also serve as a launchpad to branch out into new technologies. They introduce you to concepts which might not have been a part of your curriculum. Final year projects also help in building interdisciplinary skills and leadership skills.
Check more about Final year projectsDesigners mainly use wireless communication because of their ease of use, simplicity and high levels of functionality. Systems like Bluetooth, Zigbee, Wi-Fi and RF Modules are examples of wireless communication systems which have changed the way the world interacts. The medium used to build such devices depends on their application and cost. Both Arduino and Raspberry Pi can be used to direct traffic to such modules and program them. IoT (Internet of Things) has also been helped vastly by the integration of such a wireless communication system, that find use everywhere. Since both Arduino and Raspberry Pi are new and upcoming fields, doing a final year project using Arduino and Raspberry Pi will be very beneficial for your career. Wireless communication projects require the seamless integration of electronics, electrical and computer engineering.
Learn more about wireless projects using Arduino and Raspberry PiFollowing are some of the applications where wireless technology is used:
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Wireless Communication Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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MATLAB is a useful tool that most engineers are familiar with this software. The fact that wireless communication projects can be implemented using MATLAB greatly increases its accessibility. Even if you are someone who is not familiar with Arduino, you can do a wireless communication project using MATLAB. MATLAB is a programming environment and language on its own and several wireless communication projects can be easily implemented via MATLAB. Here is a list of a few popular MATLAB based wireless communication projects:
In this section, we will take a look at some Final year projects in wireless communication projects. Make sure you check out Skyfi Labs wireless communication projects for more information regarding the same.
1. WiFi Controlled Robot
Wi-Fi is something all of us are familiar with, and it is part of our everyday lives. What if we say, that you can build a WiFi controlled robot from your home? Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, since we already control several devices using our WiFi, adding a robot to that list isn’t too complicated. This wireless communication project will help you build a robot that you can access and control using your PC. The best thing about this project is that it combines concepts of wireless communication and robotics.
Check about WiFi controlled Robot2. Voice Controlled Robot
Imagine being able to control a robot, using just your voice. Well, that’s exactly what this wireless communication project lets you do, using the basics of robotics and Arduino programming. We have already seen voice assistants like Siri and Alexa charm us with their intellect. This wireless communication project takes that technology up a notch by combining it with speech recognition and robotics. Speech recognition is an upcoming field and this wireless project will serve as a great launchpad for students.
Check about Voice controlled robot3. Swarm Robotics
Swarm Robotics requires you to create several small, smart bots which can effectively communicate with each other. Primarily used in Artificial Swarm Intelligence and military surveillance, this technology will be the best thing available in a few years. This wireless communication project will teach you to build an autonomous swarm robot which is capable of communicating with other bots. The master-slave communication relationship is new-age technology that engineers need to be familiar with and this wireless project is a great way to get started.
Check about Swarm robotics4. Mobile Robotics
Robotics and communication are the most important fields in science right now and this wireless project comprehensively combines them. This wireless communication project seamlessly unravels the mysteries behind automation. It helps you to create a robot that can be operated via a smartphone. Sounds cool, right? Head on over to gain knowledge and insight regarding DTM, wireless communication, and Arduino programming.
Check about Mobile Robotics5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
The world we live in cannot sustain us forever. Hence, recent years have seen a great amount of incentive being given to energy conservation. What is the better way to conserve energy, than by saving it? This wireless communication project helps you build a system that can actively monitor energy use across the world. By combining sensor technology, smart sensing, and wireless communication systems, this wireless project helps you to save energy by tracking the data. GSM technology is the highlight of this project.
Check about Smart energy meter6. GPS & GSM based Tracker
Most of us have used Google Maps at least once to find a place which wasn’t very accessible. This just goes to show how GPS and GSM have become integral technologies in today's world. This wireless communication project lets you explore the science behind GPS and GSM to build an efficient tracking system. This system may be used to send data regarding the location of a vehicle via SMS.
Check about GPS & GSM based tracker7. Home Automation using IoT
In this wireless communication project, you will build an electronic gadget that is used to control all the home appliances using Bluetooth technology.
Learn more about Home Automation8. IoT using Raspberry Pi
In this wireless communication project, you will learn to build a weather monitoring system using Raspberry Pi. It collects the surrounding environmental data with the help of a DHT sensor.
Learn more about IoT using Raspberry Pi project9. Smart Irrigation System
In this wireless communication project, you will build an electronic gadget which is used to irrigate the farm fields based on the moisture content. By doing this we can save water. ESP-8266 Wi-Fi module, soil moisture sensor, and Arduino Board are used to build this project.
Learn more about Smart irrigation system10. Automated Street Lighting
In this wireless communication project, you will learn to build an electronic gadget that saves the electricity by automatically switching ON/OFF the street light based on the intensity of sunlight. LDR sensor, ESP-8266 Wi-Fi module, and Arduino are used in this project.
Learn more about Automated street lightingHope you got some good information about final year projects on wireless communication.
If you are very interested in Wireless communication projects and want to learn something new, we at Skyfi Labs have developed some online project-based courses through which you can learn and build innovative projects right from your home.
Check all Wireless communication projectsFor any queries, feel free to comment below or visit our official website. Our expert will get back to you shortly.
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