Wireless communication is a form of communication where the transfer of information takes place from one place to another. The advancement in technology is not possible without the possibility of wireless communication. Wireless technology and communication play’s an important role to ease human efforts through innovation.
Wireless communication can be defined as the transfer of information through large distances without involving the enhanced electrical conductors or wires. The distance varies according to the materials used and on them the requirements depend. The no use of wires has reduced the possibilities of the physical wear and tear so the transmission can survive longer as compared to the conventional methods.
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Many colleges and universities are framing their curriculum in such a manner that the wireless communication subject is incorporated. Since the concept is not that of old blood, it faces new challenges every day and the engineers are profoundly working for the improvement of the same. In this regard, the students and the people who study the subject, try to put their innovation to work and improve the communication possibilities. So this article talks what is wireless communication, its types also you will get a brief idea about capstone projects.
Learn more about wireless communication
The term wireless communication was coined in the 19th century and the technology has developed over these years. In the present years, the wireless communication system has become an essential part of the transmission of information and in the subsequent years, many of its types have emerged. Theses types enable communicating the information through various remote areas. The devices used for wireless communications include mobile phones, Cordless phones, GPS, satellite television etc. The various types of wireless communication are:
Want to develop practical skills on Wireless Communication? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
There are various advantages of wireless communication technologies. The few are as follows:
Skyfi Labs offers a large range of wireless communication project ideas that can be learned and worked on. The students learn new things and they get hands-on experience. Following is the list of capstone projects that you can refer to:
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Wireless Communication Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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1. Home Automation using IoT
The field of Internet of Things has recently expanded and it is now used to implement so many working applications. This concept can be further extended to implement the automation in homes or workplace. This capstone project gives you hands-on experience on working of sensors, IoT and wireless communication between devices.
Learn more about Home Automation
2. Smart Irrigation System
The major part of the Indian economy is dependent upon the field of agriculture and the most important thing about agriculture is irrigation. Technology has made it very easy to implement the system of irrigation. In this wireless communication project, you will work with a soil moisture sensor, ESP-8266 Wi-Fi module and an Arduino board to develop a smart irrigation system capstone project. The device can detect the change in moisture level in the soil and controls the flow of water accordingly with a DC pump.
Learn more about Smart Irrigation System
3. Bluetooth Robotics
Robotics not only includes fragmenting the electronic parts but also signalling information so that the right information reaches the right parts at the right time. It is an intricate job of the Bluetooth networks to achieve the same. Robotics and communication are the key technologies changing the way we live and work. In this capstone project, you will learn both of them and build a robot that can be controlled by your smartphone via Bluetooth. This is a great way to learn wireless communication and robotics.
Learn more about Bluetooth Robotics
Check out the following list of capstone projects to gain more knowledge about wireless communication:
If you have any more project ideas kindly let us know in the comments.
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